Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 Developer Reference

EventDetails Method of the MIIS_PasswordChangeHistorySource Class

The EventDetails method returns the details, in an XML format, of a history entry for each password change request sent from the originating connected data source to the MIIS Server. To use this method, you must be logged on as a member of either the MIISBrowse or the MIISAdmins security group.
String EventDetails();


This method has no parameters.

Return Values

Returns the password change history in XML format from the source server.


The XML file that is returned is formatted with the following tags:

XML Element Name Description
<password-change-history-source> This tag maps to the MIIS_PasswordChangeHistorySource class.
<cs-guid> This tag maps to the CsGuid property.
<dn> This tag maps to the DN property.
<guid> This tag maps to the GUID property.
<maguid> This tag maps to the MaGuid property.
<miis-receive-time> This tag maps to the MIISReceiveTime property.
<reference-guid> This tag maps to the ReferenceGuid property.
<last-return-code> This tag maps to the ReturnCode property.
<source-change-time> This tag maps to the SourceChangeTime property.
<source-server> This tag maps to the SourceServer property.


Server: Requires Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 Service Pack 1.
Header: Declared in mmswmi.mof.
Header: Declared in Mmstags.h (XML Tags).

See Also
