Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 Reskit graphic


Fileviewer parses a file-based management agent input file. It locates and displays specific lines or entries in order to troubleshoot errors. Fileviewer is particularly useful for locating specific lines or entries in large input files.


fileviewer /F:filename {/L:range | /E:range /Z:filename} [/O:filename][/C:codepage] [/H] [/D]


Specifies the name and path of the file-based management agent input file to parse. The path can be a local or remote location. Fileviewer uses the default credentials to access the specified folder.
Parses the input file in line mode. When parsing a file in line mode, Fileviewer ignores all formatting other than a newline character. The range value specifies which lines to display from the input file. Valid values for range are:
Value Description
x Displays line x, where x is a valid integer.
x-y Displays from line x through line y, where x and y are valid integers.
* Displays all lines in the file.
x-* Displays lines x through the end of the file, where x is a valid integer.
count Displays the total number of lines in the file.
Parses the input file in entry mode. When parsing a file in entry mode, Fileviewer uses the exported management agent XML configuration file, specified in the /Z: parameter, to determine the entry format. Valid values for range are:
Value Description
x Displays entry x, where x is a valid integer.
x-y Displays entries x through y inclusive, where x and y are valid integers.
* Displays all entries in the file.
x-* Displays entries x through the end of the file, where x is a valid integer.
count Displays the total number of entries in the file.
Specifies the exported management agent XML configuration file. The path can be a local or remote location. Fileviewer uses this file to retrieve data about the input file format (for example, delimiters and fixed width column sizes), management agent type, attribute inclusion list, and general configuration information. This parameter is required when running Fileviewer in entry mode.
Specifies the name and path of the output file. The path can be a local or remote location. The output file is in UTF-16 LE format. If no output file is specified, Fileviewer displays the output to the console. The format of the output file is the same format as a management agent log file.
Specifies the codepage to use when parsing the input file. If a codepage is not specified, the default of 1252 is used.
Specifies that Fileviewer outputs all lines in raw hexadecimal format. This parameter is only valid with the /L: parameter.
Specifies that the input file is a delta file. For LDIF input files, you might encounter errors if you attempt to read a delta file without specifying the /D parameter. This parameter is only valid with the /E: parameter.
Displays help at the command prompt.



To export lines 5 through 10 of a UTF-8 file named input.ldif to a remote output file in raw hexadecimal format, use the following command:

fileviewer /F:c:\testfiles\input.ldif /L:5-10 /C:65001 /O:\\MIIS-1\Testfiles\output.txt /H

To export entry number 432 of the delta input file input.ldif to the console using the default codepage, use the following command:

fileviewer /F:\\MIIS-1\testfiles\input.ldif /E:432 /Z:\\MIIS-1\testfiles\ldif.xml /D