The following are the COM object warning (WRN) and error (ERR) codes, defined in FpcErrorCodes.h. Note that the error codes with a message identifier equal to or greater than 0xC00403FF are introduced in Forefront TMG.
Symbolic name | Code | Message ID | Message text |
S_FPCLOG_BAD_COLUMN_SELECTION | FPC_WRN(0x200) | 0x00040200 | An invalid set of log fields was selected. Any required log field that was not selected will also be logged. |
S_FPC_ALERTSRV_ALERT_NOT_FOUND | FPC_WRN(0x201) | 0x00040201 | The specified alert was not found. |
S_FPC_SERVICE_INACCESSIBLE | FPC_WRN(0x202) | 0x00040202 | The service is inaccessible. |
E_FPC_CERTIFICATE_NOT_INSTALLED | FPC_ERR(0x300) | 0xC0040300 | The specified certificate cannot be located. |
E_FPC_CROSS_PRIORITY_BOUNDARY | FPC_ERR(0x301) | 0xC0040301 | A Web filter can be moved only into the positions of filters that have the same priority. |
E_FPC_DEST_NOT_IP | FPC_ERR(0x302) | 0xC0040302 | This destination object is not defined using an IP address. |
E_FPC_NO_STORAGE | FPC_ERR(0x303) | 0xC0040303 | The object cannot be written to persistent storage before its containing object is saved. |
E_FPC_OBJECT_INVALID | FPC_ERR(0x304) | 0xC0040304 | The object is not valid. |
E_FPC_STRING_BAD | FPC_ERR(0x305) | 0xC0040305 | The string is empty or invalid. |
E_FPC_EVENT_NOT_DEFINED | FPC_ERR(0x306) | 0xC0040306 | The event GUID specified in the alert cannot be found in the events collection. |
E_FPC_NON_REMOVAL_EVENT | FPC_ERR(0x307) | 0xC0040307 | Forefront TMG predefined events cannot be removed. |
E_FPC_ALERT_KEY_INVALID | FPC_ERR(0x308) | 0xC0040308 | The additional key specified is outside of the range of possible values. |
E_FPC_CANNOT_DEL_DEFAULT_RULE | FPC_ERR(0x309) | 0xC0040309 | The default rule cannot be removed. |
E_FPC_CANNOT_MOVE_DEFAULT_RULE | FPC_ERR(0x30A) | 0xC004030A | The order of application of the default rule cannot be modified. It will always be applied last. |
E_FPC_CORRUPTED_OBJECT_DATA | FPC_ERR(0x30B) | 0xC004030B | The object's data is corrupted. |
E_DOMAIN_CANT_BE_IP_ADDR | FPC_ERR(0x30C) | 0xC004030C | An IP address cannot be used for a domain name in a domain name set. |
E_FPC_QUERY_BUFFER_FULL | FPC_ERR(0x30D) | 0xC004030D | There are too many records in the query result. |
E_FPC_THRESHOLD_OUT_OF_RANGE | FPC_ERR(0x30E) | 0xC004030E | The threshold set is not in the range of permissible values from 1 through 65535. |
E_FPC_OLD_DAILYSUMMARY_VERSION | FPC_ERR(0x30F) | 0xC004030F | A daily summary file is corrupted, or was generated with a previous version of the product. It cannot be used to generate the report. |
E_FPC_INVALID_SERVER_NAME | FPC_ERR(0x310) | 0xC0040310 | The server name has not been specified or is invalid. Enter a valid server name. |
E_FPC_STRING_CONTAINS_INVALID_CHARACTERS | FPC_ERR(0x311) | 0xC0040311 | The server name contains invalid characters. Enter a valid server name. |
E_FPC_EMPTY_STRING | FPC_ERR(0x312) | 0xC0040312 | The string is empty or invalid. |
E_FPC_VALUE_TOO_LARGE | FPC_ERR(0x313) | 0xC0040313 | The value is larger than the maximum allowed value. |
E_FPC_VALUE_TOO_SMALL | FPC_ERR(0x314) | 0xC0040314 | The value is smaller than the minimum allowed value. |
E_FPC_COMPONENT_NOT_INSTALLED | FPC_ERR(0x315) | 0xC0040315 | The Forefront TMG component is not installed. |
E_FPC_BAD_IP_FORMAT | FPC_ERR(0x316) | 0xC0040316 | A valid IP address must be provided. |
E_FPC_IP_FROM_MORE_THAN_TO | FPC_ERR(0x317) | 0xC0040317 | The value of Ip_From must be lower than the value of Ip_To. |
E_FPC_IP_PAIR_ALREADY_EXISTS | FPC_ERR(0x318) | 0xC0040318 | The IP address range specified already exists in the list. |
E_FPC_ALERT_MUST_HAVE_ACTIONS | FPC_ERR(0x319) | 0xC0040319 | The alert <AlertName> must have at least one action enabled. |
E_FPC_DEFAULT_RULE_IS_READ_ONLY | FPC_ERR(0x31A) | 0xC004031A | This property cannot be modified for the default rule. |
E_FPC_PROTOCOL_IS_READ_ONLY | FPC_ERR(0x31B) | 0xC004031B | The protocol definition cannot be removed or modified. |
E_FPC_ALERT_ALREADY_DEFINED | FPC_ERR(0x31C) | 0xC004031C | An alert with the event GUID, server name, and additional key specified already exists. |
E_FPC_FAILED_TO_READ_DISK_SIZE_AND_TYPE | FPC_ERR(0x31D) | 0xC004031D | The disk size and type properties cannot be read. |
E_FPC_EVENT_IN USE | FPC_ERR(0x31E) | 0xC004031E | The event definition <EventName> cannot be removed because it is used by the alert <AlertName>. |
E_FPC_PNAT_PROTOCOL_NOT_INBOUND | FPC_ERR(0x31F) | 0xC004031F | The protocol specified is not a server (inbound) protocol. |
E_FPC_ITEM_IN_USE | FPC_ERR(0x320) | 0xC0040320 | For objects without a specified scope: The <ObjectType1>
<ObjectName1> cannot be deleted because it is used in the
<ObjectType2> <ObjectName2>.
For objects with a specified scope: The <ObjectType1> <ObjectName1> cannot be deleted because it is used in the <ObjectScope> <ObjectType2> <ObjectName2>. |
E_FPC_LOW_RANGE_MORE_THAN_HIGH_RANGE | FPC_ERR(0x321) | 0xC0040321 | The lower port must be smaller than or equal to the upper port in the <ObjectType> <RangeName>. |
E_FPC_PORT_OUT_OF_RANGE | FPC_ERR(0x322) | 0xC0040322 | The lower and upper ports defining a port range must be between 1 and 65535. |
E_FPC_IDENTICAL_STORAGE_NAME | FPC_ERR(0x323) | 0xC0040323 | An item with an identical storage name already exists in this collection. Each item added to the collection must have a unique storage name. |
E_FPC_NOT_COMMON_NETWORK_DIALUP_CONNECTION | FPC_ERR(0x324) | 0xC0040324 | The specified network dial-up connection cannot be found on the computer. |
E_FPC_NOT_FULL_URL | FPC_ERR(0x325) | 0xC0040325 | The URL must start with http://. |
E_FPC_NO_CREDENTIALS | FPC_ERR(0x326) | 0xC0040326 | No credentials were provided. |
E_FPC_NO_DIALUP_AVAILABLE | FPC_ERR(0x327) | 0xC0040327 | Automatic dialing cannot be used. There are no dial-up connection entries configured. |
E_FPC_INVALID_NETWORK_CHOSEN_FOR_AUTODIAL | FPC_ERR(0x328) | 0xC0040328 | Automatic dialing cannot be enabled for this type of network. |
E_FPC_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_STANDARD_EDITION | FPC_ERR(0x329) | 0xC0040329 | The method or property is not available in Forefront TMG Medium Business Edition. |
E_FPC_BAD_LDT_DOMAIN_NAME_FORMAT | FPC_ERR(0x32A) | 0xC004032A | The string is not a valid local domain table (LDT) domain name. |
E_FPC_TCP_UDP_MISMATCH | FPC_ERR(0x32B) | 0xC004032B | An invalid API was used for the specified protocol. |
E_FPC_HTTP_CACHE_MIN_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN_MAX | FPC_ERR(0x32C) | 0xC004032C | The minimum time for content expiration in the cache rule <RuleName> must be less than or equal to the maximum time. |
E_FPC_NEED_SERVER_FOR_CREDENTIALS | FPC_ERR(0x32D) | 0xC004032D | Credentials cannot be added when no server is available. |
E_FPC_INVALID_PORT | FPC_ERR(0x32E) | 0xC004032E | A port number between 1 and 65535 must be provided. |
E_FPC_INVALID_PORT_INC_0 | FPC_ERR(0x32F) | 0xC004032F | A port number between 0 and 65535 must be provided. |
E_FPC_INVALID_PERIODICAL_RUN_ARGUMENTS | FPC_ERR(0x330) | 0xC0040330 | The repetition time is longer than the specified interval. |
E_FPC_INVALID_ICMP_CODE | FPC_ERR(0x331) | 0xC0040331 | An ICMP code between 0 and 255 must be provided. |
E_FPC_INVALID_ICMP_TYPE | FPC_ERR(0x332) | 0xC0040332 | An ICMP type between 0 and 255 must be provided. |
E_FPC_INVALID_PROTOCOL | FPC_ERR(0x333) | 0xC0040333 | A communication protocol number between 0 and 255 must be provided. |
E_FPC_PREDEFINED_ITEM_IS_READ_ONLY | FPC_ERR(0x334) | 0xC0040334 | This property cannot be modified for the predefined item. |
E_FPC_CAN_NOT_DELETE_PREDEFINED | FPC_ERR(0x335) | 0xC0040335 | The item cannot be deleted. It is part of the static configuration. |
E_FPC_IP_RANGE_SET_NOT_ALLOWED | FPC_ERR(0x336) | 0xC0040336 | This network type cannot have an IP range set. |
E_FPC_XML_PASSWORD_REQUIRED | FPC_ERR(0x337) | 0xC0040337 | A password containing at least eight characters must be specified in the EncryptionPassword parameter when the fpcExportImportPasswords flag is set. |
E_FPC_XML_MISMATCH_IMPORT_OBJECT | FPC_ERR(0x338) | 0xC0040338 | The file cannot be imported. The exported file contains an object of type <ObjectType1> which cannot be imported into an object of type <ObjectType2>. |
E_FPC_XML_SCHEMA_VALIDATION_FAILED | FPC_ERR(0x339) | 0xC0040339 | Schema validation failed on the exported XML document. For more details see the XMLParseError property. |
E_FPC_XML_NO_SERVER_AVAILABLE_FOR_EXPORT_PASSWORD | FPC_ERR(0x33A) | 0xC004033A | There is no available Forefront TMG computer to decrypt the exported password. Verify that services are running on at least one Forefront TMG computer. |
E_FPC_XML_IMPORTED_OBJECT_NOT_PERSISTENET | FPC_ERR(0x33B) | 0xC004033B | The object cannot be imported with the specified import options. Verify that the specified import options match the object being imported. |
E_FPC_XML_IMPORT_CANNOT_USE_CLEAN_COLLECTIONS | FPC_ERR(0x33C) | 0xC004033C | Only an array object can be imported with the CleanCollections parameter set to True. |
E_FPC_XML_MISMATCH_IMPORT_EDITION | FPC_ERR(0x33D) | 0xC004033D | Enterprise Edition settings cannot be imported into Standard Edition, and Standard Edition settings cannot be imported into Enterprise Edition. |
E_FPC_XML_MISMATCH_BUILD | FPC_ERR(0x33E) | 0xC004033E | An XML DOM document object cannot be imported from a newer build. |
E_FPC_XML_WITH_PASSWORDS_REQUIRED | FPC_ERR(0x33F) | 0xC004033F | An XML DOM document object that was exported without the fpcExportImportPasswords flag set cannot be imported with the fpcExportImportPasswords flag set. |
E_FPC_XML_WITH_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REQUIRED | FPC_ERR(0x340) | 0xC0040340 | An XML DOM document object that was exported without the fpcExportImportUserPermissions flag set cannot be imported with the fpcExportImportUserPermissions flag set. |
E_FPC_XML_WITH_SERVER_SPECIFIC_INFO_REQUIRED | FPC_ERR(0x341) | 0xC0040341 | An XML DOM document object that was exported without the fpcExportImportServerSpecific flag set cannot be imported with the fpcExportImportServerSpecific flag set. |
E_FPC_XML_INVALID_OPTIONAL_DATA_VALUE | FPC_ERR(0x342) | 0xC0040342 | The value of the OptionalData parameter must be a bitwise combination of FpcExportImportOptionalData values. |
E_FPC_XML_WRONG_PASSWORD | FPC_ERR(0x343) | 0xC0040343 | The password that you provided for the XML import is incorrect. Verify that the password matches the password provided during the export. |
E_FPC_NO_VPN_CONNECTION_FOR_THE_NETWORK | FPC_ERR(0x344) | 0xC0040344 | The VPN properties cannot be configured for non-VPN networks. |
E_FPC_CAN_NOT_CHANGE_CONNECTION_TYPE | FPC_ERR(0x345) | 0xC0040345 | The connection type cannot be set for the network specified. |
E_FPC_IP_RANGE_ENTRY_INTERSECT_WITH_LOCAL_NETWORK | FPC_ERR(0x346) | 0xC0040346 | The <NetworkName> network includes IP addresses in the range <LowerLimit>-<UpperLimit>. Networks cannot contain IP address ranges that overlap another network. |
E_FPC_IP_RANGE_ENTRY_INTERSECT_WITH_LIMITED_BROADCAST | FPC_ERR(0x347) | 0xC0040347 | The specified address range contains the limited broadcast IP address ( Change the IP range so that it does not contain |
E_FPC_IP_RANGE_ENTRY_INTERSECT_WITH_LOCAL_VPN_CONFIG | FPC_ERR(0x348) | 0xC0040348 | The static address pool of the VPN configuration includes IP addresses the range <RangeStart>-<RangeEnd>. Networks cannot contain IP address ranges that overlap the static address pool of the VPN configuration. (This error is not generated by Forefront TMG). |
E_FPC_INVALID_NETWORK_CONNECTION_TYPE | FPC_ERR(0x349) | 0xC0040349 | The connection type is not valid for this network type. |
E_FPC_VPN_STATIC_ADDRESS_POOL_RAN_OUT_OF_ADDRESSES | FPC_ERR(0x34A) | 0xC004034A | There are not enough IP addresses available for VPN connections. For each server, the number of IP addresses in the static address pool must be at least one greater than the sum of the maximum number of connections allowed in the VPN configuration and the number of VPN networks. |
E_FPC_PREDEFINED_NETWORK_IS_READ_ONLY | FPC_ERR(0x34B) | 0xC004034B | This property cannot be modified for a predefined network. |
E_FPC_STORAGE_VER_MISMATCH | FPC_ERR(0x34C) | 0xC004034C | The Forefront TMG storage version is incompatible. |
E_FPC_BAD_ADMIN_VERSION | FPC_ERR(0x34D) | 0xC004034D | The version of the MMC management console in the remote Forefront TMG computer is incompatible. Upgrade either the local computer, or the remote Forefront TMG computer. |
E_FPC_ALERTSRV_UNKNOWN_EVENT | FPC_ERR(0x34E) | 0xC004034E | The event signaled cannot be found. |
E_FPC_ALERTSRV_BAD_EVENT_GUID | FPC_ERR(0x34F) | 0xC004034F | The event GUID is not a valid GUID. |
E_FPC_ALERTSRV_DUPLICATED_ALERT | FPC_ERR(0x350) | 0xC0040350 | An alert with the same event condition, server name, and additional key is already defined. |
E_FPC_PROTOCOL_NOT_OUTBOUND | FPC_ERR(0x351) | 0xC0040351 | The specified protocol is a server (inbound) protocol. Inbound protocols can only be used in server publishing rules. |
E_FPC_VIP_IS_NOT_IN_RELATED_NETWORK | FPC_ERR(0x352) | 0xC0040352 | The specified Virtual IP address (VIP) <VIP> is not contained in the <NetworkName> network, in which the Network Load Balancing cluster resides. |
E_FPC_NLB_NIC_IDNETIFIER_IS_NOT_UNIQUE | FPC_ERR(0x353) | 0xC0040353 | The specified network adapter (<AdapterName>) in the Network Load Balancing configuration of the <NetworkName1> network is already used for Network Load Balancing of the <NetworkName2> network on this server. |
E_FPC_NO_ACCESS_PROPERTIES_FOR_THE_RULE | FPC_ERR(0x354) | 0xC0040354 | Access rule properties can only be configured for access rules, and not for other rules such as Web publishing and server publishing rules. |
E_FPC_NO_SERVER_PBLISHING_PROPERTIES_FOR_THE_RULE | FPC_ERR(0x355) | 0xC0040355 | Server publishing properties can be configured only for server publishing rules. |
E_FPC_NO_WEB_PBLISHING_PROPERTIES_FOR_THE_RULE | FPC_ERR(0x356) | 0xC0040356 | Web publishing properties can only be configured for Web publishing rules. |
E_FPC_BAD_ITEM_NAME | FPC_ERR(0x357) | 0xC0040357 | The <ObjectType1> referenced by <ObjectType2> <ObjectName> does not exist. |
E_FPC_AUTHENTICATION_SCHEME_FORWARD_ONLY | FPC_ERR(0x358) | 0xC0040358 | The authentication method selected cannot be used to authenticate Web publishing requests. Only outgoing Web requests can be authenticated using this method. |
E_FPC_AUTHENTICATION_SCHEME_REVERSE_ONLY | FPC_ERR(0x359) | 0xC0040359 | The authentication method selected cannot be used to authenticate outgoing Web requests. Only Web Publishing rules can use this authentication method. |
E_FPC_AUTHENTICATION_DOESNT_PROVIDE_NAMESPACE | FPC_ERR(0x35A) | 0xC004035A | The selected user namespace is not supported by an authentication method. |
E_FPC_AUTHENTICATION_SCHEME_EXCLUSIVE | FPC_ERR(0x35B) | 0xC004035B | <AuthenticationMethod> authentication cannot be used together with any other authentication method. |
E_FPC_SECONDARY_CONNECTIONS_ARE_NOT_APPLICABLE | FPC_ERR(0x35C) | 0xC004035C | The specified protocol contains references to application filters. The secondary connections are not applicable |
E_FPC_INVALID_DIRECTORY | FPC_ERR(0x35D) | 0xC004035D | The directory is invalid. |
E_FPC_INVALID_DATE | FPC_ERR(0x35E) | 0xC004035E | The date is invalid. |
E_FPC_INVALID_DAYS_OF_WEEK | FPC_ERR(0x35F) | 0xC004035F | At least one day of the week must be specified. |
E_FPC_INVALID_DAY_OF_MONTH | FPC_ERR(0x360) | 0xC0040360 | The day of the month must be a number from 1 through 31. |
E_FPC_ADD_LINK_WITHOUT_PUBLISHING | FPC_ERR(0x361) | 0xC0040361 | To add a link to a report, publishing must be enabled for the report.To add a link to a report, publishing must be enabled for the report. |
E_FPC_INVALID_EMAIL_CONFIGURATION | FPC_ERR(0x362) | 0xC0040362 | To send an e-mail, specify a valid SMTP server name, From line, and To line (or Cc line). |
E_FPC_INVALID_PUBLISHING_CONFIGURATION | FPC_ERR(0x363) | 0xC0040363 | When publishing a report you must specify a valid publishing folder. |
E_FPC_INVALID_CATEGORIES | FPC_ERR(0x364) | 0xC0040364 | The report must include one or more valid report categories. |
E_FPC_VPN_STATIC_ADDRESS_POOL_INVALID_RANGE | FPC_ERR(0x365) | 0xC0040365 | IP address ranges in the static address pool must be between and |
E_FPC_VPN_STATIC_ADDRESS_POOL_RANGE_TOO_SMALL | FPC_ERR(0x366) | 0xC0040366 | The IP address range is not valid. An IP address range must contain at least two IP addresses. |
E_FPC_VPN_MAXIMUM_CONNECTION | FPC_ERR(0x367) | 0xC0040367 | The value specified for the maximum number of connections must be between <LowerLimit> and <UpperLimit>. |
E_FPC_VPN_INVALID_IP | FPC_ERR(0x368) | 0xC0040368 | An IP address must be either or belong to the range from to |
E_FPC_VPN_INVALID_VALUE_IPS | FPC_ERR(0x369) | 0xC0040369 | The IP address of the primary server must be specified, or the option of using a DHCP server must be selected. |
E_FPC_INVALID_SAVEASHTML_CALL | FPC_ERR(0x36A) | 0xC004036A | Only reports that have been generated successfully can be saved in HTML format. |
E_FPC_SERVER_PUBLISHING_HAS_NO_NETWORKS | FPC_ERR(0x36B) | 0xC004036B | At least one network or network set must be specified for the server publishing rule <RuleName>. |
E_FPC_VPN_NETWORK_LISTENER_LIST_EMPTY | FPC_ERR(0x36C) | 0xC004036C | At least one network must be selected for VPN client access. |
E_FPC_VPN_PROTOCOL_NOT_CHOSEN | FPC_ERR(0x36D) | 0xC004036D | At least one protocol must be selected for VPN remote client access. |
E_FPC_NO_FULL_ADMINISTRATORS_LEFT | FPC_ERR(0x36E) | 0xC004036E | Forefront TMG cannot delete the specified user. a Forefront TMG configuration must include at least one user who is delegated the role of Forefront TMG Full Administrator. |
E_FPC_PROTOCOL_RAW_CAN_NOT_HAVE_AN_APPLICATION_FILTER | FPC_ERR(0x36F) | 0xC004036F | A protocol definition that has a raw or ICMP protocol cannot have an application filter associated with it. |
E_FPC_PROTOCOL_ONLY_ONE_RAW_CONNECTION_ALLOWED | FPC_ERR(0x370) | 0xC0040370 | A protocol definition can have only one raw connection. |
E_FPC_NO_LOCALHOST_IN_NETWORK_RULE | FPC_ERR(0x371) | 0xC0040371 | The Local Host network cannot be included in a network rule. |
E_FPC_WEB_PUB_RULE_MUST_HAVE_SPECIFIC_PUBLIC_NAMES | FPC_ERR(0x372) | 0xC0040372 | The Web publishing rule <RuleName> can apply only to public names which do not include an asterisk (*). When link translation is enabled, the public name cannot include wildcard characters, and must be explicit. |
E_FPC_PROTOCOL_MUST_HAVE_PRIMARY_CONNECTION | FPC_ERR(0x373) | 0xC0040373 | The protocol definition must include at least one primary connection. |
E_FPC_PROTOCOL_ONLY_SAME_DIRECTION_CONNECTION_ALLOWED | FPC_ERR(0x374) | 0xC0040374 | Primary connections for the protocol definition must be configured for either outbound or inbound traffic, but not both. |
E_FPC_REPORT_RUN_REQUIRES_SCHEDULER_RUNNING | FPC_ERR(0x375) | 0xC0040375 | The Microsoft Job Scheduler service must be running to create a report. |
E_FPC_WEB_PUBLISHING_RULE_NO_LISTENER | FPC_ERR(0x376) | 0xC0040376 | No Web listener is specified for the Web publishing rule <RuleName>. |
E_FPC_VPN_IPSEC_PRESHARED_SECRET_NOT_SUPPORTED | FPC_ERR(0x377) | 0xC0040377 | The use of a preshared IPsec key is not supported on this version of Windows. |
E_FPC_RADIUS_QUARANTINE_NOT_SUPPORTED | FPC_ERR(0x378) | 0xC0040378 | VPN quarantine based on RADIUS policies is not supported on this version of Windows. |
E_FPC_BACKUP_ROUTE_MISSING_SERVER_NAME | FPC_ERR(0x379) | 0xC0040379 | A server name must be specified in the backup route in the chaining rule <RuleName>. |
E_FPC_PRIMARY_ROUTE_MISSING_SERVER_NAME | FPC_ERR(0x37A) | 0xC004037A | A server name must be specified in the primary route in the chaining rule <RuleName>. |
E_FPC_WEB_BROWSER_CUSTOM_SCRIPT_MISSING | FPC_ERR(0x37B) | 0xC004037B | The URL or file name of a custom script for configuring Firewall client Web browsers must be specified for the <NetworkName> network. |
E_FPC_DIALUP_MISSING_USER_NAME | FPC_ERR(0x37C) | 0xC004037C | No user name was specified for the automatic dialing configuration. |
E_FPC_VPN_IPSEC_NETWORK_NOT_SUPPORTED | FPC_ERR(0x37D) | 0xC004037D | Retrieval of the IPsec VPN network settings is not supported for networks that do not have an IPsec connection. |
E_FPC_VPN_L2TPPPTP_NETWORK_NOT_SUPPORTED | FPC_ERR(0x37E) | 0xC004037E | Retrieval of the L2TP/PPTP VPN network settings is not supported for networks that do not have a VPN connection. |
E_FPC_VPN_INVALID_PRESHARED_SECRET | FPC_ERR(0x37F) | 0xC004037F | A non-empty string must be specified for the preshared secret. |
E_FPC_VPN_IPSEC_NETWORK_REMOTE_SERVER_INVALID | FPC_ERR(0x380) | 0xC0040380 | The name specified for the remote server is not a valid IP address. |
E_FPC_VPN_IPSEC_NETWORK_LOCAL_SERVER_INVALID | FPC_ERR(0x381) | 0xC0040381 | The name specified for the local server is not a valid IP address. |
E_FPC_ITEM_IN_USE_NOT_IN_COLLECTION | FPC_ERR(0x382) | 0xC0040382 | For objects without a specified scope: The <ObjectType1>
<ObjectName> cannot be deleted because it is used in
For objects with a specified scope: The <ObjectType1> <ObjectName> cannot be deleted because it is used in <Scope> <ObjectType2>. |
E_FPC_ISASCHED_DOWN | FPC_ERR(0x383) | 0xC0040383 | The job cannot be started because the Microsoft Forefront TMG Job Scheduler service is not running. Check the status of the service. |
E_FPC_VPN_S2S_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD_EMPTY | FPC_ERR(0x384) | 0xC0040384 | At least one authentication method must be selected for site-to-site VPN access. |
E_FPC_WEB_PUB_RULE_NO_PUBLIC_NAMES | FPC_ERR(0x385) | 0xC0040385 | No public domain name or site name is specified for the Web publishing rule <RuleName>. |
E_FPC_VPN_NET_INVALID_CERTIFICATE_AUTHORITY | FPC_ERR(0x386) | 0xC0040386 | The certificate authority name must contain between <LowerLimit> and <UpperLimit> characters. |
E_FPC_VPN_NET_INVALID_PRESHARED_KEY | FPC_ERR(0x387) | 0xC0040387 | The preshared key must contain between <LowerLimit> and <UpperLimit> characters. |
E_FPC_SERVER_NOT_JOINED_TO_DOMAIN | FPC_ERR(0x388) | 0xC0040388 | The server is not joined to domain. |
E_FPC_DENY_SRV_PUB_NOT_ALLOWED | FPC_ERR(0x389) | 0xC0040389 | Server publishing rules cannot be configured as "deny" rules. By design, server publishing rules allow access to specified servers for which access is denied by default. |
E_FPC_VPN_NET_CONFLICTING_AUTH_PROTOCOLS | FPC_ERR(0x38A) | 0xC004038A | For VPN site-to-site authentication, you can specify EAP authentication, or any combination of the alternative authentication protocols (PAP, SPAP, CHAP, MS-CHAP, MS-CHAP v2). EAP cannot be enabled together with any other authentication protocol. |
E_FPC_ISASTG_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE | FPC_ERR(0x38B) | 0xC004038B | The Microsoft Forefront TMG Storage service is unavailable. |
E_NO_SITE_OR_DOMIAN_DEFINED | FPC_ERR(0x38C) | 0xC004038C | The URL specified does not contain a domain or site name. If you want to specify a folder, the folder prefix ("/") must come after the domain name. |
E_PORT_NUMBER_IN_WEB_SITE_NAME | FPC_ERR(0x38D) | 0xC004038D | The Web server name cannot contain a port number. The port numbers to be used for redirecting requests to this Web server can be specified in the HTTPRedirectPort and SSLRedirectPort properties for the rule. |
E_DISCONNECT_CONTAINING_ARRAY | FPC_ERR(0x38E) | 0xC004038E | The server cannot be disconnected from the containing array. |
E_FPC_MSDE_NOT_INSTALLED | FPC_ERR(0x38F) | 0xC004038F | The SQL Server Express 2005 feature is currently not installed. To install SQL Server Express 2005, in the Add/Remove Programs applet, select Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway and click Change. Then, in the Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway Installation Wizard use the Modify option to add SQL Server Express 2005 to the installation. |
E_FPC_LISTENER_WITH_SAME_IP_AND_PORT_IN_USE | FPC_ERR(0x390) | 0xC0040390 | A Web listener configured to listen on the same IP address and port is already being used by the rule <RuleName>. |
E_FPC_2_LISTENERS_WITH_SAME_IP_AND_PORT_IN_USE | FPC_ERR(0x391) | 0xC0040391 | The Web listeners used in the rule <RuleName1> and in the rule <RuleName2> specify identical IP addresses and ports. Web listener IP addresses and ports used by different rules cannot overlap. |
E_FPC_INVALID_PUBLISHING_CREDENTIALS_CONFIGURATION | FPC_ERR(0x392) | 0xC0040392 | The user account does not have the required permissions to publish the report. |
E_FPC_UPLOAD_NEW_CONFIGURATION | FPC_ERR(0x393) | 0xC0040393 | Some configuration changes were not applied. See the Windows event viewer for more details. |
E_FPC_INVALID_LOG_DIRECTORY_AND_TYPE | FPC_ERR(0x394) | 0xC0040394 | The full path option is selected for the log file path, but the log directory is specified by an empty string. |
E_FPC_PROTOCOL_NOT_SERVER_PROTOCOL | FPC_ERR(0x395) | 0xC0040395 | The specified protocol is not an inbound (server) protocol and cannot be used in the server publishing rule <RuleName>. |
E_FPC_SSL_MUST_HAVE_CERTIFICATE | FPC_ERR(0x396) | 0xC0040396 | When SSL is enabled and an SSL port specified, you must specify a certificate for SSL authentication. |
E_FPC_CORRUPTED_ITEM_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE | FPC_ERR(0x397) | 0xC0040397 | Attribute <AttributeName> of object type <ObjectType> is corrupted. You should delete the object owner <OwnerName> of type <Type>, fix the corrupted attribute, or import a valid configuration. |
E_FPC_CORRUPTED_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE | FPC_ERR(0x398) | 0xC0040398 | Attribute <AttributeName> of object type <ObjectType> is corrupted. You should delete the object, fix the corrupted attribute, or import a valid configuration. |
E_FPC_XML_VERSION_MISMATCH | FPC_ERR(0x399) | 0xC0040399 | The XML file cannot be imported to this version of Forefront TMG. Install the latest version of Forefront TMG, including hot fixes and patches, and then try importing the XML file again. |
E_FPC_CANNOT_IMPORT_SYSTEM_POLICY_RULE | FPC_ERR(0x39A) | 0xC004039A | System policy rules cannot be imported individually. |
E_FPC_CANNOT_EXPORT_SYSTEM_POLICY_RULE | FPC_ERR(0x39B) | 0xC004039B | System policy rules cannot be exported individually. |
E_FPC_CANNOT_SAVE_CACHEDRIVE_WHEN_ISACTRL_SERVICE_DOWN | FPC_ERR(0x39C) | 0xC004039C | The Microsoft Forefront TMG Control service is currently stopped. As a result, the changes made to the configuration cannot be saved. To save the changes, you must either start the Microsoft Forefront TMG Control service, or disable the changed cache drive setting by resetting it back to 0. |
E_FPC_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_ARRAY_SCOPE | FPC_ERR(0x39D) | 0xC004039D | The property or method <Name> is not supported in array scope. |
E_FPC_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_ENTERPRISE_SCOPE | FPC_ERR(0x39E) | 0xC004039E | The property or method <Name> is not supported in enterprise scope. |
E_FPC_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_SE_MODE | FPC_ERR(0x39F) | 0xC004039F | Join array is only supported on standalone single server. |
E_FPC_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_EE_CENTRAL_MODE | FPC_ERR(0x3A0) | 0xC00403A0 | The property or method <Name> is not supported when a Configuration Storage server is used. |
E_FPC_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_EE_LOCAL_MODE | FPC_ERR(0x3A1) | 0xC00403A1 | The property or method <Name> is not supported when the configuration is stored only on the local computer. |
E_FPC_ENTERPRISE_ITEM_CANNOT_REFERENCE_ARRAY_ITEM | FPC_ERR(0x3A2) | 0xC00403A2 | An enterprise item cannot reference an array-level item. |
E_FPC_XML_IMPORT_ARRAY_OR_POLICY_NOT_IN_XML | FPC_ERR(0x3A3) | 0xC00403A3 | The exported enterprise XML file does not include data for the importing object. The file cannot be imported into this object. |
E_FPC_XML_IMPORT_FROM_NON_VALID_XML | FPC_ERR(0x3A4) | 0xC00403A4 | The XML file cannot be imported into this object. Verify that the exported file is valid and that it contains an appropriate object type. |
E_FPC_XML_IMPORT_CROSS_SCOPE | FPC_ERR(0x3A5) | 0xC00403A5 | The file cannot be imported. The file contains an <Scope1> <ObjectType1>, which cannot be imported into an <Scope2> <ObjectType2>. |
E_FPC_NOT_CONNECTED_TO_ENTERPRISE | FPC_ERR(0x3A6) | 0xC00403A6 | The property or method <Name> is not supported when the Forefront TMG computer is not connected to a Configuration Storage server. |
E_FPC_CARP_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_WEB_PUBLISHING | FPC_ERR(0x3A7) | 0xC00403A7 | CARP is not supported in a Web publishing scenario. |
E_FPC_PUBLISHING_RULES_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_ENTERPRISE_POLICY | FPC_ERR(0x3A9) | 0xC00403A9 | Publishing rules are not supported in an enterprise policy. |
E_FPC_ALLOW_POLICY_RULES_IN_ARRAY_POLICY_BLOCKED | FPC_ERR(0x3AA) | 0xC00403AA | Access rules that allow traffic cannot be added to the array's Firewall policy. |
E_FPC_DENY_POLICY_RULES_IN_ARRAY_POLICY_BLOCKED | FPC_ERR(0x3AB) | 0xC00403AB | Access rules that deny traffic cannot be added to the array's Firewall policy. |
E_FPC_PUBLISHING_POLICY_RULES_IN_ARRAY_POLICY_BLOCKED | FPC_ERR(0x3AC) | 0xC00403AC | Server publishing rules or Web publishing rules cannot be added to the array's Firewall policy. |
E_FPC_POLICY_RULES_EXISTS_IN_ARRAY_POLICY | FPC_ERR(0x3AD) | 0xC00403AD | The array policy placeholder cannot be disabled because the array <Name> contains policy rules. |
E_FPC_DENY_POLICY_RULES_EXISTS_IN_ARRAY_POLICY | FPC_ERR(0x3AE) | 0xC00403AE | Deny rules cannot be blocked for this array because at least one access rule that denies traffic is already defined for this array.. |
E_FPC_ALLOW_POLICY_RULES_EXISTS_IN_ARRAY_POLICY | FPC_ERR(0x3AF) | 0xC00403AF | Allow rules cannot be blocked for this array because at least one access rule that allows traffic is already defined for this array. |
E_FPC_PUBLISHING_POLICY_RULES_EXISTS_IN_ARRAY_POLICY | FPC_ERR(0x3B0) | 0xC00403B0 | Publishing rules cannot be blocked for this array because at least one publishing rule is already defined for this array. |
E_FPC_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_ARRAY_POLICY_PLACE_HOLDER | FPC_ERR(0x3B1) | 0xC00403B1 | The property or method is not supported for an array policy placeholder rule. |
E_FPC_ENTERPRISE_NETWORK_ALREADY_INCLUDED | FPC_ERR(0x3B4) | 0xC00403B4 | The selected enterprise network <EnterpriseNetworkName> is already included in the array network <ArrayNetworkName>. An enterprise network cannot be included in more than one array network. |
E_FPC_ENTERPRISE_NETWORK_INCLUDED_IN_TWO_NETWORKS | FPC_ERR(0x3B5) | 0xC00403B5 | The <EnterpriseNetworkName> enterprise network is currently included in both the <ArrayNetworkName1> and <ArrayNetworkName2> array networks. An enterprise network cannot be included in more than one array network. |
E_FPC_SE_MIGRATE_ONLY_SUPPORTED_FOR_ARRAY | FPC_ERR(0x3B6) | 0xC00403B6 | The Forefront TMG configuration cannot be imported because it was exported from a computer running an earlier version of Forefront TMG and the array node was not selected during both exporting and importing. For upgrading, the configuration must be exported from the array node and imported to the array node. |
E_FPC_SE_MIGRATE_ONLY_SUPPORTED_ONE_SERVER | FPC_ERR(0x3B7) | 0xC00403B7 | The file being importing can only be imported into an array that has one server. |
E_FPC_SE_MIGRATE_ONLY_SUPPORTED_MERGE | FPC_ERR(0x3B8) | 0xC00403B8 | The selected file cannot be used to restore the configuration. It can only be used for importing. |
E_FPC_NLB_NETWORK_TYPE_MUST_BE_ADAPTER | FPC_ERR(0x3B9) | 0xC00403B9 | Network Load Balancing can be enabled on a network only if the connection to the network is configured to be through a network adapter. |
E_FPC_CANNOT_REMOVE_LAST_SERVER_FROM_ARRAY | FPC_ERR(0x3BA) | 0xC00403BA | Removing a server from an array with a single server is not allowed. Either uninstall the server or delete the entire array. |
E_FPC_ENT_NETWORK_IN_ARRAY_NETWORK_SET_NOT_ALLOWED | FPC_ERR(0x3BB) | 0xC00403BB | Array network sets cannot include enterprise networks. |
E_FPC_ENT_NETWORK_SET_IN_LISTENER_NOT_ALLOWED | FPC_ERR(0x3BC) | 0xC00403BC | A publishing rule cannot listen on an enterprise network set. |
E_FPC_NO_NLB_CLUSTER_CONFIG_FOR_THE_NETWORK | FPC_ERR(0x3BD) | 0xC00403BD | The Network Load Balancing cluster properties can be configured only for networks whose connection type specifies a connection through a network adapter. |
E_FPC_INVALID_NLB_CLUSTER_MASK | FPC_ERR(0x3BE) | 0xC00403BE | The Network Load Balancing cluster IP mask must not be |
E_FPC_PARRENT_ARRAY_NOT_CONTAINING_ARRAY | FPC_ERR(0x3BF) | 0xC00403BF | Application and Web filters can only be added to and removed from an array in which this server is located. |
E_FPC_INVALID_CONFIGURATION | FPC_ERR(0x3C0) | 0xC00403C0 | The storage configuration agent was unable to upload the configuration to the service. |
E_FPC_STORAGE_SERVER_INACCESSIBLE | FPC_ERR(0x3C1) | 0xC00403C1 | The storage configuration agent was unable to access the Configuration Storage server. |
E_FPC_ITEM_IN_USE_NOT_IN_ARRAY_COLLECTION | FPC_ERR(0x3C2) | 0xC00403C2 | The <ObjectType1> <ObjectName> cannot be deleted because it is used in a <ObjectType2> of the <ArrayName> array. |
E_FPC_ITEM_IN_USE_NOT_IN_POLICY_COLLECTION | FPC_ERR(0x3C3) | 0xC00403C3 | The <ObjectType1> <ObjectName> cannot be deleted because it is used in a <ObjectType2> of the enterprise policy <PolicyName>. |
E_FPC_ITEM_IN_USE_IN_ARRAY | FPC_ERR(0x3C4) | 0xC00403C4 | The <ObjectType1> <ObjectName1> cannot be deleted because it is used in the <ObjectType2> <ObjectName2> of the <ArrayName> array. |
E_FPC_ITEM_IN_USE_IN_POLICY | FPC_ERR(0x3C5) | 0xC00403C5 | The <ObjectType1> <ObjectName1> cannot be deleted because it is used in the <ObjectType2> <ObjectName2> of the enterprise policy <PolicyName>. |
E_FPC_VPN_S2S_NO_ASSIGNED_SERVER | FPC_ERR(0x3C6) | 0xC00403C6 | The Forefront TMG specified as the connection owner is not configured for VPN site-to-site network <NetworkName>. |
E_FPC_IP_RANGE_ENTRY_INTERSECT_WITH_STATIC_POOL | FPC_ERR(0x3C7) | 0xC00403C7 | The VPN configuration static address pool for the server <ServerName> already includes IP addresses in the range <LowerLimit>-<UpperLimit>. New IP ranges cannot overlap existing ranges in the current static address pool. |
E_FPC_NO_ENTERPRISE_NETWORK_IN_PREDEFINED_ARRAY_NETWORK | FPC_ERR(0x3C8) | 0xC00403C8 | A predefined array network cannot include an enterprise network. |
E_FPC_NO_PREDEFINED_ENTERPRISE_NETWORK_IN_ARRAY_NETWORK | FPC_ERR(0x3C9) | 0xC00403C9 | An array network cannot include a predefined enterprise network. |
E_FPC_DEPRECATED | FPC_ERR(0x3CA) | 0xC00403CA | The property or method <Name> is deprecated and should not be used. |
E_FPC_DHCP_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_MULTI_SERVER_ARRAYS | FPC_ERR(0x3CB) | 0xC00403CB | DHCP cannot be used to assign IP addresses to VPN clients or remote endpoint servers on multiple-server arrays. |
E_FPC_XML_MISMATCH_IMPORT_OBJECT_UPGRADE_ARRAY | FPC_ERR(0x3CC) | 0xC00403CC | The file cannot be imported. It is an upgrade file of a server and therefore can only be imported into an array object. |
E_FPC_XML_MISMATCH_IMPORT_OBJECT_UPGRADE_ROOT | FPC_ERR(0x3CD) | 0xC00403CD | The Forefront TMG configuration cannot be imported because it was exported from a computer running an earlier version of Forefront TMG and the root node was not selected during both exporting and importing. For upgrading, the configuration must be exported from the root node and imported to the root node. |
S_FPC_LOGGING_RESUMED | FPC_WRN(0x3CE) | 0x000403CE | Logging has been resumed following a previous failure. |
E_FPC_DEST_NOT_IP_MASK | FPC_ERR(0x3CF) | 0xC00403CF | The IP mask specified for the object is invalid. |
S_FPC_TIME_SKEW | FPC_WRN(0x3D0) | 0x000403D0 | The time setting of at least one server in the array is not synchronized with the rest of the array. As a result the records of some servers may be delayed. Synchronizing the time settings for array members will resolve this problem. |
E_FPC_IMPORT_ONLY_SUPPORTED_FOR_ROOT | FPC_ERR(0x3D1) | 0xC00403D1 | The file that you are importing is from an older build of Forefront TMG. Importing such files is only supported if the file was exported from the root node and can only be imported to the root node. |
E_FPC_INVALID_SPOOF_DETECTION_MODE | FPC_ERR(0x3D2) | 0xC00403D2 | The spoof detection mode is not valid for this network. |
E_FPC_CAN_NOT_CHANGE_SPOOF_DETECTION_MODE | FPC_ERR(0x3D3) | 0xC00403D3 | The spoof detection mode cannot be modified for this network. |
E_FPC_CONSOLE_STORAGE_SERVER_INACCESSIBLE | FPC_ERR(0x3D4) | 0xC00403D4 | Forefront TMG Management was unable to access the Configuration Storage server to which it is connected. |
E_FPC_ARRAY_STORAGE_SERVER_INACCESSIBLE | FPC_ERR(0x3D5) | 0xC00403D5 | Forefront TMG Management was unable to access the Configuration Storage server to which the array members are connected. |
E_FPC_REPLICATION_ERROR | FPC_ERR(0x3D6) | 0xC00403D6 | A replication error occurred between the Configuration Storage server to which Forefront TMG Management is connected and the Configuration Storage server to which the array members are connected. |
E_FPC_IP_IS_NOT_SPORTED_AS_CONFIGURATION_STORAGE_NAME | FPC_ERR(0x3D7) | 0xC00403D7 | Using an IP address for specifying the Configuration Storage server is not supported. Use the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) instead. |
E_FPC_MACHINE_ACCOUNT_COULD_NOT_BE_RESOLVED | FPC_ERR(0x3D8) | 0xC00403D8 | The Server service on the Configuration Storage server could not be accessed. This service is required for saving restored server data. Verify that the service is running. Alternatively, restore the configuration on the Configuration Storage server locally. |
E_FPC_INVALID_PARAMETER_FOR_SE | FPC_ERR(0x3D9) | 0xC00403D9 | The value specified for the parameter <ParameterName> is not valid for Standard Edition. |
E_FPC_WEB_PUBLISHING_RULE_NO_SERVERFARM | FPC_ERR(0x3DA) | 0xC00403DA | No server farm is specified for the Web publishing rule <RuleName>. |
E_FPC_SERVERFARM_NO_SERVERS | FPC_ERR(0x3DB) | 0xC00403DB | No published servers are specified for the server farm <ServerFarmName>. |
E_FPC_XML_ISA2000_UPGRADE_NOT_SUPPORTED | FPC_ERR(0x3DC) | 0xC00403DC | The configuration could not be imported. Importing an ISA Server 2000 configuration into Forefront TMG. is not supported. |
E_FPC_FBA_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_FORWARD_PROXY | FPC_ERR(0x3DD) | 0xC00403DD | The property or method is not supported for the Web listener properties of a network. |
E_FPC_ONLY_ONE_CODE_PAGE_SUPPORTED | FPC_ERR(0x3DE) | 0xC00403DE | An attempt was made to specify more than one code page in a Web publishing rule. |
E_FPC_CODE_PAGE_NOT_NUMERIC | FPC_ERR(0x3DF) | 0xC00403DF | The string supplied to specify the code page does not represent a numeric value. |
E_FPC_URL_WITHOUT_PROTOCOL | FPC_ERR(0x3E0) | 0xC00403E0 | An attempt was made to specify a URL without a protocol in a link translation mapping. |
E_FPC_URL_TOO_LONG | FPC_ERR(0x3E1) | 0xC00403E1 | An attempt was made to specify a URL that is longer than 2057 bytes in a link translation mapping. |
E_FPC_EMPTY_PATH_MAPPINGS | FPC_ERR(0x3E2) | 0xC00403E2 | No path mappings are defined in the path mappings collection for the Web publishing rule. |
E_LINK_TRANSLATIONS_NOT_APPLIED_YET | FPC_ERR(0x3E3) | 0xC00403E3 | The configuration stored on the Forefront TMG computer does not yet contain the link translation configuration for the specified rule. |
E_ANY_PUBLIC_NAME_SELECTED | FPC_ERR(0x3E4) | 0xC00403E4 | A link translation dictionary cannot be generated for a rule that applies to any public name. |
E_FPC_CODE_PAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED | FPC_ERR(0x3E5) | 0xC00403E5 | Link translation does not support the specified code page. |
E_FPC_DEPRECATED_CONFIG_GROUP | FPC_ERR(0x3E6) | 0xC00403E6 | The configuration group of system policy rules specified is no longer supported. |
E_DOMAIN_NAME_CONTAINS_PORT_NUMBER | FPC_ERR(0x3E7) | 0xC00403E7 | A port number is appended to the domain name specified. |
E_FPC_ADD_VENDOR_SYSTEM_POLICY_RULE_NOT_IN_VENDOR_MODE | FPC_ERR(0x3E8) | 0xC00403E8 | An attempt was made to add a new vendor system policy rule when the administration COM object hierarchy is not in vendor mode. |
E_FPC_REMOVE_VENDOR_SYSTEM_POLICY_RULE_NOT_IN_VENDOR_MODE | FPC_ERR(0x3E9) | 0xC00403E9 | An attempt was made to remove a vendor system policy rule when the administration COM object hierarchy is not in vendor mode. |
E_FPC_SERVICE_INACCESSIBLE | FPC_ERR(0x3EC) | 0xC00403EC | The Microsoft Forefront TMG Control service could not be accessed. |
E_FPC_INCOMPATIBLE_AUTHENTICATION_AND_DELEGATION_SCHEMES | FPC_ERR(0x3ED) | 0xC00403ED | The authentication settings of the Web listener used in the rule <RuleName> are not compatible with the type of credentials delegation configured for this rule. |
E_FPC_MAIL_LOG_NOT_SUPPORTED | FPC_ERR(0x3EE) | 0xC00403EE | SMTP Message Screener logging is no longer supported in this version of Forefront TMG. |
E_FPC_URL_NOT_TRANSLATABLE_TO_ACP | FPC_ERR(0x3EF) | 0xC00403EF | The URL for redirecting links to unpublished sites contains one or more non-ANSI characters. |
E_FPC_HTTPS_REDIRECT_REQUIRES_SSL | FPC_ERR(0x3F0) | 0xC00403F0 | HTTP requests cannot be redirected as HTTPS requests if no SSL port is configured or if there is an SSL accelerator in front of the Forefront TMG computer. |
E_FPC_SSL_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_RESTRICTION_ALLOWS_ANY_CERTIFICATE | FPC_ERR(0x3F1) | 0xC00403F1 | An SSL client certificate restriction allows any certificate. |
E_FPC_SSL_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_RESTRICTION_ON_VALUE_OF_EHNANCED_KEY_USAGE | FPC_ERR(0x3F2) | 0xC00403F2 | An SSL client certificate restriction requires the Enhanced Key Usage field to have a value containing a specified string. |
E_FPC_CLIENT_CERT_TRUST_LIST_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_FORWARD_PROXY | FPC_ERR(0x3F3) | 0xC00403F3 | An SSL client certificate trust list cannot be defined for the Web listener for outgoing requests from a network. |
E_FPC_CERT_RESTRICTIONS_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_FORWARD_PROXY | FPC_ERR(0x3F4) | 0xC00403F4 | SSL client certificate restrictions cannot be defined for the Web listener for outgoing requests from a network. |
E_FPC_NLB_VIPS_MUST_BELONG_TO_SAME_SUBNET | FPC_ERR(0x3F5) | 0xC00403F5 | One or more of the additional virtual IP addresses added to the Network Load Balancing cluster do not belong to the same subnet as the first virtual IP address. |
E_FPC_VPN_REMOTE_SITE_DIPS_NOT_SUPPORTED | FPC_ERR(0x3F6) | 0xC00403F6 | The set of dedicated IP address ranges for remote VPN servers cannot be retrieved for networks that are not linked by VPN connections with the L2TP or PPTP protocol. |
E_FPC_INCOMPATIBLE_ARRAY_VERSION | FPC_ERR(0x3F7) | 0xC00403F7 | The array could not be created on this Configuration Storage server because the stored configuration only allows adding arrays from newer versions of the product. |
E_FPC_CURRENT_MGMT_NOT_ALLOWED | FPC_ERR(0x3F8) | 0xC00403F8 | The enterprise configuration is from a newer version of Forefront TMG than the installed version of Forefront TMG Management. You cannot manage this enterprise using this version of Forefront TMG Management. To manage the enterprise, you must use a newer version of Forefront TMG Management. |
E_FPC_NO_ADAPTERS_INFORMATION_EXIST | FPC_WRN(0x3F9) | 0x800403F9 | Network adapter details for the server <ServerName> are currently unavailable. Verify that network adapters for this server are connected. |
E_FPC_PUBLIC_NAME_INVALID_FOR_SSO | FPC_ERR(0x3FA) | 0xC00403FA | The server public name <ServerName> used in the rule <RuleName> contains one or more illegal characters. |
E_FPC_SERVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_USER_SET | FPC_ERR(0x3FB) | 0xC00403FB | A required service is not supported by one or more of the authentication schemes used by the user set. |
E_FPC_PRIMARY_VIP_CHANGED | FPC_ERR(0x3FC) | 0xC00403FC | The primary virtual IP address (VIP) for the <NetworkName> network cannot be changed because additional VIPs are configured for this network. |
E_FPC_XML_B2B_UPGRADE_EARLIER_THAN_RC_BUILD_BLOCKED | FPC_ERR(0x3FE) | 0xC00403FE | The exported configuration file is from a beta installation of Forefront TMG. Importing a beta configuration file to this released version of Forefront TMG is not supported. To import a beta configuration, you must first upgrade the file to the Release Candidate (RC) build, and then import the RC configuration file. |
E_FPC_VPN_MSCHAP_NOT_SUPPORTED | FPC_ERR(0x3FF) | 0xC00403FF | The Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol version 1 (MS-CHAP) is not supported on this version of Windows. |
E_FPC_VPN_SHIVA_PAP_NOT_SUPPORTED | FPC_ERR(0x400) | 0xC0040400 | The Shiva Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) is not supported on this version of Windows. |
E_PROPERTY_VERSION_GREATER_THAN_OBJECT_VERSION | FPC_ERR(0x401) | 0xC0040401 | Cannot get/set new property/child in mixed enterprise. |
E_FQD_INVALID_IP_ADDRESS_INPUT | FPC_ERR(0x402) | 0xC0040402 | An IP address must be either or belong to the range from to |
E_FQD_INVALID_NUMRIC_INPUT | FPC_ERR(0x403) | 0xC0040403 | The input contains invalid characters. |
E_FQD_INVALID_NUMRIC_INPUT_OVERFLOW | FPC_ERR(0x404) | 0xC0040404 | Value exceeds maximum limit. |
E_FQD_INVALID_INPUT_LENGTH | FPC_ERR(0x405) | 0xC0040405 | Input exceeds maximum length. |
E_ISP_REDUNDANCY_NOT_ENOUGH_LINKS_DEFINED | FPC_ERR(0x406) | 0xC0040406 | Not enough Internet server provider (ISP) links are defined for ISP redundancy. |
E_ISP_REDUNDANCY_TOO_MANY_LINKS_DEFINED | FPC_ERR(0x407) | 0xC0040407 | Too many Internet server provider (ISP) links are defined for ISP redundancy. |
E_ISP_REDUNDANCY_WRONG_LOAD_BALANCING_FACTOR | FPC_ERR(0x408) | 0xC0040408 | The sum of the load balancing factors specified for the Internet server provider (ISP) links is not equal to 100. |
E_ISP_REDUNDANCY_PRIMARY_LINK_NOT_DEFINED | FPC_ERR(0x409) | 0xC0040409 | Internet service provider (ISP) failover is enabled, but a primary ISP link is not defined. |
E_ISP_REDUNDANCY_SECONDARY_LINK_NOT_DEFINED | FPC_ERR(0x40A) | 0xC004040A | Internet service provider (ISP) failover is enabled, but a secondary ISP link is not defined. |
E_ISP_REDUNDANCY_CONFIG_ALLOWED_ONLY_IN_EXTERNAL_NETWORK | FPC_ERR(0x40B) | 0xC004040B | Internet service provider (ISP) redundancy cannot be configured for the network selected. |
E_FPC_SUMMARYDEF_MUST_HAVE_EXECUTIONSTATEMENT | FPC_ERR(0x40C) | 0xC004040C | The report summary definition object <DefinitionName> must have a non-NULL ExecutionStatement property. |
E_ISP_REDUNDANCY_EXPLICIT_ROUTES_SHOULD_NOT_INTERSECT | FPC_ERR(0x40D) | 0xC004040D | The same IP address cannot be configured in explicit routes defined for different internet service providers (ISPs). |
E_ISP_REDUNDANCY_GATEWAY_SUBNETS_SHOULD_NOT_INTERSECT | FPC_ERR(0x40E) | 0xC004040E | The same IP address cannot be included in gateway subnets defined for different internet service providers (ISPs). |
E_HTTPS_INSPECTION_NO_CA_CERTIFICATE_SELECTED | FPC_ERR(0x40F) | 0xC004040F | No CA Certificate selected for HTTPS Forward Bridging. |
E_FPC_ENTERPRISE_MANGEMENT_MODE_MISMATCH | FPC_ERR(0x410) | 0xC0040410 | The file cannot be imported because the enterprise management mode is <ExportedMode> in the exported file and <StoredMode> in the stored configuration. |
E_FPC_ARRAY_VERSION_MISMATCH | FPC_ERR(0x411) | 0xC0040411 | The file cannot be imported because the array <ArrayName> is of version <ExportedVersion> in the exported file and version <StoredVersion> in the stored configuration. |
E_FPC_IP_ADDRESS_FAMILY_MISMATCH | FPC_ERR(0x412) | 0xC0040412 | Both IP addresses must have same IP address family. |
E_FPC_IPV6_NOT_SUPPORTED | FPC_ERR(0x413) | 0xC0040413 | IPv6 addresses are not supported. |
E_FPC_ELEMENT_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_IPV6 | FPC_ERR(0x414) | 0xC0040414 | This element does not support IPv6 addresses. |
E_FPC_NOT_LOCAL_ISA_SERVER_COMPUTER | FPC_ERR(0x415) | 0xC0040415 | The properties of the server object of a remote Forefront TMG computer cannot be changed from the local computer. |
E_FPC_IP_ADDRESS_AND_SUBNET_COUNT_MISMATCH | FPC_ERR(0x416) | 0xC0040416 | The number of IP addresses configured on a network adapter does not match the number of subnet masks specified for them. |
E_FPC_AUTO_DNS_CONFIGURATION_REQUIRE_DHCP_SERVER | FPC_ERR(0x417) | 0xC0040417 | The automatic discovery of DNS servers can be selected for a network adapter only if it obtains an IP address automatically from a DHCP server. |
E_FPC_HTTPS_INSPECTION_CA_NOT_YET_VALID | FPC_ERR(0x418) | 0xC0040418 | The certification authority certificate that is to be used for signing cloned server certificates is not yet valid. |
E_FPC_HTTPS_INSPECTION_CA_EXPIRED | FPC_ERR(0x419) | 0xC0040419 | The certification authority certificate that is to be used for signing cloned server certificates has expired. |
E_FPC_HTTPS_INSPECTION_CA_NOT_TRUSTED | FPC_ERR(0x41B) | 0xC004041B | The certification authority certificate that is to be used for signing cloned server certificates is not trusted by the local computer. |
E_FPC_GATEWAY_NOT_IP | FPC_ERR(0x41C) | 0xC004041C | This network adapter gateway is not defined using a valid IP address. |
E_FPC_DNS_NOT_IP | FPC_ERR(0x41D) | 0xC004041D | This network adapter DNS address is not defined using a valid IP address. |
E_FPC_ADAPTER_NAME_NOT_EXIST | FPC_ERR(0x41E) | 0xC004041E | The specified name does not match an existing network adapter name. |
E_FPC_ROUTE_SUBNET_DESTINATION_MISMATCH | FPC_ERR(0x41F) | 0xC004041F | The subnet of a route does not match the route's destination. |
E_FPC_SQL_ERROR | FPC_ERR(0x420) | 0xC0040420 | An SQL error <ErrorCode> has occurred during the operation. <ErrorText> |
E_FPC_WEB_SITE_COULD_NOT_BE_STARTED | FPC_ERR(0x421) | 0xC0040421 | The Web site that is used by Web-UI is not running and attemp to start it has failed. |
E_FPC_INVALID_DATE_FUTURE | FPC_ERR(0x422) | 0xC0040422 | The date specified is invalid because it occurs in the future. |
E_FPC_INVALID_DATE_OUT_OF_RANGE | FPC_ERR(0x423) | 0xC0040423 | The date specified is invalid because it is not within the permitted range from <StartDate> to <EndDate>. |
E_FPC_LICENSE_EXPIRED | FPC_ERR(0x424) | 0xC0040424 | The license needed to perform an operation is expired. |
E_FPC_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_STANDALONE_MODE | FPC_ERR(0x425) | 0xC0040425 | Operation not supported in standalone mode. |
E_FPC_INVALID_PARAMETER_FOR_STANDALONE | FPC_ERR(0x426) | 0xC0040426 | The value specified for the parameter <ParameterName> is not valid for standalone mode. |
E_FPC_ENT_TO_STANDALONE_IMPORT_NOT_SUPPORTED | FPC_ERR(0x427) | 0xC0040427 | An exported ISA Server Enterprise Edition configuration cannot be imported to a Forefront TMG stand-alone configuration. |
E_FPC_GATEWAY_NOT_INCLUDED_IN_SUBNET | FPC_ERR(0x428) | 0xC0040428 | The Gateway address is not included within the subnet. |
E_FPC_UI_ABORT_SAVE_SILENTLY | FPC_ERR(0x429) | 0xC0040429 | The save operation is of UI is aborted without a pop up message. |
E_FPC_ADAPTER_IP_NOT_UNIQUE | FPC_ERR(0x42A) | 0xC004042A | An IP address that was specified for the network adapters <Name> is already assigned to another network adapter. |
E_FPC_MALWARE_DEFINITION_UPDATES_REQUIRE_FIREWALL_SERVICE | FPC_ERR(0x42B) | 0xC004042B | Malware definition updates could not be installed because the Microsoft Firewall Service is not running. |
E_FPC_RADIUS_SERVER_NO_ROLE | FPC_ERR(0x42C) | 0xC004042C | A RADIUS server is configured neither for authentication nor for accounting. |
E_FPC_RADIUS_SERVER_EQUAL_PORTS | FPC_ERR(0x42D) | 0xC004042D | A RADIUS server is configured with the same port for authentication and accounting. |
E_FPC_STANDALONE_IMPORT_OBJECT_MISMATCH | FPC_ERR(0x42E) | 0xC004042E | A configuration exported at the console root node can be imported to a stand-alone configuration during migration only at the array-level node. |
E_FPC_SERVER_IS_OPT_OUT | FPC_ERR(0x42F) | 0xC004042F | Definition updates could not be retrieved because the Forefront TMG computer is not configured to receive updates from Microsoft Update. |
E_FPC_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_CENTRO | FPC_ERR(0x430) | 0xC0040430 | An operation that is not supported in Windows Essential Business Server was attempted. |
E_FPC_SERVICES_FAILED_TO_START_AFTER_ARRAY_JOIN | FPC_ERR(0x431) | 0xC0040431 | Forefront TMG services failed to start after a array join or an array disjoin. Check alerts, fix the configuration, and attempt to restart the services. |
E_FPC_REPORTJOB_FAILED_WITH_RS_ERR | FPC_ERR(0x432) | 0xC0040432 | The report <ReportName> could not be generated. Report Server error information: <ErrorText>. |
E_FPC_REPORTJOB_FAILED_SEND_EMAIL | FPC_ERR(0x433) | 0xC0040433 | The e-mail signaling that the report <ReportName> was generated could not be sent. Error information: <ErrorText>. |
E_FPC_REPORTJOB_FAILED_BAD_CREDENTIALS | FPC_ERR(0x434) | 0xC0040434 | The report <ReportName> with the specified credentials was not created. Error information: <ErrorText> |
E_FPC_REPORTJOB_FAILED_PUBLISHING | FPC_ERR(0x435) | 0xC0040435 | The report <ReportName> in the path <Path> could not be published. Verify that the folder exists and that the specified user has the required permissions on that folder. If the failure is the result of insufficient disk space, move old files to another media or delete them manually. Error information: <ErrorText> |
E_FPC_LICENSE_KEY_INVALID | FPC_ERR(0x436) | 0xC0040436 | The license agreement number supplied is not a valid seven-digit license agreement number. If you do not have a valid number, you can leave the license agreement number empty. |
E_FPC_EXTENDED_QUOTA_SMALLER_THAN_NORMAL_QUOTA | FPC_ERR(0x437) | 0xC0040437 | The extended per-client disk space limit must be greater than or equal to the ordinary per-client disk space limit. |
E_FPC_QUARANTINE_E_MAIL_ADDRESS_EMPTY | FPC_ERR(0x438) | 0xC0040438 | The e-mail address of the spam quarantine mailbox is invalid. |
E_FPC_REJECT_SCL_GREATER_THAN_DELETE_SCL | FPC_ERR(0x439) | 0xC0040439 | The spam confidence level (SCL) set as the reject threshold is greater than the SCL set as the delete threshold. |
E_FPC_QUARANTINE_SCL_GREATER_THAN_DELETE_SCL | FPC_ERR(0x43A) | 0xC004043A | The spam confidence level (SCL) set as the quarantine threshold is greater than the SCL set as the delete threshold. |
E_FPC_QUARANTINE_SCL_GREATER_THAN_REJECT_SCL | FPC_ERR(0x43B) | 0xC004043B | The spam confidence level (SCL) set as the quarantine threshold is greater than the SCL set as the reject threshold. |
E_FPC_RANGE_START_GREATER_THAN_END | FPC_ERR(0x43C) | 0xC004043C | The start IP address is greater than end IP address. |
E_FPC_INVAILD_E_MAIL_STRING | FPC_ERR(0x43D) | 0xC004043D | The string supplied is empty or does not contain a valid e-mail address. |
E_FPC_INVAILD_SMTP_DOMAIN_STRING | FPC_ERR(0x43E) | 0xC004043E | The string supplied is empty or does not contain a valid SMTP domain name. |
E_FPC_INVAILD_PHRASE | FPC_ERR(0x43F) | 0xC004043F | The string supplied for a phrase in an e-mail message is empty. |
E_FPC_INVAILD_SMTP_ADDRESS_SPACE_STRING | FPC_ERR(0x440) | 0xC0040440 | The string supplied is empty or does not contain a valid address space. |
E_FPC_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_STANDALONE_SINGLE_SERVER | FPC_ERR(0x441) | 0xC0040441 | Operation not supported on single server in standalone mode. |
E_FPC_HTTPS_INSPECTION_CA_CANNOT_SIGN | FPC_ERR(0x442) | 0xC0040442 | The public key of the certification authority certificate that is to be used for signing cloned server certificates cannot be used for signing certificates. |
E_FPC_REPORTING_SERVER_NOT_ELECTED | FPC_ERR(0x443) | 0xC0040443 | The operation could not be completed because a report server is not defined for the array. To select a report server, on the Tasks pane of the Reporting tab, click Configure Reporting Settings. |
E_FPC_ZERO_HOST_ADDRESS_PORITION | FPC_ERR(0x444) | 0xC0040444 | The combination of IP address and subnet mask is invalid. All of the bits in the host address portion of the IP address are set to 0. |
E_FPC_FULL_HOST_ADDRESS_PORITION | FPC_ERR(0x445) | 0xC0040445 | The combination of IP address and subnet mask is invalid. All of the bits in the host address portion of the IP address are set to 1. |
E_FPC_RESERVED_IP_NOT_ALLOWED | FPC_ERR(0x446) | 0xC0040446 | The specified IP address is reserved and cannot be used. |
E_FPC_MALWARE_INSPECTION_SETTINGS_MISSING_IN_ENTERPRISE_RULE | FPC_ERR(0x447) | 0xC0040447 | Malware inspection was enabled in an enterprise-level access rule, but no rule-specific malware inspection settings were specified. |
E_FPC_SMTP_MALWARE_NOTIFICATION_TEXT_EMPTY | FPC_ERR(0x448) | 0xC0040448 | The text for email message malware notification is invalid. |
E_FPC_MISSING_ROUTER_COMPUTER | FPC_ERR(0x449) | 0xC0040449 | The computer object of the security assessment sharing router was not found. |
E_FPC_MISSING_REPLICA_COMPUTER | FPC_ERR(0x450) | 0xC0040450 | The computer object of the security assessment sharing replica was not found. |
E_FPC_SERVER_UNREGISTERED_WITH_ESAS | FPC_ERR(0x451) | 0xC0040451 | The server is not registered with security assessment sharing. |
E_FPC_SERVER_STILL_REGISTERED_WITH_ESAS | FPC_ERR(0x452) | 0xC0040452 | An attempt to unregister the server from security assessment sharing failed. |
E_FPC_UDAPTE_SERVICE_CHECK_ONLY_NOT_SUPPORTED | FPC_ERR(0x453) | 0xC0040453 | Invalid update action. This update service does not support check only. |
E_FPC_INVALID_DEFAULT_CONTENT_DELIVERY_METHOD | FPC_ERR(0x454) | 0xC0040454 | The content delivery method specified cannot be set as the default content delivery method. |
E_FPC_CANNOT_CHANGE_EXPIRATION_FOR_EVALUATION_LICENSE | FPC_ERR(0x455) | 0xC0040455 | The expiration date for the evaluation license cannot be changed because a valid license key has not been supplied. |
E_FPC_LICENSE_DISABLED | FPC_WRN(0x456) | 0x80040456 | The license needed to perform an operation is disabled. |
E_FPC_ADAPTER_DHCP_FAILURE | FPC_ERR(0x457) | 0xC0040457 | The specified network adapter (<AdapterName>) is DHCP-enabled, but no IP address is assigned to it. This may be because there is no connectivity to the DHCP server or the DHCP server is not functional. |
E_FPC_TOO_MANY_IP_ADDRESSES | FPC_ERR(0x458) | 0xC0040458 | More than 255 IP addresses are configured for the specified network adapter. |
E_FPC_TOO_MANY_SUBNETS | FPC_ERR(0x459) | 0xC0040459 | More than 255 subnet masks are configured for the specified network adapter. |
E_FPC_TOO_MANY_GATEWAYS | FPC_ERR(0x45A) | 0xC004045A | More than five default gateways are configured for the specified network adapter. |
E_FPC_TOO_MANY_DNS_ADDRESSES | FPC_ERR(0x45B) | 0xC004045B | More than 255 DNS server addresses are configured for the specified network adapter. |
E_FPC_DUPLICATES_IN_IP_LIST | FPC_ERR(0x45C) | 0xC004045C | The list of IP addresses for the specified network adapter includes duplicates. |
E_FPC_DUPLICATES_IN_GATEWAY_LIST | FPC_ERR(0x45D) | 0xC004045D | The list of default gateways for the specified network adapter includes duplicates. |
E_FPC_DUPLICATES_IN_DNS_LIST | FPC_ERR(0x45E) | 0xC004045E | The list of DNS addresses for the specified network adapter includes duplicates. |
E_FPC_GATEWAY_ON_SUBNET_BOUNDARY | FPC_ERR(0x45F) | 0xC004045F | The default gateway for the specified network adapter is on its upper or lower subnet boundary. |
E_FPC_GATEWAY_IS_ADAPTER_ITSELF | FPC_ERR(0x460) | 0xC0040460 | The default gateway for the specified network adapter is an IP address of the network adapter itself. |
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Build date: 11/30/2009
© 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.