Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 Developer Reference

algorithm-step (import-error)

The <algorithm-step> element identifies the stage of synchronization when the error occurred.


	ma = "ma"
ma The management agent

	dn = "dn"
dn The distinguished name



Attribute Type Required Description
ma ma No The management agent
dn dn No The distinguished name

Child Elements


Parent Elements



The stages of synchronization are as follows:

The ma and dn attributes appear for the following step types.
Attribute Description
validate-connector-filter This algorithm step indicates either a connector space object was provisioned or the connector space object is a disconnector object because of a filter applied to the object when the object was reimported into the connector space. The ma and dn attributes identify this connector space object.
deprovisioning This algorithm step indicates an error occurred when the connector space object was being deprovisioned. The ma and dn identify this object.
export-flow This algorithm step indicates an attribute flow. The ma and dn attributes indicate the connector space object that were flowing attributes to when the error occurred.
recall This algorithm step signifies that the error occurred when attribute value recall was being performed. The ma and dn attributes identify the object that triggered recall to occur.

Element Information

Can be empty No