Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 Reskit graphic


MIISLogBackup archives all files from the <miisinstall>\MAData\<managementagentname> folder for a specified management agent, or list of management agents, to a specified location. You can also delete the files from the source folder after archiving.



miislogbackup /ma:ManagementAgentName [/ma:ManagementAgentName...] /al:Archive Location [/del] [/l:Loglevel]


Specifies that all management agents are to be archived.
Specifies the management agent name whose files are to be archived. Multiple management agents can be specified. Each management agent that is specified must be preceded by /ma:.
/al:Archive location
Specifies the destination location where the files are to be saved. The archive location needs to be a complete path, and can be a remote shared folder. For each management agent that is specified, a folder with the management agent name is created on the destination location, and all the files from the <miisinstall>\MAData\<managementagentname> folder are written there. The logged on user must have the necessary permissions to create the files in the archive location.
Specifies that all files should be deleted from the <miisinstall>\MAData\<managementagentname> folder on the MIIS 2003 server after archiving.
Specifies the message, warning, and error logging level. The possible values are: The log file is created in the current working directory with the name MIISLogBackup.log.
Displays help at the command prompt.



To archive files from all management agents to the e:\MAArchiveLocation folder, type the following command:

miislogbackup /allma /al:e:\MAArchiveLocation

To archive files from the management agents MA1 and MA2 to the e:\MAArchiveLocation folder, type the following command:

miislogbackup /ma:MA1 /ma:MA2 /al:e:\MAArchiveLocation

To archive files from the MA1 management agent to the remote shared folder \\ServerName\MAArchiveLocation, type the following command:

miislogbackup /ma:MA1 /al:\\ServerName\MAArchiveLocation

To archive and then delete the files for the MA1 management agent, type the following command:

miislogbackup /ma:MA1 /al:c:\temp\ArchiveLocation /del

To create the log file with log level 1, type the following command:

miislogbackup /ma:MA1 /al:c:\temp\ArchiveLocation /del /l:1

MIISLogBackup errors and warnings

Error Code Description
2301 The MIIS 2003 service is not started or is not present.
2302 The destination location specified for archiving the files does not exist or is not accessible.
2303 The destination location specified for archiving the files and the source location of the files are the same. The destination location must be different than the source location.
2304 MIISLogBackup could not run due to .NET framework security policies or low trust on MIISLogBackup. This error occurs only when running MIISLogBackup remotely. Increase the trust on MIISLogBackup to "Full trust" and try again.

Common command-line errors and warnings

Error Description
2004 A string value was expected for the parameter but the value is not specified.
2006 The date specified is not a valid date.
2007 The time specified is not a valid time.
2008 The computer name specified is not a valid DNS computer name.
2009 The computer name specified is not a valid computer name.
2010 The user name specified is not a valid user name.
2011 The file name specified is not a valid file name.
2012 The path specified is not a valid path.
2014 The file path specified is not a valid file path.
2015 A parameter was specified without a "/" or "-" character preceding it.
2016 A specified parameter is not valid for this application.
2017 A specified integer value is not a valid integer.
2020 A mandatory value for a parameter was not specified.
2021 A value was specified for a parameter that does not allow any values.
2026 A parameter value was specified where the application was not expecting any value for the parameter.
2027 A parameter that is only allowed to occur once was specified more than once.
2028 A parameter that is allowed to be repeated n times was repeated more than n times.
2029 A mandatory parameter was not specified.
2033 A specified parameter value is not in the list of allowed values for that parameter.
2035 The application failed to create a log file. A file already exists with the same name, and is marked Read Only or Hidden.