Открытый Свойства

  Имя Описание
public property Actor T:Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.IClaimsIdentity of the calling party that was granted delegation rights.
public propertystatic AnonymousIdentity Returns a ClaimsIdentity with zero claims.
public property AuthenticationType Gets the type of authentication used.
public property BootstrapToken Gets or sets the token that was originally used to create this identity.
public property Claims Gets the list of T:Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.Claim values associated with this identity.
public property IsAuthenticated Gets a value that indicates whether the user has been authenticated.
public property Label A string label for the user who is represented by this IClaimsIdentity.
public property Name Gets the name of the current user.
public property NameClaimType Provides access to the name of the claim type used to determine IIdentity.Name.
public property RoleClaimType Claim type used for IPrincipal.IsInRole.

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