Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 Developer Reference |
You can create a script that can run any management agent by using named arguments.
The named arguments are used to specify the management agent and run profile to run. You can then use a command file to call this script and pass the name of the management agent and run profile you would like to run. This script also returns a value that you can use to determine if you want to run another management agent or stop processing.
The following example shows how to use Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) to create a script that uses named arguments:
Option Explicit On Error Resume Next Const PktPrivacy = 6 ' Authentication Level Dim ErrorLevel ' Return code Dim Arguments ' Argument object Dim ManagementAgentName ' String for management agent Dim RunProfileName ' String for run profile Dim Service ' Service object Dim ManagementAgent ' Management agent object Dim Status ' String for status ErrorLevel = 1 Set Arguments = WScript.Arguments.Named ManagementAgentName = Arguments.Item("MA") RunProfileName = Arguments.Item("RunProfile") Set Service = GetObject("winmgmts:{authenticationLevel=PktPrivacy}!root\MicrosoftIdentityIntegrationServer") Set ManagementAgent = Service.Get("MIIS_ManagementAgent.Name='" & ManagementAgentName & "'") Status = ManagementAgent.Execute(RunProfileName) WScript.Echo ManagementAgentName & " " & RunProfileName & " Result: " & Status If Status = "success" then ErrorLevel = 0 End If Sub ErrorHandler (ErrorMessage) WScript.Echo ErrorMessage WScript.Quit(1) End Sub
The syntax to use is: /MA:<Management Agent Name>
/RunProfile:<Run Profile Name>
For arguments that contain spaces, enclose the arguments with straight quotation marks (" "). Include a space between arguments.
To use this script to run the Fabrikam HR MA management agent with a full import run profile, save this script to a file called RunMA.vbs, and then type the following command-line command: RunMA /MA:"Fabrikam HR MA" /RunProfile:"Full Import".
Example: Running a Management Agent With a Specified Run Profile, Example: Running Several Management Agents from a Command File, Enabling Security in Scripts