Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000

Configuring the ISA Server policy for the organization

After setting up the server, the administrator considers the organization's business needs — who requires access to the Internet. These needs are mapped to an ISA Server policy, which the administrator configures either by scripting or by using ISA Management. For this example, assume that the corporation includes three departments: Sales, Research and Development, and Human Resources. The organization stipulates that Sales and Research and Development be allowed unlimited HTTP access, but only to a specific list of Web sites. The Human Resources department is allowed HTTP access after hours. In addition, all employees can access Windows media applications after hours, but at a lower bandwidth priority.

The administrator configures an array policy, creating a set of access policy rules that allow or limit access, in accordance with the scenario described above. The administrator follows the steps shown below to implement the policy.

Note  The relevant portion of the administrator's script is shown for each step. Each portion could be run as an independent script because it creates the root object by using the code:

Set objFPC = CreateObject("FPC.root")

Each script also includes definitions of enumerated values. Where appropriate, each script creates an object "objMyArray" that is equal to the array on which the script is run:

Set objMyArray = objFPC.Arrays.GetContainingArray

If the script were to be run as a single script, you would only have to create the root object once, define each enumerated value once, and create the array object once. The complete firewall policy script is shown at the end of this topic.

  1. Set the enterprise policy default settings to Use array policy.
    Sub SetMyPolicy()
    'Create the root object
    Set objFPC = CreateObject("FPC.root")
    objFPC.Enterprise.SetPolicy fpcArrayPolicyUsed
    'save your changes
  2. Create a dial-up entry called Dial to My ISP, and make it the active entry.
    Sub NewDialUpEntry()
    Set objFPC = CreateObject("FPC.root")
    'Get the current array
    Set objMyArray = objFPC.Arrays.GetContainingArray
    'Add the dialup entry
    Set objDialUpEntry = objMyArray.PolicyElements.DialupEntries.Add("Dial to My ISP", "Dialup Network Connection")
    'Set the credentials for the dialup entry
    Set objCredentials = objDialUpEntry.Credentials
    objCredentials.UserName = "User Name"
    objCredentials.Password = "Password"
    'Set this entry as the active entry
    objFPC.Arrays.GetContainingArray.PolicyElements.DialupEntries.ActiveEntry = "Dial to My ISP"
    'Save the changes
    End Sub
  3. Create a routing rule with the following parameters:
    Sub RoutingRule()
    const fpcAllDestinations = 0
    const fpcPrimaryRouteDirect = 0
    const fpcServeFromCacheIfValidObjectExists = 0
    Set objFPC = CreateObject("FPC.Root")
    Set objMyArray = objFPC.Arrays.GetContainingArray
    'Get the routing rules collection
    Set objRoutingRules = objMyArray.NetworkConfiguration.RoutingRules
    'Add the new routing rule
    Set objRoutingRule = objRoutingRules.Add("New Rule")
    'Configure the new routing rule
    objRoutingRule.SetDestination (fpcAllDestinations)
    objRoutingRule.PrimaryRoute.RouteType = fpcPrimaryRouteDirect
    objRoutingRule.UseCacheCondition = fpcServeFromCacheIfValidObjectExists
    'Save the new rule
  4. Configure Firewall chaining as follows:
    Sub FWChaining()
    const fpcPrimaryConnection = 0
    Set objFPC = CreateObject("FPC.Root")
    Set objMyArray = objFPC.Arrays.GetContainingArray
    'Create and configure the firewall chaining object
    Set objFirewallChaining = objMyArray.NetworkConfiguration.FirewallChaining
    objFirewallChaining.ForwardType = fpcPrimaryConnection
    objFirewallChaining.ChainingAutoDialOut.EnableAutoDial = True
    'Save the change
    End Sub
  5. Create three client address sets, one for each of the departments. Each set should include the users or IP addresses for the department. Example ranges are used here.
    Sub ClientSets()
    Set objFPC = CreateObject("FPC.Root")
    Set MyClientSets = objFPC.Arrays.GetContainingArray.PolicyElements.ClientAddressSets
    'Add the client address set for Sales 
    Set MyClientSet = MyClientSets.Add("Sales")
    'Add a range of IP addresses to the client address set
    Set MyClientSet = MyClientSet.Add("", "")
    'Add the client address set for Research and Development
    Set MyClientSet = MyClientSets.Add("Research and Development")
    'Add a range of IP addresses to the client address set
    Set MyClientSet = MyClientSet.Add("", "")
    'Add the client address set for HR
    Set MyClientSet = MyClientSets.Add("HR")
    'Add a range of IP addresses to the client address set
    Set MyClientSet = MyClientSet.Add("", "")
    MyClientSets.SaveEnd Sub
  6. Create a schedule called After Hours.
    Sub NewSchedule()
    Set objFPC  = CreateObject ("FPC.Root")
    ' get the schedule collection of the current array
    Set MySchedules = objFPC.Arrays.GetContainingArray.PolicyElements.Schedules
    ' Add new Schedule
    Set objNewSchedule = MySchedules.Add("After Hours")
    ' Set the Schedule times to all week, after normal work hours
    objNewSchedule.Set fpcALL_WEEK, fpcPM_5 - fpcAM_6
    ' save your changes
    End Sub
  7. Create a bandwidth priority called Windows Media Bandwidth, with the outbound bandwidth and the inbound bandwidth set to 10.
    Sub BWPriority()
    Set objFPC  = CreateObject ("FPC.Root")
    'Get the bandwidth priority collection
    Set BandwidthPriorities = objFPC.Arrays.GetContainingArray.PolicyElements.BandwidthPriorities
    ' Add new bandwidth priority
    Set objNewBandwidthPriority = BandwidthPriorities.Add("Windows Media Bandwidth", 10, 10)
    'Save your changes
    End Sub
  8. Create a protocol rule with the following settings:
    Sub ProtocolRule1()
    Set objFPC  = CreateObject ("FPC.Root")
    const fpcActionAllow = 0
    const fpcAppliesToClientSets = 2
    const fpcSpecifiedProtocols = 1
    const fpcArrayScope = 0
    Set objMyArray = objFPC.Arrays.GetContainingArray
    'Get the protocol rules collection
    Set ProtocolRules = objMyArray.ArrayPolicy.ProtocolRules
    'Add a new protocol rule
    Set ProtocolRule = ProtocolRules.Add ("HTTP Rule 1")
    'Configure the rule
    ProtocolRule.Action = fpcActionAllow
    ProtocolRule.AppliesToMethod = fpcAppliesToClientSets
    ProtocolRule.Enabled = True
    ProtocolRule.ProtocolSelectionMethod = fpcSpecifiedProtocols
    ProtocolRule.SpecifiedProtocols.Add ("HTTP")
    Set MyClientSets = ProtocolRule.ClientAddressSetsUsed
    MyClientSets.Add "Sales", "", fpcArrayScope
    MyClientSets.Add "Research and Development", "", fpcArrayScope
    'Save the change
    End Sub
  9. Create a protocol rule with the following settings:
    Sub ProtocolRule2()
    Set objFPC  = CreateObject ("FPC.Root")
    const fpcActionAllow = 0
    const fpcAppliesToClientSets = 2
    const fpcSpecifiedProtocols = 1
    const fpcArrayScope = 0
    Set objMyArray = objFPC.Arrays.GetContainingArray
    'Get the protocol rules collection
    Set ProtocolRules = objMyArray.ArrayPolicy.ProtocolRules
    'Add a new protocol rule
    Set ProtocolRule = ProtocolRules.Add ("HTTP Rule 2")
    'Configure the rule
    ProtocolRule.Action = fpcActionAllow
    ProtocolRule.AppliesToMethod = fpcAppliesToClientSets
    ProtocolRule.Enabled = True
    ProtocolRule.ProtocolSelectionMethod = fpcSpecifiedProtocols
    ProtocolRule.SpecifiedProtocols.Add ("HTTP")
    ProtocolRule.SetSchedule( "After Hours")
    Set MyClientSets = ProtocolRule.ClientAddressSetsUsed
    MyClientSets.Add "HR", "", fpcArrayScope
    'Save the change
    End Sub
  10. Create a protocol rule with the following settings:
    Sub ProtocolRule3()
    Set objFPC  = CreateObject ("FPC.Root")
    const fpcActionAllow = 0
    const fpcAppliesToAll = 0
    const fpcSpecifiedProtocols = 1
    const fpcArrayScope = 0
    Set objMyArray = objFPC.Arrays.GetContainingArray
    'Get the protocol rules collection
    Set ProtocolRules = objMyArray.ArrayPolicy.ProtocolRules
    'Add a new protocol rule
    Set ProtocolRule = ProtocolRules.Add ("Windows Media Rule 2")
    'Configure the rule
    ProtocolRule.Action = fpcActionAllow
    ProtocolRule.AppliesToMethod = fpcAppliesToAll 
    ProtocolRule.Enabled = True
    ProtocolRule.ProtocolSelectionMethod = fpcSpecifiedProtocols
    'To specify the Windows Media protocol, you need the GUID of the Streaming Media Filter
    ProtocolRule.SpecifiedProtocols.Add "MMS - Windows Media","{473ED0E1-6371-4ED2-9F95-A676B66659A2}",fpcArrayScope
    ProtocolRule.SetSchedule( "After Hours")
    'Save the change
    End Sub
  11. Create a site and content rule with the following settings:
    Sub DestinationSet()
    'First create the destination set if it doesn't exist already
    'This example includes a single site, so this rule could be very restrictive!
    set objFPC = CreateObject  ("FPC.Root")
    'Get the destination sets collection
    Set MyFPCDestinationSets = objFPC.Arrays.GetContainingArray.PolicyElements.DestinationSets
    'Add a new set to the collection
    Set MyFPCDestinationSet = MyFPCDestinationSets.Add("Approved Sites")
    'Add a new destination to the set
    Set MyFPCDestination = MyFPCDestinationSet.Add("")
    ' save your changes
    End Sub
    Sub SiteAndContent()
    'Now create the site and content rule
    const fpcSpecifiedDestinationSet = 3
    const fpcRuleActionPermit = 0
    const fpcAppliesToClientSets = 2
    const fpcArrayScope = 0
    set objFPC = CreateObject  ("FPC.Root")
    Set objMyArray = objFPC.Arrays.GetContainingArray
    'Get the site and content rules collection
    Set MySiteAndContentRules = objFPC.Arrays.GetContainingArray.ArrayPolicy.SiteAndContentRules
    'Add new rule object
    Set NewSiteAndContentRule = MySiteAndContentRules.Add("Site Restriction Rule")
    'Configure the site and content rule
    NewSiteAndContentRule.Description = "Allow only corporate-approved sites"
    NewSiteAndContentRule.SetDestination fpcSpecifiedDestinationSet, "Approved Sites"
    NewSiteAndContentRule.Action = fpcRuleActionPermit
    NewSiteAndContentRule.AppliesToMethod = fpcAppliesToClientSets
    Set MyClientSets = NewSiteAndContentRule.ClientAddressSetsUsed
    MyClientSets.Add "Sales", "", fpcArrayScope
    MyClientSets.Add "Research and Development", "", fpcArrayScope
    ' save your changes
    End Sub
  12. Create a bandwidth rule with the following settings:
    Sub BWRule()
    const fpcSpecifiedProtocols = 1
    const fpcAllDestinations = 0
    const fpcAppliesToAll = 0
    const fpcAppliesToAllContent = 0
    set objFPC = CreateObject  ("FPC.Root")
    Set objMyArray = objFPC.Arrays.GetContainingArray
    'Get the bandwidth rules collection
    Set BandwidthRules = objMyArray.BandwidthRules
    'Add a rule
    Set BandwidthRule = BandwidthRules.Add("Bandwidth Rule 1")
    'The following seven lines define the bandwidth rule
    BandwidthRule.ProtocolSelectionMethod = fpcSpecifiedProtocols
    BandwidthRule.SpecifiedProtocols.Add "MMS - Windows Media", "{473ED0E1-6371-4ED2-9F95-A676B66659A2}", fpcArrayScope
    BandwidthRule.SetSchedule ("After Hours")
    BandwidthRule.SetDestination (fpcAllDestinations)
    BandwidthRule.AppliesToMethod = fpcAppliesToAll
    BandwidthRule.AppliesToContentMethod = fpcAppliesToAllContent
    BandwidthRule.SetBandwidthPriority False, "Windows Media Bandwidth"
    'Save the rule
    End Sub