Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 Reskit graphic


MIISDNSearch searches an Active Directory domain and its child domains to retrieve and display the distinguished names of a specified object. If the domain name is not specified, MIISDNSearch searches in the local domain of the system, otherwise it searches in the specified domain.


Input and display fields

Name Description
Object name Select and type the value whose distinguished names are to be retrieved and displayed, for example OU=NewUsers or CN=MikeDanseglio. Wildcards are supported in this field, for example CN=Mike*Dan*.
Domain Type the Active Directory domain server to search for the distinguished names. If the Active Directory domain name is not specified, it searches in local Active Directory domain of the executing system. The domain name can be given as IP address, fully qualified domain name (FQDN), or distinguished name format.
User Name Type a user name that is authorized to access the Active Directory server. The domain user name can be given as [Domain\user name], where Domain can be an IP address or a fully qualified domain name (FQDN).
Password Type the password for the user name specified to access the Active Directory server.
Distinguished Names All the distinguished names for the object type that were found are displayed. If no data is found for the specified object, "No matching objects found" is displayed.


MIISDNSearch can be run within the domain or it can be run from a remote system by specifying the server name, user name authorized to access the domain, and password.