Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000


See file allocation table (FAT).
fault tolerance
The ability of ISA servers in a domain array to take over the responsibilities of a failed server.
file allocation table (FAT)
A table or list maintained by some operating systems to keep track of the status of various segments of disk space used for file storage. See also Windows 2000 file system (NTFS).
file transfer protocol (FTP)
The Internet standard protocol for transferring files between computers. FTP uses the Telnet and TCP protocols. The server requires a client to supply a logon user name and password before honoring requests. See also anonymous logon.
A means of excluding information that does not match a predefined set of specifications. See application filter.
A security system intended to protect an organization's network against external threats, such as hackers, coming from another network, such as the Internet. See also application gateway.
Firewall service
An API service used by ISA Server that provides redirection and remote execution of Windows Sockets (Winsock) applications over connections involving a computer on an internal network (intranet) computer and remote computers on the Internet.
Firewall service completion port
A completion port created by Windows 2000 at the request of the Firewall service that is associated with the proxy. See completion port.
See fully qualified domain name.
forward proxy
A Web proxy scenario where internal clients access the Internet.
fresh data
Cached data that is verified to be current and consistent with its source.
See File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
In TCP/IP, host names with their domain names appended to them. For example, a computer with host name zebra and domain name has an FQDN of See also Domain Name System (DNS).