The FpcSystemPolicyConfigGroupEnum enumerated type contains values that specify groups of system policy rules that apply to a specific service and can be configured together. These groups, which are called configuration groups, specify the content of the instance of the FPCSystemPolicyConfigGroup object created by the CreateConfigurationGroupInstance method of the FPCSystemPolicy object.
typedef enum FpcSystemPolicyConfigGroupEnum { fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_Unknown
A system policy configuration group of unknown type.
= -1, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_AD
The configuration group of system policy rules that allows a Forefront TMG computer to obtain Active Directory services from trusted domain controllers for authentication purposes (the Active Directory configuration group in Forefront TMG Management).
= 0, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_Radius
The configuration group of system policy rules that allows a Forefront TMG computer to access trusted RADIUS servers for RADIUS user authentication (the RADIUS configuration group in Forefront TMG Management).
= 1, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_Passport
The configuration group of system policy rules that allows a Forefront TMG computer to use Passport. In Forefront TMG, no system policy rules are assigned to this configuration group, and there is no corresponding configuration group in Forefront TMG Management.
= 2, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_RSASecureId
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow a Forefront TMG computer to access trusted RSA Authentication Manager servers for RSA SecurID user authentication (the RSA SecurID configuration group in Forefront TMG Management).
= 3, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_DNS
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow a Forefront TMG computer to obtain DNS services from trusted servers (the DNS configuration group in Forefront TMG Management).
= 4, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_DHCP
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow a Forefront TMG computer to obtain DHCP services from trusted servers (the DHCP configuration group in Forefront TMG Management).
= 5, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_RemoteMgmt_FWCONTROL
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow remote management of a Forefront TMG computer from trusted computers using Microsoft Management Console (MMC) (the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) configuration group in Forefront TMG Management).
= 6, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_RemoteMgmt_TS
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow remote management of a Forefront TMG computer from trusted computers using the RDP (Terminal Services) protocol (the Terminal Server configuration group in Forefront TMG Management).
= 7, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_RemoteMgmt_ICMP
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow remote management of a Forefront TMG computer from trusted computers using ICMP (the ICMP (ping) configuration group in Forefront TMG Management).
= 8, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_RemoteLogging
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow a Forefront TMG computer to create log files on selected remote computers using NetBIOS transport (the Remote Logging (NetBIOS) configuration group in Forefront TMG Management).
= 9, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_RemoteLogging_SQL
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow a Forefront TMG computer to create SQL log files on selected remote computers (the Remote Logging (SQL) configuration group in Forefront TMG Management).
= 10, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_ICMP
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow a Forefront TMG computer to send ICMP packets to selected computers, usually for diagnostic purposes (the ICMP configuration group in Forefront TMG Management).
= 11, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_Prefetcher
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow the Microsoft Forefront TMG Job Scheduler service to download HTTP content from remote Web sites to a Forefront TMG computer (the Scheduled Download Jobs configuration group in Forefront TMG Management).
= 12, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_ManagementSites
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow a Forefront TMG computer to access selected Web sites for maintenance and management (the Allowed Sites group in Forefront TMG Management).
= 13, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_ClientSetup
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow trusted computers to access a Firewall Client share.
= 14, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_Perfmon
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow remote monitoring of a Forefront TMG computer from trusted computers using the Performance snap-in (the Remote Performance Monitoring group in Forefront TMG Management).
= 15, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_Diag_WinNet
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow Windows Networking (the NetBIOS family of protocols) from a Forefront TMG computer to trusted computers for diagnostic purposes (the Windows Networking group in Forefront TMG Management).
= 16, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_Diag_Watson
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow a Forefront TMG computer to send error reports to Microsoft error reporting sites (the Microsoft Error Reporting group in Forefront TMG Management).
= 17, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_MOM
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow remote monitoring of a Forefront TMG computer using Microsoft Operations Manager (the Micorsoft Operations Manager group in Forefront TMG Management).
= 18, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_Diag_Connectivity
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow a Forefront TMG computer to send HTTP requests for verifying connectivity to selected destinations (the HTTP Connectivity Verifiers group in Forefront TMG Management).
= 19, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_VPN
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow VPN access.
= 20, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_NTP
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow Network Time Protocol (NTP) traffic between a Forefront TMG computer and trusted servers (the NTP group in Forefront TMG Management).
= 21, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_SMTP
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow a Forefront TMG computer to send SMTP messages, such as an e-mail alert, to selected computers (the SMTP group in Forefront TMG Management).
= 22, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_CRL
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow a Forefront TMG computer to access selected networks for downloading updated certificate revocation lists (CRLs) using the HTTP protocol (the CRL Download group in Forefront TMG Management).
= 23, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_ConfigServer
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow a Forefront TMG computer to send requests to remote enterprise Configuration Storage servers (the Remote Configuration Storage Server Access group in Forefront TMG Management). This value is not used in Forefront TMG Medium Business Edition.
= 24, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_ConfigLocalServer
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow access from trusted computers to an enterprise Configuration Storage server installed locally on the Forefront TMG computer (the Local Configuration Storage Server Access group in Forefront TMG Management). This value is not used in Forefront TMG Medium Business Edition.
= 25, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_ReplicateGroup
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow a Configuration Storage server to replicate with all the Configuration Storage servers that are configured to replicate with it (the Configuration Storage Server Replication group in Forefront TMG Management). This value is not used in Forefront TMG Medium Business Edition.
= 26, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_IntraArray
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow communication between Forefront TMG computers that are members of the same array (the Array Communication group in Forefront TMG Management). This value is not used in Forefront TMG Medium Business Edition.
= 27, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_RemoteMgmt_Http
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow remote management of a Forefront TMG computer from trusted computers over HTTP (the HTTP configuration group in Forefront TMG Management).
= 28, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_IPv6_Infrastructure
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow traffic for the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) infrastructure bewteen the Forefront TMG computer and selected IPv6 networks (the IPv6 Infrastructure configuration group in Forefront TMG Management). This value is not available in Forefront TMG Medium Business Edition.
= 29, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_MicrosoftUpdates
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow the Forefront TMG computer to access specific Microsoft Update sites for obtaining updates (the Microsoft Update Sites configuration group in Forefront TMG Management). In Forefront TMG Medium Business Edition, its value is 29.
= 30, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_SMTP_Protection
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow the Forefront TMG computer to receive and forward SMTP traffic (the SMTP Protection configuration group in Forefront TMG Management). In Forefront TMG Medium Business Edition, its value is 30.
= 31, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_Exchange_EdgeSync
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow the Forefront TMG computer to receive and forward Exchange traffic.
= 32, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_client_notification
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow the Forefront TMG computer to receive and forward client notification traffic.
= 33, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_DirectAccess_IPv6_Infrastructure
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow DirectAcess traffic for the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) infrastructure.
= 34, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_DirectAccess_Transition_Technologies
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow DirectAccess for transition technologies.
= 35, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_DirectAccess_IPv6_From_Localhost
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow DirectAccess traffic for the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) infrastructure from localhost.
= 36, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_Stirling_Connectivity
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow a Forefront TMG computer to send HTTP requests for verifying connectivity to Forefront Protection Manager (previously known as codename Stirling).
= 37, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_Stirling_ComputerResponses
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow a Forefront TMG computer to receive Forefront Protection Manager (previously known as codename Stirling) responses.
= 38, fpcSystemPolicyConfigGroup_MaxGroups
The configuration group of system policy rules that determine the maximum number of configuration groups.
= 39 } FpcSystemPolicyConfigGroupEnum;
A system policy configuration group of unknown type.
The configuration group of system policy rules that allows a Forefront TMG computer to obtain Active Directory services from trusted domain controllers for authentication purposes (the Active Directory configuration group in Forefront TMG Management).
The configuration group of system policy rules that allows a Forefront TMG computer to access trusted RADIUS servers for RADIUS user authentication (the RADIUS configuration group in Forefront TMG Management).
The configuration group of system policy rules that allows a Forefront TMG computer to use Passport. In Forefront TMG, no system policy rules are assigned to this configuration group, and there is no corresponding configuration group in Forefront TMG Management.
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow a Forefront TMG computer to access trusted RSA Authentication Manager servers for RSA SecurID user authentication (the RSA SecurID configuration group in Forefront TMG Management).
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow a Forefront TMG computer to obtain DNS services from trusted servers (the DNS configuration group in Forefront TMG Management).
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow a Forefront TMG computer to obtain DHCP services from trusted servers (the DHCP configuration group in Forefront TMG Management).
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow remote management of a Forefront TMG computer from trusted computers using Microsoft Management Console (MMC) (the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) configuration group in Forefront TMG Management).
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow remote management of a Forefront TMG computer from trusted computers using the RDP (Terminal Services) protocol (the Terminal Server configuration group in Forefront TMG Management).
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow remote management of a Forefront TMG computer from trusted computers using ICMP (the ICMP (ping) configuration group in Forefront TMG Management).
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow a Forefront TMG computer to create log files on selected remote computers using NetBIOS transport (the Remote Logging (NetBIOS) configuration group in Forefront TMG Management).
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow a Forefront TMG computer to create SQL log files on selected remote computers (the Remote Logging (SQL) configuration group in Forefront TMG Management).
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow a Forefront TMG computer to send ICMP packets to selected computers, usually for diagnostic purposes (the ICMP configuration group in Forefront TMG Management).
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow the Microsoft Forefront TMG Job Scheduler service to download HTTP content from remote Web sites to a Forefront TMG computer (the Scheduled Download Jobs configuration group in Forefront TMG Management).
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow a Forefront TMG computer to access selected Web sites for maintenance and management (the Allowed Sites group in Forefront TMG Management).
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow trusted computers to access a Firewall Client share.
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow remote monitoring of a Forefront TMG computer from trusted computers using the Performance snap-in (the Remote Performance Monitoring group in Forefront TMG Management).
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow Windows Networking (the NetBIOS family of protocols) from a Forefront TMG computer to trusted computers for diagnostic purposes (the Windows Networking group in Forefront TMG Management).
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow a Forefront TMG computer to send error reports to Microsoft error reporting sites (the Microsoft Error Reporting group in Forefront TMG Management).
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow remote monitoring of a Forefront TMG computer using Microsoft Operations Manager (the Micorsoft Operations Manager group in Forefront TMG Management).
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow a Forefront TMG computer to send HTTP requests for verifying connectivity to selected destinations (the HTTP Connectivity Verifiers group in Forefront TMG Management).
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow VPN access.
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow Network Time Protocol (NTP) traffic between a Forefront TMG computer and trusted servers (the NTP group in Forefront TMG Management).
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow a Forefront TMG computer to send SMTP messages, such as an e-mail alert, to selected computers (the SMTP group in Forefront TMG Management).
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow a Forefront TMG computer to access selected networks for downloading updated certificate revocation lists (CRLs) using the HTTP protocol (the CRL Download group in Forefront TMG Management).
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow a Forefront TMG computer to send requests to remote enterprise Configuration Storage servers (the Remote Configuration Storage Server Access group in Forefront TMG Management). This value is not used in Forefront TMG Medium Business Edition.
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow access from trusted computers to an enterprise Configuration Storage server installed locally on the Forefront TMG computer (the Local Configuration Storage Server Access group in Forefront TMG Management). This value is not used in Forefront TMG Medium Business Edition.
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow a Configuration Storage server to replicate with all the Configuration Storage servers that are configured to replicate with it (the Configuration Storage Server Replication group in Forefront TMG Management). This value is not used in Forefront TMG Medium Business Edition.
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow communication between Forefront TMG computers that are members of the same array (the Array Communication group in Forefront TMG Management). This value is not used in Forefront TMG Medium Business Edition.
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow remote management of a Forefront TMG computer from trusted computers over HTTP (the HTTP configuration group in Forefront TMG Management).
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow traffic for the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) infrastructure bewteen the Forefront TMG computer and selected IPv6 networks (the IPv6 Infrastructure configuration group in Forefront TMG Management). This value is not available in Forefront TMG Medium Business Edition.
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow the Forefront TMG computer to access specific Microsoft Update sites for obtaining updates (the Microsoft Update Sites configuration group in Forefront TMG Management). In Forefront TMG Medium Business Edition, its value is 29.
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow the Forefront TMG computer to receive and forward SMTP traffic (the SMTP Protection configuration group in Forefront TMG Management). In Forefront TMG Medium Business Edition, its value is 30.
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow the Forefront TMG computer to receive and forward Exchange traffic.
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow the Forefront TMG computer to receive and forward client notification traffic.
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow DirectAcess traffic for the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) infrastructure.
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow DirectAccess for transition technologies.
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow DirectAccess traffic for the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) infrastructure from localhost.
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow a Forefront TMG computer to send HTTP requests for verifying connectivity to Forefront Protection Manager (previously known as codename Stirling).
The configuration group of system policy rules that allow a Forefront TMG computer to receive Forefront Protection Manager (previously known as codename Stirling) responses.
The configuration group of system policy rules that determine the maximum number of configuration groups.
Client | Requires Windows Vista or Windows XP. |
Server | Requires Windows Server 2008. |
Version | Requires Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG). |
Header |
Declared in Comenum.h. |
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Build date: 11/30/2009
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