You can monitor applications that are enabled for access via Forefront Unified Access Gateway (UAG) trunks, using the Web Monitor.
This topic describes the following procedures:
- Monitoring
applications using the Web Monitor
- Querying
application statistics
- Querying statistics
for a specific application
Monitoring applications using the
Web Monitor
To monitor applications
Open the Web Monitor.
To retrieve information about applications, in Application Monitor, click Current Status. Select the application or applications you wish to view, and then click the column chart icons on the toolbar.
A column chart displays each trunk in a separate column, and shows the current status of selected applications. By default, you can view the status of up to 15 applications. By default, the window refreshes data every 15 seconds.
The following details of applications are displayed:
- Name—Application name, as defined in
the application properties of the trunk.
- Type—The internal application
- Group—The group to which the
application belongs.
- ID—The application ID, as defined in
the application properties of the trunk. This setting is optional.
You can enable the display of this field in the file that controls
Web Monitor preferences, in the parameter showAppID.
- Accesses—The number of users currently
accessing the application. Click the number of accesses to display
the active sessions for the application.
- Name—Application name, as defined in
the application properties of the trunk.
To monitor applications over time, click the Monitor Over Time icon in the toolbar. You can monitor application behavior over time for selected applications. Use the page controls to scroll to the period of time you want to monitor.
Application behavior is displayed in a line chart, showing the number of accesses for each application. By default, the window refreshes the data at 10-second intervals.
To receive a detailed snapshot of the sessions currently open for each trunk, click the Application Monitor Active Sessions window.
Settings are displayed as follows:
- Session ID—Unique session
- Lead User—The user who initiated the
- Repository—Authentication server used
for user authentication.
- Application Started At—Date and time
the application was launched.
- Application duration—Length of time
during which the application was active.
- Events—Clicking this button generates
a report of events related to the application. It is displayed in
the event reports window.
By default, the data is refreshed every five minutes.
- Session ID—Unique session
Querying application statistics
The Application Statistics window enables you to view and analyze both the history and the current status of a selected application or multiple applications. When you first access the window, the query form is displayed. You use the query form to submit a query. Query results are displayed in the statistics window. You can define a query as follows.
To query application statistics
Open the Web Monitor.
In Application Monitor, click Statistics.
Specify a period of time for the query. You can either select a predefined period or define dates in Start date and End date.
In Interval, define the interval at which the data is sampled. The available intervals depend upon the period of the query. For example, if the selected period is a day, only an “Hour” interval can be defined; for a period of a week, you can select an interval of either an hour or a day.
By default, the maximum number of intervals that can be queried is 1,500. A value over 1,500 may slow down the performance of Web Monitor and is not recommended.
In Query Type, select Sample Chart to specify that the number of concurrent sessions is sampled at the end of each interval. Select Peak Chart to specify that the number of concurrent sessions reported is the highest number of sessions that were open during the interval period.
In Applications, select the application or applications for which to generate the query.
Click Submit to run the query. The results are displayed in the window.
After you submit a query, when you return to the query form from the query results view, you can click Show last results to display the results of the last query submitted, regardless of any changes you might have made in the query form.
Query results are displayed in accordance with the settings you specified in the query. If query results are available only for a part of the defined period, this is also indicated under the Period field. A line chart displays the number of concurrent accesses for each of the applications specified in the query. The color that represents each application on the chart is indicated in the legend to the left of the application name and icon. A table displays information on each of the applications that were queried. You can view the data that is displayed in the chart in a tabular format by clicking the View Chart Data button. Use the paging and zooming controls to focus the view on the period of time you want to monitor. When you zoom out to the smallest view, the window displays the entire period that is queried, up to the predefined interval limit. When you zoom in to the largest view, the window displays 10 intervals; to view additional intervals, use the paging controls. Click Show query form to return to the query form.
The query results include the following:
- Application—The application name.
- Trunk—The trunk through which the
application is enabled.
- Concurrent Accesses—Minimum and
maximum number of concurrent accesses to the application during the
query period.
- Duration—Average and maximum duration
of access to the application during the query period. If the number
of results exceeds the value specified in Max Report
Results, duration is not reported.
- Total Accesses—Total number of
accesses to the application during the query period. If the number
of results exceeds the limit specified in Max Report
Results, the number of total accesses is not reported.
Querying statistics for a specific
To query a specific application
In the Query Results view of the application monitor statistics window, click an application name.
The following information is displayed:
- Lead user—The user who initiated the
session from where the application was accessed. Clicking the
+ sign next to the Lead User name, or clicking the
name itself, expands the display and lists all of the user’s
accesses to the application during the query period, where the user
name is the name used to access the application. Clicking the
Expand All or Collapse All buttons expands and
collapses the display for all users, respectively.
- Accesses—The number of times the user
accessed the application during the query period.
- Last Accessed—The time when the
application was last accessed by the user, during the query
- Duration—The duration time of accesses
to the application by the user. This includes average, maximum, and
minimum duration, and the total access time.
- Lead user—The user who initiated the
session from where the application was accessed. Clicking the
+ sign next to the Lead User name, or clicking the
name itself, expands the display and lists all of the user’s
accesses to the application during the query period, where the user
name is the name used to access the application. Clicking the
Expand All or Collapse All buttons expands and
collapses the display for all users, respectively.