This topic describes how to restore the default settings to the Forefront Unified Access Gateway (UAG) endpoint components.
End users can restore the Forefront UAG endpoint component settings on their endpoint to the default values, in one of two ways:
- In the System Information window of a portal, which they
access from the portal home page, by clicking Restore Forefront
UAG Client Components defaults.
- By uninstalling the client components from client endpoints, as
described in Installing endpoint
components using an installation file.
Restoring endpoint component default settings enables users to receive the following notifications, even in cases in which the user previously selected the option Don’t show me this message again when the message was displayed. Once the default settings are restored, the user can receive notifications that are displayed when:
- It is necessary to add the site to the user’s
Trusted Sites list.
Restoring the default settings deletes only the sites that the user added to the Trusted Sites list; it does not delete the administrator-configured sites from the list. For more information, see Configuring client endpoints to trust Forefront UAG sites. - It is necessary to add the site to the
browser’s pop-up blocker’s allowed site list.
- The Forefront UAG Component Manager detects
problems with some of the endpoint component files. The browser
must be restarted after the installation of the Forefront UAG SSL
Application Tunneling component.