This topic is designed to help you troubleshoot and resolve installation issues not covered in Installation common issues. The topic is divided into the following sections:
- Flowchart for
troubleshooting the installation
- Hardware and Software
- Prerequisites
- Check the Forefront UAG
Setup log files
- Check the Forefront TMG
Setup log files
- Check the SQL Server
Flowchart for troubleshooting the installation
The following flowchart guides you through the steps required for troubleshooting the installation. See the sections following the flowchart for additional information.

Hardware and Software requirements
Verify the System requirements for Forefront UAG servers.
Prerequisites List
- Server is not a domain controller.
- Windows Firewall service is not disabled.
- ISA Server is not installed (pre Forefront
- A Windows Installer server/client task is not
- Another program does not require the computer
to reboot.
- A Forefront UAG product is not installed.
- This is the only running instance of a
Forefront UAG installation.
Check the Forefront UAG Setup log files
Check the Setup log files located in %ProgramData%\Microsoft\UAG\Logs. Look for lines with “Value 3”. The lines above this return value usually identify the error.
Check the Forefront TMG Setup log files
Check the Setup log files located in %Windir%\Temp. Look for lines that indicate failed custom actions. The lines above the failed CA lines usually identify the error.
Check the SQL Server logs
Check the SQL Server setup log directory %program files%\Microsoft SQL Server\100\setup bootstrap\Logs, and look for filenames that include the word “summary”.