ChangePollRate Property of the IFPCEEConfigurationStorageServerConnection Interface

The ChangePollRate property gets or sets the time (in seconds) that each array member will wait before checking the current Configuration Storage server for configuration changes again.

HRESULT put_ChangePollRate(
	long lChangePollRate
HRESULT get_ChangePollRate(
	long* plChangePollRate



Pointer to a variable that is set on return to a 32-bit integer specifying the time (in seconds) that each array member will wait before checking the current Configuration Storage server for configuration changes again.


A 32-bit integer that specifies the time (in seconds) that each array member will wait before checking the current Configuration Storage server for configuration changes again.

Return Value

These property methods return S_OK if the call is successful; otherwise, they return an error code.

[Visual Basic]
Property ChangePollRate As Long

Property Value

A 32-bit integer that specifies the time (in seconds) that each array member will wait before checking the current Configuration Storage server for configuration changes again.

Example Code

When run on an array member, this VBScript subprocedure connects to the specified Configuration Storage server using the credentials provided and changes the value of the ChangePollRate property to the new value provided if necessary. This example does not include error handling.
Sub SetChangePollRate(css, userName, domain, password, newValue)
	' Declare the objects needed.
	Dim root		' The FPCLib.FPC root object
	Dim isaArray	' An FPCArray object
	Dim cssCn		 ' An FPCConfigurationStorageServerConnection object
	Dim currentValue  ' An Integer
	' Create the root object.
	Set root = CreateObject("FPC.Root")
	' Connect to the Configuration Storage server.
	root.ConnectToConfigurationStorageServer css, userName, domain, password
	' Get references to the array object 
	' and the connection object.
	Set isaArray = root.GetContainingArray()
	Set cssCn = isaArray.ConfigurationStorageServerConnection
	' Change the value of the property if necessary.
	currentValue = cssCn.ChangePollRate
	WScript.Echo "Current polling rate: " & currentValue
	If CInt(newValue) <> currentValue Then
		cssCn.ChangePollRate = newValue
		WScript.Echo "Saving the new value " & newValue & " ..."
		WScript.Echo "Done!" 
	End If
End Sub


This property is read/write. Its default value is 15 seconds, and its range of permissible values is from 3 through 999,999.


Client Requires Windows Vista or Windows XP.
Server Requires Windows Server 2008.
Version Requires Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG).

Declared in Msfpccom.idl.


Requires Msfpccom.dll.

See Also


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Build date: 11/30/2009

© 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.