Create new administration group.
Creates new group with the specified attributes and returns its
Id. If such group already exists returns Id of existing group.
- Parameters:
- Return values:
pnGroupId |
id of created group (or of existing one)
See JScript call sample below.
var oGroups = new ActiveXObject("klakaut.KlAkGroups");
oGroups.AdmServer = ...
//Fill container with group name and parent group id
var oProps = new ActiveXObject("klakaut.KlAkParams");
oProps.Add("name", "TestGroup");
oProps.Add("parentId", oGroups.GroupIdGroups);
// create new group
var lCreatedGroup = oGroups.AddGroup(oProps);
See also Creating group
structure based on AD organization units sample and Creating group structure based on cached AD
organization units structure sample.