To publish behind an SSL
In the Forefront TMG Management console, in the tree, click the Firewall Policy node.
In the Tasks pane, click the Toolbox tab.
On the Toolbox tab, click Network Objects, click New, and then select Web Listener to open the New Web Listener Wizard.
Complete the New Web Listener Wizard as outlined in the following table.
Page Field or property Setting or action Welcome to the New Web Listener Wizard
Web listener name
Type a name for the Web listener. For example, type: SSL Accelerator Listener
Client Connection Security
Select Do not require SSL secured connections with clients.
Web Listener IP Addresses
Listen for incoming Web requests on these networks
Select the External network. Click Select IP Addresses, and then select Specified IP Addresses on the Forefront TMG computer in the selected network. In the Available IP Addresses list, select the IP address on which Forefront TMG will listen for HTTP requests from the SSL accelerator, click Add, and then click OK.
Authentication Settings
Select how clients will provide credentials to Forefront TMG
In the drop-down list, select No Authentication.
Single Sign On Settings
Enable SSO for Web sites published with this listener
Single sign-on is not available in this configuration.
Completing the New Web Listener Wizard
Review the settings, and then click Finish.
In the details pane, click the Apply button to save and update the configuration, and then click OK.
To set the port to which Forefront TMG will return responses to the SSL accelerator, copy the following code to a Notepad file and save it as SetSslAcceleratorPort.vbs. Then, for a Web listener named SSL Accelerator Listener, at a command prompt, type:
CScript SetSslAcceleratorPort.vbs "SSL Accelerator Listener"Copy Code
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ' THIS CODE IS MADE AVAILABLE AS IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. ' THE ENTIRE RISK OF THE USE OR THE RESULTS FROM THE USE OF THIS ' CODE REMAINS WITH THE USER. USE AND REDISTRIBUTION OF THIS CODE, ' WITH OR WITHOUT MODIFICATION, IS HEREBY PERMITTED. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Option Explicit ' Define the constant needed const Error_FileNotFound = &H80070002 Main(WScript.Arguments) Sub Main(args) If(args.Count = 1) Then SetSslAcceleratorPort args(0) Else Usage() End If End Sub Sub SetSslAcceleratorPort(wlName) ' Create the root object. Dim root ' The FPCLib.FPC root object Set root = CreateObject("FPC.Root") ' Declare the other objects needed. Dim tmgArray ' An FPCArray object Dim webListener ' An FPCWebListener object Dim text ' A String Dim input ' A String ' Get a reference to the local array object. Set tmgArray = root.GetContainingArray() ' Get a reference to the Web listener specified. On Error Resume Next Set webListener = _ tmgArray.RuleElements.WebListeners.Item(wlName) If Err.Number = Error_FileNotFound Then WScript.Echo _ "The Web listener specified could not be found." Else Err.Clear On Error GoTo 0 With webListener.Properties If .SSLAcceleratorPort = 0 Then text = "No SSL accelerator port is configured." _ & VbCrLf _ & "You can enter a nonzero value to enable" _ & VbCrLf _ & "an SSL accelerator port." Else text = "Current SSL accelerator port: " _ & .SSLAcceleratorPort _ & VbCrLf _ & "You can change this value, or enter 0" _ & VbCrLf _ & "to disable the SSL accelerator port." End If input = InputBox(text,"SSL Accelerator Port", "443") End With If CInt(input) <> _ webListener.Properties.SSLAcceleratorPort Then WScript.Echo "Changing the SSL accelerator port to " _ & CInt(input) & "..." webListener.Properties.SSLAcceleratorPort = CInt(input) End If If webListener.Properties.SSLAcceleratorPort <> 0 Then WScript.Echo "Ensuring that the SSL port is set to 0..." webListener.Properties.SSLPort = 0 End If webListener.Save End If End Sub Sub Usage() WScript.Echo "Usage:" & VbCrLf _ & " CScript " & WScript.ScriptName & " WebListener" _ & VbCrLf & "" & VbCrLf _ & " WebListener - Name of the Web listener" WScript.Quit End Sub
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