Kaspersky Security Center Automation  10.0
Public Member Functions | Properties
IKlAkGroups Interface Reference

import "klakaut.idl";

Inheritance diagram for IKlAkGroups:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

HRESULT  AddGroup ([in] IKlAkParams *pInfo,[out, retval] long *pnGroupId)
HRESULT  UpdateGroup ([in] long nGroup,[in] IKlAkParams *pInfo)
HRESULT  RemoveGroup ([in] long nGroup,[in] long nFlags)
HRESULT  GetGroupInfo ([in] long nGroupId,[out, retval] IKlAkParams **ppInfo)
HRESULT  GetSubgroups ([in] long nGroupId,[in] long nDepth,[out, retval] IKlAkCollection **ppInfo)
HRESULT  GetGroupId ([in] long nParent,[in] BSTR strName,[out, retval] long *pnGroupId)


long  GroupIdGroups [get]
long  GroupIdUnassigned [get]
long  GroupIdSuper [get]
IKlAkProxy  AdmServer [get, set]
VARIANT  Prop ([in] BSTR strName) [get, set]
KlAkObjType  Type [get]

Detailed Description

Administration groups processing.

Allows to create and destroy administration groups, acquire and modify group attributes, enumerate subgroups. One should set AdmServer property before using the object.
See JScript sample below.

	var oAdmServer = AcquireAdServerProxy();
	var oGroups = new ActiveXObject("klakaut.KlAkGroups");
	oGroups.AdmServer = oAdmServer;

See also Creating group structure based on AD organization units sample, Creating group structure based on cached AD organization units structure sample and Enumerating all groups sample.