Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000

Web Proxy Notification Structures

Web proxy service of ISA Server works with the notifications described here. Detailed information about the notification structures can be found in the Web filter reference.


This structure contains information about the SF_NOTIFY_ACCESS_DENIED event. The Web proxy service provides a pointer to this structure when the user is presented with an Access Denied error message.


This structure contains information about the SF_NOTIFY_AUTH_COMPLETE event. This event is fired after the client identity has been authenticated by the Web proxy service. The structure includes methods that allow you to view or modify the request method, URL, version, or headers sent from the client. The structure also contains a method that retrieves a handle to the token of the authenticated user whom the Web proxy is impersonating.


This structure contains information about the SF_NOTIFY_AUTHENTICATION event. The Web proxy service provides a pointer to this structure when it is authenticating a user.


This structure is used by HttpFilterProc to obtain information about the current request. The structure includes pointers to the following functions:


This structure contains information about the SF_NOTIFY_LOG event. The Web proxy service provides a pointer to this structure when it is writing information to a log file.


This structure contains information about the SF_NOTIFY_PREPROC_HEADERS event. The Web proxy service provides a pointer to this structure when it is preprocessing a request's headers.


This structure contains information about the SF_NOTIFY_READ_RAW_DATA or SF_NOTIFY_SEND_RAW_DATA event. The Web proxy service provides a pointer to this structure when it is reading or sending raw data.


Web filters receive this notification immediately before they send headers to the client. The filter can inspect, modify, or add headers the client will receive as part of the response to the client's original request.


This structure does not apply to ISA Server's implementation of ISAPI.


This structure is used by the GetFilterVersion function to obtain the filter's version information.