Forefront TMG further extends caching performance with a downloading job scheduler feature, which can be customized. With the Microsoft® Forefront TMG Job Scheduler service, you can download HTTP content directly to the Forefront TMG cache upon request or according to a schedule. You can use this service to update the Forefront TMG cache with HTTP content that you anticipate will be requested by clients in your organization.
You can configure which content Forefront TMG should prefetch and schedule when the content should be cached, available for access directly from the Forefront TMG cache rather than from the Internet. By monitoring and analyzing Internet access, you can determine which Internet objects will be needed and when. Then you can use the Microsoft Forefront TMG Job Scheduler service to prepare the Forefront TMG cache accordingly.
You can use the Microsoft Forefront TMG Job Scheduler service to schedule downloads of HTTP files from a Web site to a local cache. You can download a single URL, multiple URLs, or an entire Web site according to a schedule you specify.
Note Web sites that have pop-up windows requiring user interaction, such as those that ask for credentials, or offer to install language packs, cannot be downloaded by the Microsoft Forefront TMG Job Scheduler service. Also, Web sites that expect cookies when a client requests a page cannot be precached.
You can determine whether the Microsoft Forefront TMG Job Scheduler service is running through the JobSchedulerServiceStatus property of the FPCServer object. The Microsoft Forefront TMG Job Scheduler service can be started by calling the StartJobSchedulerService method, and it can be stopped by calling the StopJobSchedulerService method.
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Build date: 11/30/2009
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