UserGate Cache Explorer is a convenient tool for looking through files in the cache. Cache Explorer You can save to disk or preview any or all cache files. For the sake of convenient selection, the module has an integrated filter.
To view UserGate cache files you need to open the file ug_cache.lst located by default in C:\Program Files\UserGate4\cache. The list cache files When you open this directory you will see a list of files. To filter them you need to choose the Edit/Filter section of the main menu, or use the key combination Ctrl-F. Choose the file filtration type, which can be by any combination of URL, size, date, or the number of file downloads. (Filtration can be done by any one type, any combination of types or all types simultaneously).
Filters To go back a step (reset the latest filter), either select the Edit/Reset section of the main menu or use the key combination Ctrl-Z. To save a file, use Edit/Save to, or the key combination Ctrl-Shift-S, or the popup menu. To copy a link, press Ctrl-C or choose Edit/Copy in the menu.