Microsoft Identity
Integration Server 2003 Developer Reference
The EscapeDNComponent(Value[]) method creates a ReferenceValue object that contains
an escaped distinguished name component from an array of Value objects.
The management agent requires a distinguished name with a
single component and the parts parameter contains zero
components or more than one component.
You can use this method to handle multi-part RDNs.
Because different management agents require different
distinguished name formats, this method processes the input strings
based upon the type of management agent. The types are LDAP
distinguished name, such as Active Directory, Sun ONE Directory
Server 5.1 (formerly iPlanet Directory Server), Exchange, and XMLMA
with LDAP distinguished names; hierarchical non-LDAP, such as
Windows NT and Lotus Notes; and extrinsic, such as database and XML
without LDAP distinguished names.
Management agent type
LDAP Distinguished Name
Any invalid XML characters in the value portion of a given part
are hexadecimal-encoded.
Any illegal characters (including invalid XML characters) in
the name portion of a given part will generate an error.
The following characters are escaped:
Comma (',')
Equal sign ('=')
Plus sign ('+')
Less-than sign ('<')
Greater-than sign ('>')
Number sign ('#')
Semicolon (';')
Backslash ('\')
Quotation mark ('"')
If the last character in the string is a space, then that space
is escaped.
Any extraneous leading or trailing spaces around a part name
are removed.
For the XML management agent, if there are multiple parts, then
the parts are alphabetized.
If multiple parts are specified, the composite distinguished
name string is the concatenation of the individual strings
separated by plus signs.
An error is generated if the input string is not a well-formed,
LDAP-style distinguished name string.
Note The validation of
distinguished names is less strict than the syntax defined in the
LDAP specifications. EscapeDNComponent(String[])
allows a part name to contain any combination of one or more of the
characters 'a'-'z', 'A'-'Z', '0'-‘9’, '-', and '.'.
Hierarchical non-LDAP
These management agents do not support multi-part components.
If multiple strings are passed to EscapeDNComponent, an
ArgumentException is thrown.
If any of the characters in the input string are invalid XML
characters, an ArgumentException is thrown.
All commas and backslashes in the input string are
If the last character in the string is a space, then that space
is escaped.
If any part is binary or contains an invalid XML character,
that part is stored as a hexadecimal-encoded version of the raw
data with a '#' character prefixed to the front of the string. For
example, if a part was 'AxC' (where x represents an illegal XML
character such as '0x10'), that part is encoded as '#410010004300'.
Note It is not possible to
specify a binary part with this method. However, it is possible to
have a binary part in CommitNewConnector if the
distinguished name is constructed from anchor attributes and one of
the anchor attributes is a binary type.
Otherwise, all instances of the following characters are
Backslash ('\')
Comma (',')
Plus sign ('+')
Number sign ('#')
If the last character in a given part string is a space, that
space is escaped.
If multiple parts are specified, the composite distinguished
name string is the concatenation of all the individual strings
separated by plus signs.
Product: Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 Namespace: Defined in Microsoft.MetadirectoryServices. Assembly: Requires Microsoft.MetadirectoryServices (in
Microsoft.MetadirectoryServices.dll). .NET Framework: Requires .NET Framework 1.1.