Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 Developer Reference |
The TypeDescriptionEnumerator enumerates TypeDescription objects. The class is obtained by calling the TypeDescriptionCollection.GetEnumerator.
The TypeDescriptionEnumerator class is derived from the System.Object class.
The TypeDescriptionEnumerator class implements the IEnumerator interface.
The TypeDescriptionEnumerator class has the following public methods.
Method | Description |
Equals(Object) |
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object. |
GetHashCode() |
Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table. |
GetType() |
Gets the Type of the current instance. |
MoveNext() |
Advances the enumerator to the next TypeDescription object in the enumeration. |
Reset() |
Sets the enumerator to the first TypeDescription object in the enumeration. |
ToString() |
Returns a String that represents the current Object. |
The TypeDescriptionEnumerator class has the following public property.
Property | Description |
Current | Data type: TypeDescription Access type: Read-only Retrieves the current TypeDescription object in the enumeration. |
The TypeDescriptionEnumerator class has the following protected constructor.
Constructor | Description |
TypeDescriptionEnumerator() |
Creates an instance of the TypeDescriptionEnumerator class. |
The TypeDescriptionEnumerator class has the following protected methods.
Method | Description |
Finalize() |
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection. |
MemberwiseClone() |
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. |
Product: Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003
Service Pack 1
Namespace: Defined in Microsoft.MetadirectoryServices.
Assembly: Requires Microsoft.MetadirectoryServices (in
.NET Framework: Requires .NET Framework 1.1.