Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 Reskit graphic


MIISClearRunHistory clears the management agent run histories from the MIIS 2003 server up to a specified date. The tool provides an option for saving the run histories to a text file before deleting them from the MIIS 2003 server. Used without parameters, MIISClearRunHistory will prompt the user before deleting all run histories from the MIIS 2003 server.


miisclearrunhistory [/d:MM-DD-YYY [/t:HH:MM[:SS]]] [/s:Servername[/u:[Domain\]Username [/p:Password]]] [/f Filename] [/l:Loglevel]


Specifies the date of the latest run history that will be deleted from the server. Runs after this specified date will be preserved. The date format may be mm-dd-yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy. If the date is not specified, the current date will be used.
Specifies the time of the latest run history for the specified date in the /d: switch. It should be specified in 24 hour format - HH:MM:SS. If the /d: parameter is specified without the /t: parameter then the Time parameter is automatically set to midnight of that date as "00:00:00."
/pr:Preserve days
Specifies the number of days to preserve run histories. If the /d: parameter is specified, then the /pr: parameter is ignored.
/s:Server name
Specifies the MIIS 2003 server name where the management agent history is to be deleted. If the parameter is not specified then the local MIIS 2003 server will be accessed.
/u:User name
Specifies the user name used to authenticate to the specified MIIS 2003 server. If MIISClearRunHistory is run on the MIIS 2003 server, it will ignore the /u: parameter and use the default credentials. The user needs to be a member of the MIISAdmins security group to delete a run history.
Specifies the password for the user account used to authenticate to the MIIS 2003 server. If MIISClearRunHistory is run on the MIIS 2003 server, it will ignore the /u: parameter and use the default credentials. If the user name is specified but the password is not, MIISClearRunHistory will prompt for the password.
/f Filename
Specifies that data from the run histories is saved to a plain text file before deleting the run histories from the MIIS 2003 server. The data will be saved to the file name and path specified. If the file name is not specified then the data will be saved to a file named MIISClearRunHistoryMMDDYYYYHHMMSS.txt in the current working folder, where MMDDYYYYHHMMSS equals the values of the date and time parameter.
Specifies the message, warning, and error logging level. The possible values are: The log file will be created in the current working directory with the name MIISClearRunHistory.log.
Suppresses the warning prompt that is otherwise displayed when MIISClearRunHistory is run without any parameters.
Displays help at the command prompt.



To clear the run histories up to and including midnight, December 2, 2003, type the following command:

miisclearrunhistory /d:12-02-2003

To clear the run histories up to the current MIIS 2003 server date and time, type the following command:


To clear the run histories from a remote MIIS 2003 server MIIS-1 specifying the user name and password, type the following command:

miisclearrunhistory /s:MIIS-1 /u:MIISuser /p:MIISpwd

To clear the run histories from a remote MIIS 2003 server by specifying the domain server name and domain user name, type the following command:

miisclearrunhistory /d:12/12/2003 /s:MIISdomain/MIIS-1 /u:MIISdomain/MIISuser

To specify the IP address for the MIIS 2003 server name and prompt for the password, type the following command:

miisclearrunhistory /d:12/12/2003 /s: /u:

To save the deleted run histories to the savehistory.txt file in c:\MIIShistory folder, type the following command:

miisclearrunhistory /d:01-08-2003 /t:10:30:45 /f c:\MIIShistory\savehistory.txt /l:2

To save the log information miisclearrunhistory.log, to the savehistory.txt file in c:\MIIShistory folder, type the following command:

miisclearrunhistory /d:10-10-2003 /t:18:10:10 /s:MIIS-1 /u:MIISuser /f c:\MIIShistory\savehistory.txt /l:1

To save the deleted run histories to a network path by using the default file name, type the following command:

miisclearrunhistory /d:10-10-2003 /t:18:10:10 /s:RemoteServer /u:RemoteUser /f \\RemoteServer\RunHistory /l:1

MIISClearRunHistory errors and warnings

Error Code Description
2101 Insufficient user rights to perform the requested task. You must be a member of the MIISAdmins security group to clear run histories from an MIIS 2003 server.
2102 The specified date and time values do not match any of the run histories, or there are no run histories on the MIIS 2003 server.
2103 A user name was specified but a server name was not specified.
2104 A server name was specified but a user name was not specified.
2105 Insufficient user rights to perform the requested task. You must be a member of the MIISAdmins security group to clear run histories from an MIIS 2003 server.
2106 A failure has occurred with the MIIS 2003 service. For more information, check the event log.
2107 Invalid syntax.
2108 Insufficient user rights to perform the requested task. You must be a member of the MIISAdmins security group to clear run histories from an MIIS 2003 server.
2110 MIISClearRunHistory could not run due to .NET framework security policies or low trust on MIISClearRunHistory.exe. Increase the trust on MIISClearRunHistory.exe to "Full trust" and try again.
2111 The MIIS 2003 service was not found on the specified server.
2113 The user has entered five invalid choices at the prompt.
2114 The MIIS 2003 service was not started.

Common command-line errors and warnings

Error Description
2004 A string value was expected for the parameter but the value is not specified.
2006 The date specified is not a valid date.
2007 The time specified is not a valid time.
2008 The computer name specified is not a valid DNS computer name.
2009 The computer name specified is not a valid computer name.
2010 The user name specified is not a valid user name.
2011 The file name specified is not a valid file name.
2012 The path specified is not a valid path.
2014 The file path specified is not a valid file path.
2015 A parameter was specified without a "/" or "-" character preceding it.
2016 A specified parameter is not valid for this application.
2017 A specified integer value is not a valid integer.
2020 A mandatory value for a parameter was not specified.
2021 A value was specified for a parameter that does not allow any values.
2026 A parameter value was specified where the application was not expecting any value for the parameter.
2027 A parameter that is only allowed to occur once was specified more than once.
2028 A parameter that is allowed to be repeated n times was repeated more than n times.
2029 A mandatory parameter was not specified.
2033 A specified parameter value is not in the list of allowed values for that parameter.
2035 The application failed to create a log file. A file already exists with the same name, and is marked Read Only or Hidden.