Network listeners

When you create a server publishing rule to publish a server, you are actually configuring Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2006 to listen for requests from clients on behalf of that server. You must configure a network listener on the ISA Server computer, which waits for requests from clients. When you configure a network listener, you specify the network corresponding to the network adapter on the ISA Server computer that will listen for incoming requests for the published service. The listener can listen on all IP addresses associated with a network or on specific IP addresses.

ISA Server listens on the specified network adapter, using the port number associated with the protocol that the server is publishing.

For instructions, see Configure network listeners for a server publishing rule.

Selecting listener networks (IP addresses)

The listener network, or networks, that you select depend on the networks from which clients will connect to the published server. For example, if the service you are publishing accepts client requests from the Internet (External network), you should select the External network for the listener. By selecting the External network, you are selecting the IP addresses on the ISA Server computer that are associated with the External network adapter. If you do not limit the IP addresses, all IP addresses associated with the selected network adapter will be included in the listener configuration.

In addition, for the rule to work, traffic sources (network entities) specified in the From tab of the publishing rule properties must be included in a network selected as a network listener.

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