Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 Developer Reference

File-based Import and Export

This topic demonstrates how a file-based connected data source uses connected data source extensions to import and export objects.


The following C# example shows how a a file-based connected data source uses connected data source extensions to import and export objects. For more information about how this extension works, see Example: Connected Data Source Extension for File-Based Data Sources

using System;

using System.IO;

using System.Xml;

using System.Text;

using System.Collections.Specialized;

using Microsoft.MetadirectoryServices;

namespace SampleMAFileExport


	public class SampleMAFileExport : 


		// Constructor
		public SampleMAFileExport()
			m_xmlWriterExport   = null;
			m_encoding		= UnicodeEncoding.Unicode;
		public void GenerateImportFile( 
			string					filename, 
			string					connectTo, 
			string					user, 
			string					password, 
			ConfigParameterCollection   configParameters,
			bool						fullImport, 
			TypeDescriptionCollection   types,
			ref string				customData 
			// In the following sample, we read the XML file and generate
			// a comma-delimited XML file.
			// NOTE: The connectTo, user, and password attributes in the XML file
			// are not used. However, if the connected data source
			// requires this connection information, these connection
			// parameters are passed into the method.
			// customData can be used for retaining necessary data
			// for performing a subsequent import. 
			// A typical case of this might be the watermark used 
			// for delta import.
				? @"c:\sample_full_import.xml" 
				: @"c:\sample_delta_import.xml",

		//  IMAExtensibleFileExport interface methods

		public void DeliverExportFile(
			string					fileName,
			string					connectTo,
			string					user,
			string					password,
			ConfigParameterCollection   configParameters,
			TypeDescriptionCollection   types
			StreamReader	sr = new StreamReader(
			string		lineContents = null;
			string		exportFile = null;
			exportFile = MAUtils.MAFolder.ToString() + @"\sample_export.xml";

			m_xmlWriterExport= new XmlTextWriter(


			while (null != (lineContents = sr.ReadLine()))
				char[]	commaEscape	 = new char[] {','};
				char[]	quoteEscape	 = new char[] {'"'};
				string[]	valueComponents = lineContents.Split(commaEscape);
				// NOTE: In our sample, we assume that the order given to us is:
				//  objectclass, delta, anchor-attribute, name, e-mail.

				// Check the objectclass node and see if this object class is
				// something that we are interested in.
				if (Nodes.ObjectClass == valueComponents[0].Trim(quoteEscape))

				// This means that we are interested in this object class.
				// Populate the the comma-delimited file.








		// Members
		XmlTextWriter	 m_xmlWriterExport;
		Encoding			m_encoding;

	public class SampleFile
		// Class used to read XML and to mimic a connection to the 
		// connected directory.
		/// <summary>
		/// This public function contains the logic to iterate through 
		/// each node of the incoming XML file.
		/// It then constructs the appropriate text file consumed by import.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="configParameters">Contains a 
		/// <see cref="ConfigParameterCollection"/> object that contains 
		/// a collection of <see cref="ConfigParameter"/> objects.</param>
		/// <param name="types">Contains a list of definitions for the object types</param>
		/// <param name="filenameXML">Incoming XML file to read from</param>
		/// <param name="filenameGeneratedImport">Name of delimited file to product</param>
		/// <param name="encoding">Encoding used for the file</param>
		public static void GenerateSampleImportFile(
			ConfigParameterCollection   configParameters,
			TypeDescriptionCollection   types,
			string					filenameXML,
			string					filenameGeneratedImport,
			System.Text.Encoding		encoding
			StreamWriter	swImport	= new StreamWriter(
			XmlDocument	 doc		 = new XmlDocument();
			XmlElement	root		= null;

			// Read the sample XML file from the specified file above.
			root = doc.DocumentElement;

			// Write out the header of the delimited file.
			foreach (XmlNode node in root.ChildNodes)


		/// <summary>
		/// This private internal method contains the logic to generate the sample import file.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="elem">Contains the child XML element node</param>
		/// <param name="configParameters">Contains a 
		/// <see cref="ConfigParameterCollection"/> object that contains 
		/// a collection of <see cref="ConfigParameter"/> objects.</param>
		/// <param name="types">Contains a list of definitions for the object types</param>
		/// <param name="swImport">Contains a StreamWriter object to generate the 
		/// delimited import file</param>
		private static void GenerateSampleImportFileForNode(
			XmlElement				elem,
			ConfigParameterCollection   configParameters,
			TypeDescriptionCollection   types,
			StreamWriter				swImport
				string			objectclassValue	= null;
				string			deltaValue		= null;
				string			nameValue		 = null;
				string			emailValue		= null;
				string			anchorValue		 = null;
				TypeDescription	 typeDescription	 = null;
				// In the following sample, we do not use the ConfigParameterCollection
				// class. However, if you wantto use it, you can do something similar  
				// to the following solution.
				//  try
				//  {
				//	ConfigParameter configParam		 = configParameters["Attrib"];
				//	string		configAttribValue   = configParam.Value;
				//  }
				//  catch (NoSuchParameterException)
				//  {
				//	...
				//  }
				foreach (XmlNode node in elem.ChildNodes)
					// NOTE: We assume that the XML is well-formed.
					// The sample does not do any validation.
					if (Nodes.ObjectClass == node.Name)
						// Check to see if the object class that we are 
						// currently importing is something that we are 
						// interested in.
						// We do this by accessing the object class. If it is 
						// not supported, an exception will be thrown.
						// This is an example only and 
						// is not mandatory.
						typeDescription = types[node.InnerText];

						objectclassValue = node.InnerText;
					else if (Nodes.Delta == node.Name)
						// Delta node
						deltaValue = node.InnerText;
						// As example, we want to process all 
						// the attributes in the file. Some may not
						// be interesting to use. We will skip those attributes
						// via our try-catch block below.
						// This is an example only and is
						// not mandatory.
						// NOTE: We have made the assumption in this sample
						// that the XML for the objectClass appears before 
						// any attributes below.
						// Otherwise, typeDescription would be null and an
						// exception would be thrown.
							AttributeDescription	attribDescription;
							// Access each attribute to see if an exception will
							// be thrown.
							attribDescription = 

							// Populate the proper attribute below
							if (Nodes.Anchor == node.Name)
								anchorValue = node.InnerText;
							if (Nodes.Name == node.Name)
								nameValue = node.InnerText;
							else if (Nodes.Email == node.Name)
								emailValue = node.InnerText;
						catch (NoSuchAttributeException)
							// Attribute is not defined and so we 
							// do not need to process it.
			catch (NoSuchClassException)
				// Object class is not defined and so we do not need to process it.

	struct Nodes
		// Struct used to keep track of the XML node names.
		// This is used when generating the XML file.

		public const string Root		= "sample-objects";

		public const string Object	= "object";

		public const string Anchor	= "anchor-attribute";

		public const string Delta	 = "delta";

		public const string ObjectClass = "objectclass";

		public const string Name		= "name"; 	

		public const string Email	 = "email"; 	



[Visual Basic .NET]

The following Visual Basic .NET example shows how a file-based connected data source uses connected data source extensions to import and export objects. For more information about how this extension works, see Example: Connected Data Source Extension for File-Based Data Sources.

Imports System

Imports System.IO

Imports System.Xml

Imports System.Text

Imports System.Collections.Specialized

Imports Microsoft.MetadirectoryServices

Public Class SampleMAFileExport

	Implements IMAExtensibleFileImport

	Implements IMAExtensibleFileExport

	Public Sub GenerateImportFile(ByVal fileName As String, _
								ByVal connectTo As String, _
								ByVal user As String, _
								ByVal password As String, _
								ByVal configParameters As ConfigParameterCollection, _
								ByVal fFullImport As Boolean, _
								ByVal types As TypeDescriptionCollection, _
								ByRef customData As String) _
								Implements IMAExtensibleFileImport.GenerateImportFile

		' In the following sample,  we read the XML file and generate
		' a comma-delimited XML file.
		' NOTE: The connectTo, user, and password attributes in the
		' XML file are not used. However, if the connected data data source
		' requires this connection information, these connection
		' parameters are passed into the method.
		' customData can be used for retaining necessary data
		' for performing a subsequent import. 
		' A typical case of this might be the watermark used 
		' for delta import.

		Dim importFile As String

		If fFullImport Then

			importFile = "c:\sample_full_import.xml"


			importFile = "c:\sample_delta_import.xml"

		End If

		SampleFile.GenerateSampleImportFile(configParameters, _
											types, _
											importFile, _
											fileName, m_encoding)

	End Sub

	Public Sub DeliverExportFile(ByVal fileName As String, _
								 ByVal connectTo As String, _
								 ByVal user As String, _
								 ByVal password As String, _
								 ByVal configParameters As ConfigParameterCollection, _
								 ByVal types As TypeDescriptionCollection) _
								 Implements IMAExtensibleFileExport.DeliverExportFile

		Dim sr As New StreamReader(fileName, m_encoding)

		Dim lineContents As String = Nothing

		Dim exportFile As String = Nothing

		exportFile = MAUtils.MAFolder.ToString() + "\sample_export.xml"

		m_xmlWriterExport = New XmlTextWriter(exportFile, m_encoding)


		While (Not (lineContents = sr.ReadLine()))

			Dim commaEscape() As Char = {","c}

			Dim quoteEscape() As Char = {ControlChars.Quote}

			Dim valueComponents As String() = lineContents.Split(commaEscape)

			' NOTE: In our sample, we assume that the order given to us is:
			'  objectclass, delta, anchor-attribute, name, e-mail.
			' Check the objectclass node and see if this object class is
			' something that we are interested in.
			If Nodes.ObjectClass = valueComponents(0).Trim(quoteEscape) Then

				GoTo ContinueWhile1

			End If

			' This means that we are interested in this object class.
			' Populate the the comma-delimited file.

			m_xmlWriterExport.WriteElementString(Nodes.ObjectClass, valueComponents(0).Trim(quoteEscape))

			m_xmlWriterExport.WriteElementString(Nodes.Delta, valueComponents(1).Trim(quoteEscape))

			m_xmlWriterExport.WriteElementString(Nodes.Anchor, valueComponents(2).Trim(quoteEscape))

			m_xmlWriterExport.WriteElementString(Nodes.Name, valueComponents(3).Trim(quoteEscape))

			m_xmlWriterExport.WriteElementString(Nodes.Email, valueComponents(4).Trim(quoteEscape))



		End While



	End Sub

	Private m_xmlWriterExport As XmlTextWriter

	Private m_encoding As Encoding

End Class

Public Class SampleFile

	' Class used to read XML and to mimic a connection to the 
	' connected directory.
	Public Shared Sub GenerateSampleImportFile(ByVal configParameters As ConfigParameterCollection, _
											 ByVal types As TypeDescriptionCollection, _
											 ByVal filenameXML As String, _
											 ByVal filenameGeneratedImport As String, _
											 ByVal encoding As System.Text.Encoding)

		Dim swImport As New StreamWriter(filenameGeneratedImport, False, encoding)

		Dim doc As New XmlDocument

		Dim root As XmlElement = Nothing

		' Read the sample XML file from the preceding specified file.

		root = doc.DocumentElement

		' Write out the header of the delimited file.
		swImport.WriteLine("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4}", Nodes.ObjectClass, Nodes.Delta, Nodes.Anchor, Nodes.Name, Nodes.Email)

		Dim node As XmlNode

		For Each node In root.ChildNodes

			GenerateSampleImportFileForNode(CType(node, XmlElement), configParameters, types, swImport)

		Next node


	End Sub

	Private Shared Sub GenerateSampleImportFileForNode(ByVal elem As XmlElement, ByVal configParameters As ConfigParameterCollection, ByVal types As TypeDescriptionCollection, ByVal swImport As StreamWriter)


			Dim objectclassValue As String = Nothing

			Dim deltaValue As String = Nothing

			Dim nameValue As String = Nothing

			Dim emailValue As String = Nothing

			Dim anchorValue As String = Nothing

			Dim typeDescription As TypeDescription = Nothing

			' In the following sample, we do not use the ConfigParameterCollection
			' class. However, if you want to use it, you can do something something
			' similar to the following solution.
			'  try
			'  {
			'	ConfigParameter configParam		 = configParameters["Attrib"];
			'	string		configAttribValue   = configParam.Value;
			'  }
			'  catch (NoSuchParameterException)
			'  {
			'	...
			'  }
			Dim node As XmlNode

			For Each node In elem.ChildNodes

				' NOTE: We assume that the XML is well-formed.
				' The sample does not do any validation.
				If Nodes.ObjectClass = node.Name Then

					' Check to see if the object class that we are 
					' currently importing is something that we are 
					' interested in.
					' We do this by accessing the object class. If it is 
					' not supported, an exception will be thrown.
					' This is an example only and 
					' is not mandatory.
					typeDescription = types(node.InnerText)

					objectclassValue = node.InnerText

				ElseIf Nodes.Delta = node.Name Then

					' Delta node
					deltaValue = node.InnerText

					' As an example, we want to process all 
					' the attributes in the file. Some may not
					' be interesting to use. We will skip those attributes
					' via our try-catch block below.
					' This is an example only and is
					' not mandatory.
					' NOTE: We have made the assumption in this sample
					' that the XML for the objectClass appears before 
					' any attributes below.
					' Otherwise, typeDescription would be null and an
					' exception would be thrown.

						Dim attribDescription As AttributeDescription

						' Access each attribute to see if an exception will
						' be thrown.
						attribDescription = typeDescription.Attributes(node.Name)

						' Populate the proper attribute below.
						If Nodes.Anchor = node.Name Then

							anchorValue = node.InnerText
						End If

						If Nodes.Name = node.Name Then

							nameValue = node.InnerText

						ElseIf Nodes.Email = node.Name Then

							emailValue = node.InnerText
						End If

						' Attribute is not defined and so we 
						' do not need to process it.
					End Try

				End If

			Next node

		 swImport.WriteLine("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4}", _
							objectclassValue, _
							deltaValue, _
							anchorValue, _
							nameValue, _


		' Object class is not defined and so we do not need to process it.

		End Try

	End Sub

End Class

Module Nodes
	' Struct used to keep track of the XML node names.
	' This is used when generating the XML file.
	Public Const Root As String = "sample-objects"

	Public Const [Object] As String = "object"

	Public Const Anchor As String = "anchor-attribute"

	Public Const Delta As String = "delta"

	Public Const ObjectClass As String = "objectclass"

	Public Const Name As String = "name"

	Public Const Email As String = "email"

End Module 'Nodes