Antivirus scanning
There are two antivirus modules integrated in UserGate Server: Kaspersky Lab and Panda Security. Both modules are assigned to scan traffic incoming from UserGate HTTP, FTP and mail proxies, as well as SMTP proxy outgoing traffic.

Antivirus settings are available in the “Services – Antiviruses” section of the Administration Console (Fig.12). You can specify the protocols for each antivirus to scan, setup the antivirus base update frequency and enter URLs which is not necessary to check (URL Filter). You can also specify a group of users whose traffic does not require scanning for viruses.

Figure 12. UserGate antivirus module.

Before running an antivirus, we highly recommend you to update the antivirus base and wait until the update completes. By default, the Kaspersky antivirus base updates from the Kaspersky Lab site, whereas Panda antivirus base updates from

UserGate Server supports both antivirus engines working simultaneously and allows you to choose the protocols to be scanned by each antivirus, as well as traffic scan directions.

Important note! When traffic scanning for viruses is enabled, UserGate Server blocks HTTP and FTP multithreaded downloads.