Scan Items tab

Option definitions

Configure detection options for the on-demand email scanner.

Option Definition
Messages to scan
  • All highlighted items — Scan selected email messages and folders.
  • All messages in the Inbox folder — Scan all messages currently in the Inbox folder and its subfolders.
    • Scan unread messages only — Scan all unread messages currently in the Inbox folder and its subfolders.
Attachments to scan
  • All file types — Scan all types of files, regardless of extension.
  • Default + additional file types — Scan the default list of extensions plus any additions you specify. The default list is defined by the current DAT file. Select Default + additional file types, then enter file extensions separated by spaces in the text box.

    Also scan for macros in all attachments— If you selected Default + additional file types, you can also search for known macro threats in all files.

  • Specified file types — Create a list of user-specified extensions to be scanned. You can also remove any extensions you added previously.

    Select Specified file types, then enter file extensions separated by spaces in the text box.

  • Find unknown program threats and trojans — Use heuristic scanning to detect executable files that have code resembling malware.
  • Find unknown macro threats — Use heuristic scanning to detect unknown macro viruses.
  • Find attachments with multiple extensions — Treat attachments with multiple extensions as a threat.

    When you select this option, an Email Scan Warning dialog box appears. Click OK to confirm your selection.

Compressed files
  • Scan inside archives — Examine archive (compressed) files and their contents.

    Although it provides better protection, scanning compressed files can increase the time required to perform a scan.

  • Decode MIME encoded files — Detect, decode, and scan Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) encoded files.
Unwanted programs detection Detect unwanted programs — Enables the on-delivery email scanner to detect potentially unwanted programs. The email scanner uses the information you configured in the Unwanted Programs Policy to detect potentially unwanted programs.

See Restricting Potentially Unwanted Programs for more information.

Email message body (for Microsoft Outlook only) Scan email message body — Scan the body of Microsoft Outlook email messages.