Using Authorization Client
UserGate Authorization Client is a network application that works at the Winsock level. It connects to UserGate Server using a predefined UDP port (5456 by default) and sends user authorization parameters: the authorization type, username, password, etc. In the Authorization Client settings the client IP address, UserGate Server port, authorization method and parameters (username/password) are shown in the user profile. On the first starting UserGate Authorization Client
monitors the Registry key: “HKCU\Software\Policies\Entensys\Auth
client” to find settings obtained from the Active Directory
domain group policies.
Figure 5. Authorization Client settings. UserGate Authorization Client shows received/sent bytes statistics, time spent online and the cost. In addition to the Authorization Client there is a link on the user’s personal page. You can also change the Authorization Client’s look by editing the *.xml template located in the client’s parent directory. Important note! Authorization Client is not supported for Terminal users. |