Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000 |
The VBScript script that combines all of the steps in Configuring the ISA Server policy for the organization is shown in the following code.
Sub FirewallPolicy() 'Set the enterprise policy default settings to Use array policy. 'Set all of the enum constants that are used in the script const fpcArrayPolicyUsed = 0 const fpcAllDestinations = 0 const fpcPrimaryRouteDirect = 0 const fpcServeFromCacheIfValidObjectExists = 0 const fpcPrimaryConnection = 0 const fpcActionAllow = 0 const fpcAppliesToClientSets = 2 const fpcSpecifiedProtocols = 1 const fpcArrayScope = 0 const fpcAppliesToAll = 0 const fpcSpecifiedDestinationSet = 3 const fpcRuleActionPermit = 0 const fpcAppliesToAllContent = 0 'Create the root object Set objFPC = CreateObject("FPC.root") objFPC.Enterprise.SetPolicy fpcArrayPolicyUsed 'save your changes objFPC.Enterprise.Save 'MyPolicies.Save 'Create a dial-up entry called Dial to My ISP and make it the active entry. 'Get the current array Set objMyArray = objFPC.Arrays.GetContainingArray 'Add the dialup entry Set objDialUpEntry = objMyArray.PolicyElements.DialupEntries.Add("Dial to My ISP", "Dialup Network Connection") 'Set the credentials for the dialup entry Set objCredentials = objDialUpEntry.Credentials objCredentials.UserName = "User Name" objCredentials.Password = "Password" 'Set this entry as the active entry objFPC.Arrays.GetContainingArray.PolicyElements.DialupEntries.ActiveEntry = "Dial to My ISP" 'Save the changes objMyArray.Save 'Create the routing rule 'Get the routing rule collection Set objRoutingRules = objMyArray.NetworkConfiguration.RoutingRules 'Add the new routing rule Set objRoutingRule = objRoutingRules.Add("New Rule") 'Configure the new routing rule objRoutingRule.SetDestination (fpcAllDestinations) objRoutingRule.PrimaryRoute.RouteType = fpcPrimaryRouteDirect objRoutingRule.UseCacheCondition = fpcServeFromCacheIfValidObjectExists 'Save the new rule objRoutingRule.Save 'Create and configure the firewall chaining object Set objFirewallChaining = objMyArray.NetworkConfiguration.FirewallChaining objFirewallChaining.ForwardType = fpcPrimaryConnection objFirewallChaining.ChainingAutoDialOut.EnableAutoDial = True 'Save the change objFirewallChaining.Save 'Create three client address sets, one for each of the departments. Set MyClientSets = objFPC.Arrays.GetContainingArray.PolicyElements.ClientAddressSets 'Add the client address set for Sales Set MyClientSet = MyClientSets.Add("Sales") 'Add a range of IP addresses to the client address set Set MyClientSet = MyClientSet.Add("", "") 'Add the client address set for Research and Development Set MyClientSet = MyClientSets.Add("Research and Development") 'Add a range of IP addresses to the client address set Set MyClientSet = MyClientSet.Add("", "") 'Add the client address set for HR Set MyClientSet = MyClientSets.Add("HR") 'Add a range of IP addresses to the client address set Set MyClientSet = MyClientSet.Add("", "") MyClientSets.Save 'Create a schedule called After Hours. ' get the schedule collection of the current array Set MySchedules = objFPC.Arrays.GetContainingArray.PolicyElements.Schedules ' Add new Schedule Set objNewSchedule = MySchedules.Add("After Hours") ' Set the Schedule times to all week, after normal work hours objNewSchedule.Set fpcALL_WEEK, fpcPM_5 - fpcAM_6 ' save your changes MySchedules.Save 'Create a bandwidth priority called Windows Media Bandwidth 'Get the bandwidth priority collection Set BandwidthPriorities = objFPC.Arrays.GetContainingArray.PolicyElements.BandwidthPriorities ' Add new bandwidth priority Set objNewBandwidthPriority = BandwidthPriorities.Add("Windows Media Bandwidth", 10, 10) 'Save your changes BandwidthPriorities.Save 'Create the first protocol rule 'Get the protocol rules collection Set ProtocolRules = objMyArray.ArrayPolicy.ProtocolRules Set ProtocolRule = ProtocolRules.Add ("HTTP Rule 1") 'Configure the rule ProtocolRule.Action = fpcActionAllow ProtocolRule.AppliesToMethod = fpcAppliesToClientSets ProtocolRule.Enabled = True ProtocolRule.ProtocolSelectionMethod = fpcSpecifiedProtocols ProtocolRule.SpecifiedProtocols.Add ("HTTP") ProtocolRule.SetAppliesAlways() Set MyClientSets = ProtocolRule.ClientAddressSetsUsed MyClientSets.Add "Sales", "", fpcArrayScope MyClientSets.Add "Research and Development", "", fpcArrayScope 'Save the change ProtocolRule.Save 'Add the second protocol rule Set ProtocolRule = ProtocolRules.Add ("HTTP Rule 2") 'Configure the rule ProtocolRule.Action = fpcActionAllow ProtocolRule.AppliesToMethod = fpcAppliesToClientSets ProtocolRule.Enabled = True ProtocolRule.ProtocolSelectionMethod = fpcSpecifiedProtocols ProtocolRule.SpecifiedProtocols.Add ("HTTP") ProtocolRule.SetSchedule( "After Hours") Set MyClientSets = ProtocolRule.ClientAddressSetsUsed MyClientSets.Add "HR", "", fpcArrayScope 'Save the change ProtocolRule.Save 'Add the third protocol rule Set ProtocolRule = ProtocolRules.Add ("Windows Media Rule") 'Configure the rule ProtocolRule.Action = fpcActionAllow ProtocolRule.AppliesToMethod = fpcAppliesToAll ProtocolRule.Enabled = True ProtocolRule.ProtocolSelectionMethod = fpcSpecifiedProtocols 'To specify the Windows Media protocol, you need the GUID of the Streaming Media Filter ProtocolRule.SpecifiedProtocols.Add "MMS - Windows Media","{473ED0E1-6371-4ED2-9F95-A676B66659A2}",fpcArrayScope ProtocolRule.SetSchedule( "After Hours") 'Save the change ProtocolRule.Save 'Create the destination set if it doesn't exist already 'This example includes a single site, so this rule could be very restrictive! 'Get the destination sets collection Set MyFPCDestinationSets = objFPC.Arrays.GetContainingArray.PolicyElements.DestinationSets 'Add a new set to the collection Set MyFPCDestinationSet = MyFPCDestinationSets.Add("Approved Sites") 'Add a new destination to the set Set MyFPCDestination = MyFPCDestinationSet.Add("") MyFPCDestinationSets.Save ' save your changes MyFPCDestinationSets.Save 'Create the site and content rule 'Get the site and content rules collection Set MySiteAndContentRules = objFPC.Arrays.GetContainingArray.ArrayPolicy.SiteAndContentRules 'Add new rule object Set NewSiteAndContentRule = MySiteAndContentRules.Add("Site Restriction Rule") 'Configure the site and content rule NewSiteAndContentRule.Description = "Allow only corporate-approved sites" NewSiteAndContentRule.SetDestination fpcSpecifiedDestinationSet, "Approved Sites" NewSiteAndContentRule.SetAppliesAlways NewSiteAndContentRule.Action = fpcRuleActionPermit NewSiteAndContentRule.AppliesToMethod = fpcAppliesToClientSets Set MyClientSets = NewSiteAndContentRule.ClientAddressSetsUsed MyClientSets.Add "Sales", "", fpcArrayScope MyClientSets.Add "Research and Development", "", fpcArrayScope ' save your changes MySiteAndContentRules.Save 'Create the bandwidth rule 'Get the bandwidth rules collection Set BandwidthRules = objMyArray.BandwidthRules 'Add a rule Set BandwidthRule = BandwidthRules.Add("Bandwidth Rule 1") 'The following seven lines define the bandwidth rule BandwidthRule.ProtocolSelectionMethod = fpcSpecifiedProtocols BandwidthRule.SpecifiedProtocols.Add "MMS - Windows Media", "{473ED0E1-6371-4ED2-9F95-A676B66659A2}", fpcArrayScope BandwidthRule.SetSchedule ("After Hours") BandwidthRule.SetDestination (fpcAllDestinations) BandwidthRule.AppliesToMethod = fpcAppliesToAll BandwidthRule.AppliesToContentMethod = fpcAppliesToAllContent BandwidthRule.SetBandwidthPriority False, "Windows Media Bandwidth" 'Save the rule BandwidthRule.Save End Sub FirewallPolicy