Scan Tab

Scan Tab

Files and folders to be excluded from scanning can be specified in this tab.

Location of excluded folders. Here you can create a list of folders (for example, the Quarantine folder, program files folders) excluded from scanning.

To create a list of excluded folders:

· Enter a path to the folder you do not want to be scanned. You can also click  the button and select the necessary object.
· Click the Add button. The folder will be added to the list.
· To remove a folder from the list, select it and click the Remove button.

Excluded files. Here you can create a list of files (file masks) to be excluded from scanning. If a mask is specified, all files the names of which match the mask will be excluded from scanning (this option is appropriate for temporary files, swap files, etc).

To create a list of excluded files:

· Enter a file name or a mask to be excluded from scanning. You can also click the  button and select a file. * and ? symbols can be used instead of a part of a file name. * is used instead of any symbol combination; ? is used instead of only one (any) symbol .
· Click the Add button. The file mask will be added to the list.
· To remove an object from the list, select it and click the Remove button.


To exclude a specific file from scanning, add the path to this file (you can use the button) and its name (specify the file name manually) to the list of Excluded folders.


In this pane you can also enable or disable the heuristic analyzer (helps to detect suspicious objects that can be infected with unknown viruses). By default, this option is enabled. It is not recommended to disable the option.

For more details on a certain option, click on a corresponding item in the picture above.

To view parameters set at another tab click the name of this tab.