This topic describes how to export specific elements of the Forefront TMG configuration, namely individual policy rules and rule elements.
The following procedures provide instructions on:
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Exporting a single policy rule or rule elements
To export a single policy rule or rule elements
In the Forefront TMG Management console tree, click Firewall Policy.
To export a single policy rule:
- In the details pane, right-click the
applicable rule, and then click Export Selected.
To export a single-rule element:
- In the Toolbox pane, right-click the required
rule element, and then click Export Selected.
To export multiple-rule elements:
- In the Toolbox pane, right-click the required
rule elements, and then click Export All.
- In the details pane, right-click the
applicable rule, and then click Export Selected.
To export confidential information, such as user passwords, certificates, and RADIUS shared secrets, select Export confidential information and provide a password. Confidential information is encrypted during the export process. The password you enter here will be required to import the configuration.
Note: It is recommended that you specify a strong password to ensure proper protection of encrypted information. For details, see Planning for backup and restore. -
In Save this data in this file, specify the folder in which the export file will be saved, and the file name.
Importing a single policy rule or rule element
To import a single policy rule or rule element
In the Forefront TMG Management console tree, click Firewall Policy.
To import a single policy rule:
- In the details pane, right-click the
applicable rule, and then click Import to Selected.
Note: You cannot import a file to overwrite the default rule.
To import a single-rule or a multiple-rule element:
- In the Toolbox pane, right-click the required
rule element, and then click Import All.
- In the details pane, right-click the
applicable rule, and then click Import to Selected.
Select the file that you saved when you exported the configuration settings.
If you want to import server-specific settings, select Import server-specific information.
If you exported confidential information, enter the password that you specified when you exported the file.
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