Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 Developer Reference


The IMAExtensibleFileImport.GenerateImportFile(String, String, String, String, ConfigParameterCollection, Boolean, TypeDescriptionCollection, ref String) method is called on an import run to connect to the data source and generate a file that contains the data to be imported from a connected directory to the connector space.
public abstract void GenerateImportFile(
  String fileName,
  String connectTo,
  String user,
  String password,
  ConfigParameterCollection configParameters,
  Boolean fFullImport,
  TypeDescriptionCollection types,
  ref String customData
[Visual Basic .NET]
Public MustOverride Sub GenerateImportFile( _
  ByVal fileName As String, _
  ByVal connectTo As String, _
  ByVal user As String, _
  ByVal password As String, _
  ByVal configParameters As ConfigParameterCollection, _
  ByVal fFullImport As Boolean, _
  ByVal types As TypeDescriptionCollection, _
  ByRef customData As String _
Implements IMAExtensibleFileImport.GenerateImportFile


The name of the intermediate file that contains the data from a connected directory to be imported to the connector space. This value comes from Output file name: in Management Agent Configuration of Configure Run Profile when you create a run profile with a Export type step for an extensible connectivity management agent.
The name of the connected directory. This value comes from Connect To: in Connect To of the Configure Connection Information in the extensible connectivity management agent properties.
The user name of the account with the appropriate privileges on the connected directory. This value comes from User: in Connect To of the Configure Connection Information in the extensible connectivity management agent properties.
The password of the account with the appropriate privileges on the connected directory. This value comes from Password: in Connect To of the Configure Connection Information in the extensible connectivity management agent properties.
The parameters and values configured in Configure Additional Parameters of the extensible connectivity management agent properties.
The value for a full or delta import. Set to true for a full import or false for a delta import.
The collection of TypeDescription objects. Each TypeDescription object represents a description of a Type class that contains a collection of attribute descriptions.
Arbitrary string information that can be retrieved in a subsequent import run. Use this parameter to store a watermark to enable delta import runs. Embedded nulls are not supported. To use binary information in this parameter, encode the information to Base 64 and then decode the data.

Return Values

This method has no return values.


Exception type Condition
BadServerCredentialsException The credentials that are used to connect to the connected directory are not valid. When this exception is thrown by this method, the run stops and the WMI Provider returns the string stopped-bad-server-credentials.

This exception does not generate an event log entry.

EntryPointNotImplementedException The rules extension does not implement this method. When this exception is thrown by this method, the run stops and the WMI Provider returns the string stopped-entry-point-not-implemented.

This exception does not generate an event log entry.

ExtensibleExtensionException An unexpected error occurred in the extension. When this exception is thrown by this method, the run stops and the WMI Provider returns the string stopped-extensible-extension-error.

This exception generates an event log entry.

ServerDownException The connected directory extension cannot establish a connection to the connected directory. When this exception is thrown by this method, the run stops and the WMI Provider returns the string stopped-server-down.

This exception does not generate an event log entry.

UnexpectedDataException The method received unexpected data. When this exception is thrown by this method, the run stops and the WMI Provider returns the string stopped-unexpected-data.

This exception generates an event log entry.


All the exceptions described in this topic stop a run. If the method throws an exception that is not described in this topic, the run continues. If the run stops, the WMI Provider returns the string stopped-extension-dll-exception and generates an event log entry.

All data in MIIS uses the Unicode character set. If the connected data source that imports the data into the metaverse uses a different character set, use this method to convert the imported data to the Unicode character set.

Watermark data can be passed to the customData parameter. Do not rely upon watermark data to be accurate in the customData parameter. The watermark data can remain even after the connector space has been deleted. Instead of relying upon the watermark data in this parameter, create the watermark in this method.


Product: Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 Service Pack 1
Namespace: Defined in Microsoft.MetadirectoryServices.
Assembly: Requires Microsoft.MetadirectoryServices (in Microsoft.MetadirectoryServices.dll).
.NET Framework: Requires .NET Framework 1.1.

See Also

ConfigParameterCollection, TypeDescriptionCollection