Using Authorization Client

UserGate Authorization Client is a network application that works at the Winsock level. It connects to UserGate Server using a predefined UDP port (5456 by default) and sends user authorization parameters: the authorization type, username, password, etc.

In the Authorization Client settings the client IP address, UserGate Server port, authorization method and parameters (username/password) are shown in the user profile.

On the first starting UserGate Authorization Client monitors the Registry key: “HKCU\Software\Policies\Entensys\Auth client” to find settings obtained from the Active Directory domain group policies.
If these settings are not found in the Registry, please enter the UserGate Server address manually in the bookmark (third from the top) of the Authorization Client. After the server address definition, press the “Apply” button and go to the second bookmark, where the authorization parameters are shown. These parameters will be stored in the Registry key: “HKCU\Software\Entensys\Auth client” when the settings are saved.

Figure 5. Authorization Client settings.

UserGate Authorization Client shows received/sent bytes statistics, time spent online and the cost. In addition to the Authorization Client there is a link on the user’s personal page. You can also change the Authorization Client’s look by editing the *.xml template located in the client’s parent directory.

Important note! Authorization Client is not supported for Terminal users.