Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 SDK


The FPCSnapinNode object represents an ISA Server Management node that is being extended. For more information, see Extending ISA Server Management.

The FPCSnapinNode object cannot be retrieved through a property of an object in the ISA Server object hierarchy based on the FPC object. It is retrieved by querying the IDataObject interface of the data object of the ISA Server node that is being extended.


The FPCSnapinNode object defines the following method.

Method Description
Refresh Recursively reads all the data for the node being extended from persistent storage.


The FPCSnapinNode object has the following properties.

Property Description
ComRoot Gets the FPC root object.
CurrentObject Gets the object that is being extended.
ParentArray Gets an FPCArray object that represents the array under which the extension is being created.
ParentPolicy Gets the enterprise policy object under which the extension is being created. The enterprise policy object is not available in ISA Server, Standard Edition.
PluginPolicy Gets an FPCSnapinPluginPolicy object that defines the plug-in policy for the node being extended.


This object implements the IFPCSnapinNode interface.


Server: Requires Windows Server 2003 or Windows 2000.
Version: Requires Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004.
Header: Declared in Msfpccom.idl.
Library: Use Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 Administration Library.

See Also

COM Objects