Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000 |
The FwxConnectEvent structure contains parameters for the fwx_Connect_Tcp event.
This information concerns a connect call made by a Firewall client, or a TCP connection initiated by a SecureNAT client.
typedef struct { LPSOCKADDR Address; DWORD AddressLength; IFWXConnection * piConnection; FwxFilterAccess FilterAccess; } FwxConnectEvent;
SecureNAT connections will generate an event only if the connection is to a port that is a primary port of a predefined protocol (including protocols defined by IFWXFilterAdmin::RegisterProtocolForFilter) or to an address specified in a call to IFWXSession::AllowFutureConnect. Other connection attempts are dropped by the system before they reach the Firewall service. For more information about NAT and SecureNAT, see Secure Network Address Translation.
Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
Version: Requires ISA Server 2000.
Header: Wspfwext.idl.
FwxFirewallEventParameters, FwxFirewallEventType