The following sample answer file describes the parameters that you can modify when using an answer file to run any type of unattended installation of Forefront Protection 2010 for Exchange Server (FPE). It is recommended that you use an XML editor such as XML Notepad or Microsoft Word when editing this file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

- <FSSAnswerFile>


Accept (true) or reject (false) the FPE license agreement. By default, this is set to false, so you must set this value to true if you want the FPE installation to run.


Accept (true) or reject (false) restarting the services before running the installation of FPE. By default, this is set to false, so you must set this value to true if you want the FPE installation to run. The services that are stopped and started if present are: Microsoft Exchange Transport, Microsoft Exchange Information Store (only on upgrades), Clustered Mailbox Server (only on active clusters, instead of restarting the Information Store), and MOM (on upgrades only).


Accept (true) or reject (false) that FPE will replace any existing third-party antimalware scanners. By default, this is set to false, so you must set this value to true if you want the FPE installation to run.


Specify the type of installation. Leave the default value of Full.

- <Folders>

- <!--

Leave the parameters in this section empty in order to use the default values; however, do not delete the tags or the installation program will fail.


<ProgramFolder> <ProgramFolder />

This folder is where executable files related to the installation of FPE are stored. To use the default program folder, leave this parameter empty. Otherwise, enter a fully qualified path for the folder into which the executable files are to be placed.

<DataFolder> <DataFolder />

This folder is where data files, such as quarantined files and archived files, will be placed. It is recommended that you select a drive that has sufficient space to store a large amount of files. To use the default data folder, leave this parameter empty. Otherwise, enter a fully qualified path for the folder into which the data files are to be placed. Note that if you are installing an SCC cluster, the data folder must be a shared drive for the active node and left blank for the passive node.

Do not specify a data folder location that is at the root of any volume where the virtual memory paging file is set, for example C:\. This causes the installation program to fail. You should also not specify the same location for the program folder and the data folder.

</Folders> -

- <ProxyInformation>


If you use a proxy server for engine and definition updates, type true; otherwise, leave the default value of false.

<ServerName> <ServerName />

If you are using a proxy server for engine and definition updates, type the name or IP address of the proxy server.


If you are using a proxy server for engine and definition updates, type the port of the proxy server.

<UserName> <UserName/>

If your proxy server requires a user name, type this value here.

<Password> <Password/>

If your proxy server user name requires a password, type this value here.

</ProxyInformation> -

<EnableAntiSpamNow>false</EnableAntiSpamNow >

If you want to enable FPE antispam functionality at installation time, type true; otherwise, leave the default value of false.

It is strongly recommended that you enable FPE antispam now. Until you do so, any changes that you make to the antispam settings with the user interface will not work. If you want to enable the FPE antispam component later, this can be done by using the Forefront Protection 2010 for Exchange Server Administrator Console (see Enabling antispam protection) or by typing the following Windows PwoerShell command: Set-FseSpamFiltering -Enabled $true (for more information about this command, see the PowerShell help).


If you want to join the Customer Experience Improvement Program for FPE, type true; otherwise, leave the default value of false. The Customer Experience Improvement Program collects information about computer hardware and how you use FPE. This information helps Microsoft identify which FPE features to improve. If you choose to participate in this program, nothing else is required on your part. All information gathered is confidential and is not used to identify or contact you. Note that if you do not join this program now, you can elect to do so at a later date by following the steps in Joining the Customer Experience Improvement Program.

</FSSAnswerFile> -

After you have installed FPE, it is recommended that you view the Release Notes file and perform the configuration steps described in Performing your initial configuration.

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