The following is a Visual Basic code fragment that adds a new schedule called "Extended Work Hours," which includes all hours on all days:
Dim root As New FPCLib.FPC ' Declare a schedule collection. Dim mySchedules As FPCSchedules ' Declare a schedule object. Dim newSchedule As FPCSchedule ' Retrieve the schedule collection of the current array. Set mySchedules = root.GetContainingArray.PolicyElements.Schedules ' Add the new Schedule. Set newSchedule = mySchedules.Add("Extended Work Hours") ' Set the schedule days. newSchedule.Set fpcALL_WEEK, fpcALL_DAY ' Save the changes. mySchedules.Save
Note that the changed schedule is not saved to persistent storage until the last line of code, where the Save method is called.
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Build date: 11/30/2009
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