Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000 |
The followingportion of Visual Basic code adds a new site and content rule called "Workday Site Restriction". It refers to the "Extended Work Hours" schedule, which you can see in Add a Schedule. The example here also refers to the destination set "Sports Sites" that appeared in the example in Add a Destination Set.
Dim objFPC As New FPCLib.FPC ' declare collection Dim MySiteAndContentRules As FPCSiteAndContentRules ' declare rule object Dim objNewSiteAndContentRule As FPCSiteAndContentRule ' get the rule collection of the current array Set MySiteAndContentRules = objFPC.Arrays.GetContainingArray.ArrayPolicy.SiteAndContentRules ' Add new rule object Set objNewSiteAndContentRule = MySiteAndContentRules.Add("Workday Site Restriction") objNewSiteAndContentRule.Description = "Deny sports sites" objNewSiteAndContentRule.SetDestination fpcSpecifiedDestinationSet, "Sports Sites" objNewSiteAndContentRule.SetSchedule "Extended Work Hours", fpcArrayScope objNewSiteAndContentRule.Action = fpcRuleActionDeny ' save your changes MySiteAndContentRules.Save
Note that the changes will not be saved to persistent storage until the last line of code, where the Save method is called.
FPCSiteAndContentRule Object, Modify a Site and Content Rule