The schema is generated based on the source database table
definition. When you refresh the schema for this management agent,
the connected data source schema is rediscovered, the current
management agent schema is updated, and then Management Agent
Designer starts. In Management Agent Designer, you can correct any
inconsistencies introduced by the updated schema, such as deleted
object types or deleted attributes.
Before creating a management agent for Oracle8i or Oracle9i
Database, you must install the Oracle client on the server running
Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003.
The Microsoft Identity Integration Server service account must
have Full Control permissions to the root Oracle folder, for
example C:\Oracle, and its subfolders. Use the folder properties to
grant the Microsoft Identity Integration Server service account
Full Control permission to the folder and its subfolders and
files. Restart the Microsoft Identity Integration Server service in
order for the new permissions to take effect.
By default, this management agent is run in the same process as
the Microsoft Identity Integration Server service. However, it is
recommended that you run this management agent in its own process
to prevent a crash on the connected data source's client software
from negatively affecting the Microsoft Identity Integration Server service. You can change this setting using the
Run this management agent in a separate process option in
Management Agent Designer. For more information, see Run a
management agent in a separate process.
If you are connecting to both Oracle8i, Enterprise Edition,
Release 8.1.7; and Oracle9i, Enterprise Edition, Release
servers, use the Oracle9i client (Release to connect to
both server versions. Also use the Administrator option when
installing the Oracle9i client.
To support tables containing BLOB, CLOB, NLOB, or BFILE
columns, the management agent for Oracle Database uses the Oracle
OLEDB provider, instead of the Microsoft OLEDB provider.
One object type is created in the connector space for each
table or view.
This management agent supports password management. For more information, see Related Topics.