The Accept method asynchronously permits a connection on a listening socket. This method is similar to the Winsock accept function.
HRESULT Accept( [in] IFWXAcceptCompletion* pIFWXAcceptCompletion, [in] UserContextType UserData );
Pointer to an IFWXAcceptCompletion interface, whose CompleteAsyncAccept method is called to receive a notification when the accept operation is completed.
An opaque value that is to be passed to the IFWXAcceptCompletion::CompleteAsyncAccept notification method. This parameter provides a context to the notification.
This method returns S_OK if the call is successful; otherwise, it returns an error code.
For an IFWXNetworkSocket interface created by a call to IFWXFirewall2::CreateSSLNetworkSocket, this method returns E_NOTIMPL.
The UserData parameter provides a context to the notification. You can use the same notification interface for receiving completion notifications from different network socket objects and differentiate between them by using different values for UserData.
Server | Requires Windows Server 2008. |
Version | Requires Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG). |
Header |
Declared in Wspfwext.idl. |
Requires Wspsrv.exe. |
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Build date: 11/30/2009
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