The following are the syntax rules for a keyword filter list. Be careful to use the appropriate syntax because Forefront Protection 2010 for SharePoint does not perform validation. If the filtering results are not what you are expecting, it is recommended that you double-check your syntax.
- Each item (line of text) is considered a
search query.
- Queries use the OR operator. It is considered
to be a positive detection if any entry is a match.
- Queries are comprised of operands
(keywords), which are text tokens or a string of text tokens, such
- apple (means that the text contains
- apple juice (means that the text contains
“apple juice”)
- get rich quick (means that the text contains
“get rich quick”)
- apple (means that the text contains
- Queries may also contain operators
that precede or separate operands in an expression.
- An expression may be comprised of a
single operand, an operand preceded by the _NOT_ or _HAS[#]OF_
operators, or two operands joined by the _AND_, _ANDNOT_, or
_WITHIN[#]OF_ operators.
The following logical operators are supported in expressions. There must be a space between an operator and an operand (or another operator), represented in the examples by the • character:
- _AND_ (logical AND). For example,
apples•_AND_•oranges. A filter such as this would be matched if the
text contains both “apples” and “oranges”.
- _NOT_ (negation). For example,
_NOT_•oranges. A filter such as this would be matched if the text
does not contain “oranges”.
- _ANDNOT_ (logical AND negation). For
example, apples•_ANDNOT_•oranges. A filter such as this would be
matched if the text contains “apples” but does not contain
“oranges”. _ANDNOT_ is functionally equivalent to _AND_•_NOT_.
- _HAS[#]OF_ (frequency). Specifies the
minimum number of times that the text must appear in order for the
query to be considered true. For example, _HAS[4]OF_•get rich
quick. If the phrase "get rich quick" is found in the text four or
more times, this query is true. This operator implicitly has a
default value of 1 when it is not specified.
- _WITHIN[#]OF_ (proximity). If the two
terms are within a specified number of words before or after each
other, there is a match. For example, free•_WITHIN[10]OF_•offer. If
"free" appears within 10 words before or after "offer", this query
is true.
- _HAS[#]OF_
- _NOT_, _AND_, and _ANDNOT_ (these are at the
same precedence level because they are used in conjunction when
part of an expression)
- The logical operators must be entered in
uppercase letters.
- Phrases may be used as keywords. For example,
apple juice or get rich quick. Quotation marks are not used.
- Multiple blank spaces (blank characters, line
feed characters, carriage return characters, horizontal tabs, and
vertical tabs) are treated as one blank space for matching
purposes. For example, A••••B is treated as A•B and matches the
phrase A•B.
- In HTML-encoded message texts, punctuation
(any non-alphanumeric character) is treated as a word separator
similar to blank spaces. Therefore, words surrounded by HTML tags
can be properly identified by the filter. However, note that the
filter '<html>' will match '<html>', but not
- _AND_ (logical AND). For example,
apples•_AND_•oranges. A filter such as this would be matched if the
text contains both “apples” and “oranges”.
Examples (the • character represents a space):
This expression means that “apples”, “oranges”, and “lemons” all appear at least once, and that “lemons” is within 50 words of “juice”.
This expression means that “confidential” is within 10 words of “project”, and that “banana” is within 25 words of “shake”.
- _HAS[2]OF_•get rich•_WITHIN[20]OF_•quick
This expression means that “get rich” appears at least 2 times within 20 words of “quick”.