Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 Developer Reference

export-error (export-errordetail)

The <export-error> element contains detailed information about the last export error.


	date-occurred = "date"
date-occurred The date and time when the error last occurred.

	first-occurred = "date"
first-occurred The date and time when the error first occurred.

	retry-count = "integer"
retry-count How many times the export was retried.

	error-type = "Any character string."
error-type The type of error.

	cd-error = "Any character string."
cd-error Additional error information.
Term Description
error-code An MA, AD Win32, LDAP, or OLEDB error value.
error-literal The error text from an MA error, if MA is the source.
server-error-detail Additional MA error information.



Attribute Type Required Description
date-occurred date Yes The date and time when the error last occurred.
first-occurred date Yes The date and time when the error first occurred.
retry-count integer Yes How many times the export was retried.
error-type Any character string. Yes The type of error.
cd-error Any character string. Yes Additional error information.
Term Description
error-code An MA, AD Win32, LDAP, or OLEDB error value.
error-literal The error text from an MA error, if MA is the source.
server-error-detail Additional MA error information.

Child Elements


Parent Elements


Element Information

Can be empty No