Adding and editing repositories

Add new repositories or edit existing repositories.

Option definitions

Option Definition
Repository description

Specify the name of the repository.

Retrieve files from
Select the location from which to retrieve files. Default = HTTP repository.
  • HTTP repository — Retrieve files from the HTTP repository location that you designate.
    Note: An HTTP site, like FTP, offers updating independent of network security, but supports higher levels of concurrent connections than FTP.
  • FTP repository — Retrieve files from the FTP repository location that you designate.
    Note: An FTP site offers flexibility of updating without having to adhere to network security permissions. FTP has been less prone to unwanted code attach than HTTP, so it may offer better tolerance.
  • UNC path — Retrieve files from the UNC path location that you designate.
    Note: A UNC site is the quickest and easiest to set up. Cross domain UNC updates require security permissions for each domain, which makes update configuration more involved.
  • Local path — Retrieve files from the local path location that you designate.
Available only if you selected HTTP repository or FTP repository.
  • HTTP — Type the location for the HTTP server and folder where the update files are located.
  • FTP — Type the location for the FTP server and folder where the update files are located.
Available only if you selected UNC path or Local path.
  • UNC path — Using UNC notation (\\servername\path\), type the path of the repository where the update files are located.
  • Local path — Type the path of the local folder in which you have placed the update files, or click Browse to navigate tot he folder. The path can be that of a folder on a local drive or a network drive.

Available only if you selected HTTP repository or FTP repository. Type the port number for the HTTP or FTP server you specified.

Use authentication

Use anonymous login

Use logged on account

Use the specified credentials for accessing the repository.

The title of this option differs depending on which option you selected in the Retrieve files from section.

The credentials you specify are used by AutoUpdate to access the repository so that it can download the required update files. When configuring the account credentials on the repository, you ensure that the account has read permissions to the folders containing the update files.
  • Download credentials are required for FTP and UNC repositories, but are optional for HTTP repositories.
  • FTP updates support anonymous repository connections.
  • With UNC updates you can also use the logged on account, making use of the logged on user's permissions to access the repository.
User name

Type the user name


Type the password.


Type the password again to confirm it.