Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000 |
The ISA Server cache is administered through the cache COM objects. The objects are described briefly here and in more detail in the ISA Server reference section.
See the ISA Server administration object model to view how the cache-related objects fit into the entire object hierarchy.
The FPCCache object is primarily a container for most of the configuration objects listed below. You can access the FPCCacheConfiguration and FPCCacheContents objects directly through this object. You can access the FPCActiveCacheConfiguration, FPCFTPCacheConfiguration, and FPCHTTPCacheConfiguration objects through the FPCCacheConfiguration object.
This object is a property of the FPCArray object and administers the cache for the entire array.
The FPCCacheConfiguration object is primarily a container for the FPCActiveCacheConfiguration, FPCHTTPCacheConfiguration, and FPCFTPCacheConfiguration objects, which provide access to, respectively, the active caching, HTTP caching, and FTP caching configuration settings.
The FPCActiveCacheConfiguration object provides access to the active cache configuration settings of an ISA Server computer.
Active caching is the opposite of passive caching, which is caching in reaction to a specific user request for content. If there is room in the cache, the requested object will be stored in the cache.
Through active caching, ISA can automatically determine the most popular Web sites visited by its clients, determine how frequently those sites update their content, and then automatically obtain and cache the new content when the old content in the cache has expired. Once it is activated, active caching works automatically.
The FTPCacheConfiguration object provides access to the FTP cache configuration settings of an ISA Server computer. FTP caching is the caching of FTP objects. You can use this object to choose whether to activate FTP object caching and configure FTP caching settings.
The HTTPCacheConfiguration object provides access to the HTTP cache configuration settings of an ISA Server computer. HTTP caching is the caching of HTTP objects. You can use this object to choose whether to activate HTTP object caching and configure HTTP caching settings.
The FPCCacheContents object permits greater control over active caching through the FPCCacheContents.FetchUrl method. This method is used to specify to the cache the URLs to be prefetched or actively retrieved from the Internet and stored in the cache.
The FPCScheduledContentDownload collection allows you to create a list of predefined scheduled content download tasks. Each task is represented by an FPCScheduledContentDownloadConfig object.
The FPCCacheDrive object represents a single cache-drive object of an ISA Server computer, and the FPCCacheDrives collection represents a collection of cache drives. The FPCCacheDrive objects allow an administrator to programmatically access and adjust the size of the drives.