Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 Developer Reference

Example: Converting Attribute Value Types

When you import objects from a connected system to the metaverse, the imported objects might have attribute values of a data type that you need to convert to a different data type to be compatible with other objects in the metaverse. You can use a rules extension to convert the type of the attribute when it is imported into the metaverse.

Allowable Conversions

Not all conversions between data types are supported. For example, you cannot convert a Reference data type into a Boolean data type. The following table shows the supported conversions, where -> means "is converted to".

  Original attribute type (Attrib.DataType property)
Convert to: Binary Boolean Integer Reference String
Binary Not necessary If true, -> 1; if false, -> 0. Supported Not supported Supported using Convert.FromBase64.
Boolean If all bytes 0, -> false; else -> true. Not necessary If 0, -> false; else -> true. Not supported If "true" or "1", -> true; if "false" or "0", -> false; else not supported.
Integer Throws exception if > 64 bits. If true, -> 1; if false, -> 0. Not necessary Not supported Supported using Integer.Parse().
Reference Not supported Not supported Not supported Not necessary Supported using CreateDN(String)
String Supported using Convert.ToBase64. If true, -> "true"; if false, -> "false". Supported Supported Not necessary

The following example shows how to convert an integer attribute data type to a formatted string before it is imported into the metaverse:

[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Sub MapAttributesForImport( _
	ByVal FlowRuleName As String, _
	ByVal csentry As CSEntry, _
	ByVal mventry As MVEntry) _
	Implements IMASynchronization.MapAttributesForImport

	Select Case FlowRuleName
		Case "employeeStart"
			' employeeStart is an integer representing a date and time.
			' The format is YYYYMMDDHHmmSS, where YYYY is the year,
			' MM is the month, DD is the day, HH is the hour, mm is
			' the minute, and SS is the seconds.
			If (Not csentry("employeeStart").DataType = AttributeType.Integer) Then
				throw new MetadirectoryServicesException("employeeStart must be an integer")
			End If

			Dim startString, year, month, day, hour, min, sec As String

			' Value always returns a string.
			startString = csentry("employeeStart").Value

			year  = startString.Substring( 0, 4)
			month = startString.Substring( 4, 2)
			day   = startString.Substring( 6, 2)
			hour  = startString.Substring( 8, 2)
			min   = startString.Substring(10, 2)
			sec   = startString.Substring(12, 2)

			Dim dt as DateTime

			dt = Convert.ToDateTime(month + "/" + _
				day   + "/" + _
				year  + " " + _
				hour  + ":" + _
				min   + ":" + _

			' Renders 20030903113029 as
			' 9/3/2003 11:30 AM
			mventry("employeeStart").Value = dt.ToShortDateString() + dt.ToShortTimeString()

		Case Else
			Throw New EntryPointNotImplementedException()
	End Select
End Sub
void IMASynchronization.MapAttributesForImport (string FlowRuleName, 
	CSEntry csentry, 
	MVEntry mventry)
		case "employeeStart":
			// employeeStart is an integer representing a date and time.
			// The format is YYYYMMDDHHmmSS, where YYYY is the year,
			// MM is the month, DD is the day, HH is the hour, mm is
			// the minute, and SS is the seconds.
			if(csentry["employeeStart"].DataType != AttributeType.Integer)
				throw new MetadirectoryServicesException("employeeStart must be an integer");

			// Value always returns a string.
			string startString = csentry["employeeStart"].Value;

			string year  = startString.Substring( 0, 4);
			string month = startString.Substring( 4, 2);
			string day   = startString.Substring( 6, 2);
			string hour  = startString.Substring( 8, 2);
			string min   = startString.Substring(10, 2);
			string sec   = startString.Substring(12, 2);

			DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(month + "/" + 
				day   + "/" + 
				year  + " " + 
				hour  + ":" + 
				min   + ":" +

			// Renders 20030903113029 as
			// 9/3/2003 11:30 AM
			mventry["employeeStart"].Value = dt.ToShortDateString() + dt.ToShortTimeString();
			throw new EntryPointNotImplementedException();