Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 Developer Reference


The <context> element contains details about the object that was being processed when the error occurred.


	ma-id = "GUID"
ma-id The GUID for the management agent that was running when the error occurred.

	ma-name = "String"
ma-name The name of the management agent that was running when the error occurred.

	cs-object-id = "GUID"
cs-object-id The GUID for the connector space object that was being processed when the error occurred.

	dn = "DN"
dn The distinguished name of the object that was being processed when the error occurred.



Attribute Type Required Description
ma-id GUID Yes The GUID for the management agent that was running when the error occurred.
ma-name String Yes The name of the management agent that was running when the error occurred.
cs-object-id GUID Yes The GUID for the connector space object that was being processed when the error occurred.
dn DN Yes The distinguished name of the object that was being processed when the error occurred.

Child Elements

Element Description
<attribute-mapping> Information about the source and destination attributes and rule that were being processed when the error occurred.

Parent Elements


Child Element Sequence

The tree shows the ordering and number of child elements. Child elements in a Sequence must appear in the order given and child elements in a Choice are mutually exclusive. Sequences and Choices can be nested. Element names are followed by the minimum and maximum occurrences.

<attribute-mapping> Information about the source and destination attributes and rule that were being processed when the error occurred.
 (Exactly 1)

Element Information

Can be empty No