This topic describes how to distribute and install the Forefront TMG Client software on client computers residing in networks that are protected by Forefront TMG. The Forefront TMG Client software includes the Windows Installer ms_fwc.msi file and is available on the Forefront TMG DVD, in both Standard and Enterprise Editions. Forefront TMG Client installation on 32 and 64-bit operating systems is supported.
The following sections describe:
- Enabling Forefront TMG
Client support
- Distributing
Forefront TMG Client to client computers
- Running a unattended
installation of ms_fwc.msi
Enabling Forefront TMG Client support
Before installing the Forefront TMG Client software, you must enable Forefront TMG Client support on the Forefront TMG server, as follows:
- In the Forefront TMG Management console, click
- On the details pane, click the Networks tab.
- Right-click the required network, and then click
- On the Forefront TMG Client tab, select Enable
Forefront TMG Client support for this network.
Distributing Forefront TMG Client to client computers
You can use the following distribution methods to centrally deploy the Forefront TMG Client software to client computers in the network:
- Logon script—A logon script checks if
the computer has the Forefront TMG Client software installed. If it
is not installed, the logon script installs the software from a
network share. The logged on user must be a member of the
Administrators group on the computer.
- Group Policy—Use the group Policy
option to install the Forefront TMG Client software per user (that
is, when a user logs on), or per computer.
- Microsoft Systems Center Configuration
Manager 2007—Use the Systems Center Configuration Manager to
ensure that the Forefront TMG Client software is installed on the
relevant computers in your organization. For more information, see
System Center Configuration Manager 2007
Running a unattended installation of ms_fwc.msi
This procedure describes how to run an unattended installation of the Windows Installer file which installs the Forefront TMG Client software.
To run an unattended installation of ms_fwc.msi-
At the command prompt, type the following: msiexec /i ms_fwc.msi <SERVER_NAME_OR_IP=tmgserver> <ENABLE_AUTO_DETECT=0> <REFRESH_WEB_PROXY=0> /qb /L*v c:\fwc_inst.log.
The following parameters are used in the commands:
- Path—The location of the Forefront TMG
Client installation file. You must specify a value.
- SERVER_NAME_OR_IP=tmgserver—Name or IP
address of the Forefront TMG computer to which the client computer
should connect.
- ENABLE_AUTO_DETECT—Specify a value of
1 to indicate that the Forefront TMG Client computer should
automatically detect the Forefront TMG computer to which it should
connect. A value of 0 indicates that automatic detection is not
enabled on the client.
- REFRESH_WEB_PROXY—Specify a value of 1
to indicate that the Forefront TMG Client configuration should be
updated with the Web proxy configuration settings specified in
Forefront TMG Management. A value of 0 indicates that the client is
not updated.
The command options are as follows:
- /Q and /qb—Indicate an
unattended installation. The /qb option provides a small progress
dialog box. Alternatively, you can specify /qn, which provides no
progress indicator.
- /L*v c:\fwc_inst.log—Generates an
installation log that may be useful for troubleshooting.
The following Windows Installer options may be useful:
- You can use the REBOOT property to prompt or
force a restart at the end of installation. For more information,
see REBOOT Property
- When the REBOOTPROMPT property is set to S or
Suppress, any restart occurs automatically without the need for
user interaction. For more information, see REBOOTPROMPT Property
For more information, see Command-Line Options ( and Command-Line Switches for the Microsoft Windows Installer Tool (