Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 Developer Reference |
This example shows how to provision an Exchange 2000 or Exchange 2003 mailbox object with limits on the amount of disk space the user is allocated to store their messages.
You must select the following attributes from the Select Attributes property page for your Active Directory management agent to provision an Exchange mailbox:
You can provision an Exchange mailbox with a mailbox store quota that limits the amount of disk space that the user is allowed to use to store their mail messages. Once the user exceeds their mailbox store quota, they receive an error message warning them about their excessive space usage, but they can still send and receive messages. You can also provision the mailbox with an overflow quota that adds an additional amount of disk space to store their mail messages. Once the user exceeds the overflow quota, the Exchange server refuses to allow the user to send mail. Finally, you can provision the mailbox with a hard limit on the amount of disk space to store their mail messages. If the user exceeds this hard limit, the Exchange server refuses to allow the user to send or receive mail.
The following example shows how to provision an Exchange mailbox. The mailbox is given a quota of disk space based upon the values of the mDBStorageQuota, mDBOverQuotaLimit, and mDBOverHardQuotaLimit attributes. Be sure to add a reference to logging.dll to use the LogException method.
Public Sub Provision(ByVal mventry As MVEntry) _ Implements IMVSynchronization.Provision Dim adMA As ConnectedMA Dim csentry As CSEntry Dim nickName, mailboxMDB As String Dim dn as ReferenceValue ' Mailbox limits, in kilobytes Dim storeQuota As Long ' When reached, Exchange Server issues a warning about the mailbox size Dim overQuotaLimit As Long ' When reached, Exchange Server prohibits sending e-mail from this mailbox Dim hardLimit As Long ' When reached, Exchange Server prohibits sending and receiving e-mail try adMA = mventry.ConnectedMAs("Fabrikam AD MA") nickName = mventry("mailNickname").Value mailboxMDB = mventry("homeMDB").Value storeQuota = mventry("mDBStorageQuota").IntegerValue overQuotaLimit = mventry("mDBOverQuotaLimit").IntegerValue hardLimit = mventry("mDBOverHardQuotaLimit").IntegerValue ' Construct the distinguished name dn = adMA.EscapeDNComponent("CN=" + mventry("cn").Value).Concat("ou=mailboxes,dc=fabrikam,dc=com") If 0 = adMA.Connectors.Count then csentry = ExchangeUtils.CreateMailbox(adMA, dn, nickName, mailboxMDB, storeQuota, overQuotaLimit, hardLimit) End If ' Log and rethrow any exception Catch ex As Exception Logging.Logging.LogException(ex, "Provision", "Caught exception", False) Throw End Try End Sub
void IMVSynchronization.Provision (MVEntry mventry) { ConnectedMA adMA; CSEntry csentry; String nickName, mailboxMDB; ReferenceValue dn; // Mailbox limits, in kilobytes long storeQuota; // When reached, Exchange Server issues a warning about the mailbox size long overQuotaLimit; // When reached, Exchange Server prohibits sending e-mail from this mailbox long hardLimit; // When reached, Exchange Server prohibits sending and receiving e-mail try { adMA = mventry.ConnectedMAs["Fabrikam AD MA"]; nickName = mventry["mailNickname"].Value; mailboxMDB = mventry["homeMDB"].Value; storeQuota = mventry["mDBStorageQuota"].IntegerValue; overQuotaLimit = mventry["mDBOverQuotaLimit"].IntegerValue; hardLimit = mventry["mDBOverHardQuotaLimit"].IntegerValue; // Construct the distinguished name dn = adMA.EscapeDNComponent("CN=" + mventry["cn"].Value).Concat("ou=mailboxes,dc=fabrikam,dc=com"); if(0 == adMA.Connectors.Count) { csentry = ExchangeUtils.CreateMailbox(adMA, dn, nickName, mailboxMDB, storeQuota, overQuotaLimit, hardLimit); } } // Log and rethrow any exception catch(Exception ex) { Logging.Logging.LogException(ex, "Provision", "Caught exception", false); throw; } }