Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 graphic

Confirm delimited text file format

For this procedure, in Management Agent Designer, on the Delimited Text Format page, Management Agent Designer automatically detects the format of the delimited template input file that you select. If Management Agent Designer incorrectly determines the format, you can change it on this page. You can also specify additional parameters. This page is displayed only when you create a new management agent. To complete this procedure, you must be logged on as a member of the MIISAdmins security group.

To confirm delimited text file format

  1. In Management Agent Designer, on the Delimited Text Format page, verify that the input file is in delimited file format. If the tool has incorrectly determined the file format, click Back, and then verify the selected template input file.
  2. To use names in the first row as header names, select the Use first row for header names check box.


Related Topics


Select a template input file


Using the management agent for delimited text files