Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000

FPCScheduledContentDownloadConfig.StartDateDay Property

Gets or sets the date, as a day, to start the scheduled content download.

VBScript Syntax[VBScript]

FPCScheduledContentDownloadConfig.StartDateDay [ = lStartDateDay ]

C++ Syntax[C++]

HRESULT get_StartDateDay(
  long *plStartDateDay
HRESULT put_StartDateDay(
  long lStartDateDay


Long value that specifies the day.

The property is read-write.


The date to start the scheduled content download is in the form of, where dd equals the two-digit day, mm equals the two-digit month, and yyyy equals the four-digit year. The day is set by the StartDateDay property, the month is set by the StartDateMonth property, and the year is set by the StartDateYear property.

Applies To
